
14.2.28  Multiword_Int

The standard library Multiword_Int api defines access to indefinite-precision integer functions and facilities.

The Multiword_Int api is implemented by the multiword_int package.which is a proxy for src/lib/std/src/multiword-int-guts.pkg.

The Multiword_Int api source code is in src/lib/std/src/multiword-int.api.

See also: Int.

The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {
    Int  = Int;
    precision : Null_Or(tagged_int::Int );
    min_int : Null_Or(Int );
    max_int : Null_Or(Int );
    to_multiword_int : Int -> Int;
    from_multiword_int : Int -> Int;
    to_int : Int -> tagged_int::Int;
    from_int : tagged_int::Int -> Int;
    _! : Int -> Int;
    -_ : Int -> Int;
    neg : Int -> Int;
    + : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    - : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    * : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    / : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    % : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    quot : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    rem : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    min : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    max : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    abs : Int -> Int;
    sign : Int -> tagged_int::Int;
    same_sign : (Int , Int) -> Bool;
    > : (Int , Int) -> Bool;
    >= : (Int , Int) -> Bool;
    < : (Int , Int) -> Bool;
    <= : (Int , Int) -> Bool;
    compare : (Int , Int) -> Order;
    to_string : Int -> String;
    from_string : String -> Null_Or(Int );
    scan : number_string::Radix -> number_string::Reader((Char, X)) -> number_string::Reader((Int, X));
    format : number_string::Radix -> Int -> String;
    is_prime : Int -> Bool;
    factors : Int -> List(Int );
    sum : List(Int ) -> Int;
    product : List(Int ) -> Int;
    mean : List(Int ) -> Int;
    median : List(Int ) -> Int;
    list_min : List(Int ) -> Int;
    list_max : List(Int ) -> Int;
    sort : List(Int ) -> List(Int );
    sort_and_drop_duplicates : List(Int ) -> List(Int );
    div_mod : (Int , Int) -> (Int , Int);
    quot_rem : (Int , Int) -> (Int , Int);
    pow : (Int , tagged_int::Int) -> Int;
    log2 : Int -> tagged_int::Int;
    bitwise_or : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    bitwise_xor : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    bitwise_and : (Int , Int) -> Int;
    bitwise_not : Int -> Int;
    << : (Int , Unt) -> Int;
    >>> : (Int , Unt) -> Int;};

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