
5.4.12  Vector Slices

C has a very relaxed approach to typing, allowing one to synthesize a pointer to anywhere in memory and call it anything one likes via code like

    float* fp = (float*) 0x1245;

This is often used to advantage in such situations as in writing memory allocators and garbage collectors, where typed values are appearing, moving and disappearing.

A typesafe language like Mythryl cannot be quite that relaxed about pointers. That is one reason the Mythryl garbage collector is written in C, not Mythryl.

C code also often uses pointer arithmetic to refer to a substring of a given string:

    char* long_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    char* last_half   = long_string + 13;

In Mythryl we can and do provide a functionally similar way to create and use references to substrings and subvectors. Mythryl calls these references slices.

Apis supporting vector slicing include:

The Substring api is closely related.

Packages implementing vector slices include:

The substring package is closely related.

Slices optimize time/space performance at the cost of increased code complexity. Like all such optimizations, they should be used only if you have working code which clearly has a substantial performance problem. Absent that, it is better to just create new vectors as needed.

In general slices behave just like the underlying vectors once created:

    linux$ my

    eval:  vector = vector::from_list (0..9);
    #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    eval:  package vs = vector_slice;                     # Short synonym.
    eval:  slice = vs::make_slice (vector, 5, THE 4);     # Offset 5, length 4.

    eval:  for (i = 0; i < vs::length slice; ++i)   printf "%d: %d\n" i (vs::get (slice, i));
    0: 5
    1: 6
    2: 7
    3: 8

    eval:  vs::to_vector slice;                           # Create new vector holding copy of slice contents.
    #[5, 6, 7, 8]

For variety, here is the same example done with a slice of a float64_vector:

    linux$ my

    eval:  vector = vector_of_eight_byte_floats::from_list (map float64::from_int (0..9));
    #[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]

    eval:  package vs = vector_slice_of_eight_byte_floats;
    eval:  slice = vs::make_slice (vector, 5, THE 4);    # Create a slice pointing into above vector.

    eval:  for (i = 0; i < vs::length slice; ++i)  printf "%d: %f\n" i (vs::get (slice, i));
    0: 5.000000
    1: 6.000000
    2: 7.000000
    3: 8.000000

    eval:  vs::to_vector slice;                           # Create new vector holding copy of slice contents.
    #[5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]

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