
14.4.67  Parser_Combinator

The standard library Parser_Combinator api defines access to parser combinators over readers.

The Parser_Combinator api is implemented by the parser_combinator package.

The Parser_Combinator api source code is in src/lib/src/parser-combinator.api.

The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {
    Parser (X, Y) = number_string::Reader((Char, Y)) -> number_string::Reader((X, Y));
    result : X -> Parser((X, Y));
    failure : Parser((X, Y));
    wrap : (Parser((X, Z)) , (X -> Y)) -> Parser((Y, Z));
    seq : (Parser((X, Z)) , Parser((Y, Z))) -> Parser(((X , Y), Z));
    seq_with : ((X , Y) -> Z) -> (Parser((X, A)) , Parser((Y, A))) -> Parser((Z, A));
    bind : (Parser((X, Z)) , (X -> Parser((Y, Z)))) -> Parser((Y, Z));
    eat_char : (Char -> Bool) -> Parser((Char, X));
    char : Char -> Parser((Char, X));
    string : String -> Parser((String, X));
    skip_before : (Char -> Bool) -> Parser((X, Y)) -> Parser((X, Y));
    or_op : (Parser((X, Y)) , Parser((X, Y))) -> Parser((X, Y));
    or' : List(Parser((X, Y)) ) -> Parser((X, Y));
    zero_or_more : Parser((X, Y)) -> Parser((List(X ), Y));
    one_or_more : Parser((X, Y)) -> Parser((List(X ), Y));
    option : Parser((X, Y)) -> Parser((Null_Or(X ), Y));
    join : Parser((Null_Or(X ), Y)) -> Parser((X, Y));
    token : (Char -> Bool) -> Parser((String, X));};

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