
14.2.27  Math

The standard library Math api defines access to basic mathematical library functionality, in particular trig and log functions.

The Math api is implemented by the math package.

The Math api source code is in src/lib/std/src/math.api.

The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {
    pi : Float;
    e : Float;
    sqrt : Float -> Float;
    sin : Float -> Float;
    cos : Float -> Float;
    tan : Float -> Float;
    asin : Float -> Float;
    acos : Float -> Float;
    exp : Float -> Float;
    ln : Float -> Float;
    log10 : Float -> Float;
    sinh : Float -> Float;
    cosh : Float -> Float;
    tanh : Float -> Float;
    atan : Float -> Float;
    atan2 : (Float , Float) -> Float;
    pow : (Float , Float) -> Float;
    ** : (Float , Float) -> Float;};

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