## free-up-framepointer-in-machcode-intel32-g.pkg
# This transform frees up the ebp register by in essence
# replacing each read ebp[n] with esp[n+d] for an appropriate d.
# See additional comments in:
# Invariants: fp = sp + delta
# && stack grows from high to low
# && fp >= sp
# Assumptions: At the entry node fp = sp + initial_fp_to_sp_delta
# The tricky business is to recognize that things that
# look like registers may really be memory registers.
# -> Lal George's To-do list notes that gcc clearly does not use a
# separate pass to implement this, as we do, with the implication
# that maybe we shouldn't either. :-) XXX SUCKO FIXME
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/backend-intel32.lib# We are invoked from:
package odg = oop_digraph; # oop_digraph is from
src/lib/graph/oop-digraph.pkg package iht = int_hashtable; # int_hashtable is from
src/lib/src/int-hashtable.pkg package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package lhn = lowhalf_notes; # lowhalf_notes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/lowhalf-notes.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
generic package free_up_framepointer_in_machcode_intel32_g (
# =========================================
package mcf: Machcode_Intel32; # Machcode_Intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/machcode-intel32.codemade.api package mcg: Machcode_Controlflow_Graph # Machcode_Controlflow_Graph is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/mcg/machcode-controlflow-graph.api where
mcf == mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package mem: Machcode_Address_Of_Ramreg_Intel32 # Machcode_Address_Of_Ramreg_Intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/machcode-address-of-ramreg-intel32.api where
mcf == mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
ramreg_base: Null_Or( rkj::Codetemp_Info );
: (weak) Free_Up_Framepointer_In_Machcode # Free_Up_Framepointer_In_Machcode is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/omit-framepointer/free-up-framepointer-in-machcode.api {
# Export to client packages:
package mcf = mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package mcg = mcg; # "mcg" == "machcode_controlflow_graph".
package rgk = mcf::rgk; # "rgk" == "registerkinds".
sp = rgk::esp;
dump_machcode_controlflow_graph_after_omit_framepointer_phase # Unused?
lowhalf_control::make_bool (
"whether machcode_controlflow_graph is shown after omit-framepointer phase"
fun error msg
lem::error("free_up_framepointer_in_machcode_intel32_g", msg);
# Our actual runtime invocation is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/backend-lowhalf-g.pkg #
fun replace_framepointer_uses_with_stackpointer_in_machcode_controlflow_graph
virtual_framepointer: rkj::Codetemp_Info,
initial_fp_to_sp_delta: Null_Or( one_word_int::Int ),
machcode_controlflow_graph as odg::DIGRAPH graph
{ # Rewrite a list of instructions where
# the gap between fp and sp is delta:
fun rewrite (instrs, initial_fp_to_sp_delta)
{ # What kind of register?
Which = SP
fun is_sp cell = rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (cell, sp);
fun is_vfp cell = rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (cell, virtual_framepointer);
fun which cell
if (is_sp cell) SP;
else if (is_vfp cell) FP;
else OTHER; fi; fi;
fun either cell
is_sp cell or
is_vfp cell;
# Has the instruction been rewritten?
changed_flag = REF FALSE;
# Rewrite a single instruction assuming gap (fp=sp+delta).
# Returns NULL is instruction is deleted and THE (instruction) otherwise.
fun do_instr (instruction, delta: Null_Or( one_word_int::Int ))
# If a delta exists then add to it,
# otherwise maintain that there is no delta:
fun add_to_delta i
case delta
THE d => THE (i+d);
fun inc_offset i
case delta
THE k => k+i;
NULL => error "incOffset";
fun inc_disp (mcf::IMMED i) => mcf::IMMED (inc_offset (i));
inc_disp _ => error "incDisp"; # CONSTANTS?
fun do_operand (operand as mcf::DISPLACE { base, disp, ramregion } )
if (is_vfp base)
changed_flag := TRUE;
mcf::DISPLACE { base=>sp, ramregion, disp=>inc_disp (disp) } ;
do_operand (operand as mcf::INDEXED { base, index, scale, disp, ramregion } )
if (is_vfp index)
error "operand: frame pointer used in index";
case base
NULL => operand;
THE b => if (is_vfp b)
changed_flag := TRUE;
mcf::INDEXED { base=>THE (sp), index, scale, ramregion, disp=>inc_disp (disp) };
do_operand (operand as mcf::RAMREG _)
do_operand (mem::ramreg { reg=>operand, base=>null_or::the ramreg_base } );
do_operand (operand as mcf::FDIRECT _)
do_operand (mem::ramreg { reg=>operand, base=>null_or::the ramreg_base } );
do_operand (operand) => operand;
fun annotate (op, k: Null_Or( one_word_int::Int ))
{ op =
if (not *changed_flag)
changed_flag := FALSE;
case k
NULL => op;
THE d => if (d == 0)
cmt = "offset adjusted to " + one_word_int::to_string d;
note = lhn::comment.x_to_note cmt;
mcf::NOTE { op, note };
(THE op, k);
fun unchanged (i: mcf::Base_Op) = annotate (mcf::BASE_OP i, delta);
fun changedto (i, k) = annotate (mcf::BASE_OP i, k);
fun compare (test, lsrc, rsrc)
unchanged (test { lsrc=>do_operand (lsrc), rsrc=>do_operand (rsrc) } );
fun float (op, operand)
unchanged (op (do_operand (operand)));
fun do_intel32instr (instruction: mcf::Base_Op)
case instruction
mcf::JMP (operand, labs) => unchanged (mcf::JMP (do_operand operand, labs));
mcf::JCC { cond: mcf::Cond, operand: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::JCC { cond, operand=>do_operand (operand) } );
mcf::CALL { operand, defs, uses, cuts_to, ramregion, return, pops=>0 }
unchanged (mcf::CALL { operand=>do_operand (operand), defs, uses,
cuts_to, ramregion, pops=>0,
return } );
mcf::CALL { operand, defs, uses, cuts_to, ramregion, return, pops }
changedto (mcf::CALL { operand=>do_operand (operand), defs, uses,
cuts_to, ramregion, pops,
return },
mcf::ENTER { src1=>mcf::IMMED i1, src2=>mcf::IMMED i2 } => changedto (instruction, add_to_delta (i1 + i2*4));
mcf::LEAVE => (THE (mcf::BASE_OP instruction), NULL);
mcf::RET operand => (THE (mcf::BASE_OP instruction), NULL);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op: mcf::Move, src=>mcf::DIRECT s, dst=>mcf::DIRECT d }
case (which d, which s)
(FP, SP) => (NULL, THE 0);
(SP, FP) => case delta
NULL => error "MOVE: (SP, FP)";
THE 0 => (NULL, THE 0);
THE n =>
{ address = mcf::DISPLACE { base=>sp, disp=>mcf::IMMED (n), ramregion=>mcf::rgn::stack };
(THE (mcf::lea { r32=>sp, address } ), THE 0);
(OTHER, OTHER) => unchanged (instruction);
(FP, FP) => (NULL, delta);
(SP, SP) => (NULL, delta);
(FP, _) => error "MOVE: to FP";
(SP, _) => error "MOVE: to SP";
(OTHER, SP) => unchanged (instruction);
(OTHER, FP) => error "MOVE: FP to OTHER"; # D:=sp+delta; lazy!
mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src, dst as mcf::DIRECT d }
if (either (d) ) error "MOVE: assignment to FP/SP";
else unchanged (mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src=>do_operand (src), dst } );
mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src, dst }
unchanged (mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src=>do_operand (src), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::LEA { r32: rkj::Codetemp_Info, address as mcf::DISPLACE { base, disp=>mcf::IMMED d, ... } }
case (which r32, which base)
(SP, SP)
# We assume the stack grows from high to low.
# If sp is incremented by a positive delta,
# then the gap is reduced by delta-d;
# If sp is decremented, the the gap
# is increased and d is negative:
changedto (instruction, add_to_delta(-d));
(SP, FP)
# sp = fp + d
# or sp = sp + delta + d
changedto (mcf::LEA { r32, address=>do_operand (address) }, THE (inc_offset (d)));
(FP, FP)
# fp = fp + d
# if d is positive, then the gap is increased to delta+d,
# if d is negative, then the gap is reduced.
(NULL, THE (inc_offset (d)));
(FP, SP) => (NULL, add_to_delta (d));
(SP, OTHER) => error "LEA: sp changed by non-immed";
(FP, OTHER) => error "LEA: fp changed by non-immed";
_ => unchanged (instruction);
mcf::LEA { r32, address }
if (either r32) error "LEA: SP/FP changed by non-immed";
else unchanged (mcf::LEA { r32, address=>do_operand (address) } );
mcf::CMPL { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::CMPL, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::CMPW { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::CMPW, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::CMPB { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::CMPB, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::TESTL { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::TESTL, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::TESTW { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::TESTW, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::TESTB { lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand } => compare (mcf::TESTB, lsrc, rsrc);
mcf::BITOP { bit_op: mcf::Bit_Op, lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::BITOP { bit_op, lsrc=>do_operand (lsrc), rsrc=>do_operand (rsrc) } );
mcf::BINARY { bin_op=>mcf::ADDL, src=>mcf::IMMED (k), dst=>mcf::DIRECT (d) }
case (which d)
SP => changedto (instruction, add_to_delta(-k));
FP => (NULL, THE (inc_offset (k)));
OTHER => unchanged (instruction);
mcf::BINARY { bin_op=>mcf::SUBL, src=>mcf::IMMED (k), dst=>mcf::DIRECT (d) }
case (which d)
SP => changedto (instruction, add_to_delta (k));
FP => (NULL, THE (inc_offset(-k)));
OTHER => unchanged (instruction);
mcf::BINARY { bin_op, dst as mcf::DIRECT (d), src }
if (either (d)) error "binary: assignment to SP
| FP";
else unchanged (mcf::BINARY { bin_op, src=>do_operand (src), dst } );
mcf::BINARY { bin_op, src, dst }
unchanged (mcf::BINARY { bin_op, src=>do_operand (src), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::CMPXCHG { lock: Bool, size: mcf::Isize, src: mcf::Operand, dst: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::CMPXCHG { lock, size, src=>do_operand (src), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::MULTDIV { mult_div_op: mcf::Mult_Div_Op, src: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::MULTDIV { mult_div_op, src=>do_operand (src) } );
mcf::MUL3 { dst: rkj::Codetemp_Info, src2: one_word_int::Int, src1: mcf::Operand }
if (either (dst)) error "MUL3: assignment to FP/SP";
else unchanged (mcf::MUL3 { dst, src2, src1=>do_operand (src1) } );
mcf::UNARY { un_op=>mcf::INCL, operand as mcf::DIRECT (r) }
case (which r)
SP => changedto (instruction, add_to_delta(-1));
FP => (NULL, THE (inc_offset (1)));
OTHER => unchanged (mcf::UNARY { un_op=>mcf::INCL, operand } );
mcf::UNARY { un_op=>mcf::DECL, operand as mcf::DIRECT (r) }
case (which r)
SP => changedto (instruction, add_to_delta (1));
FP => (NULL, THE (inc_offset(-1)));
OTHER => unchanged (mcf::UNARY { un_op=>mcf::DECL, operand } );
mcf::UNARY { un_op, operand } => unchanged (mcf::UNARY { un_op, operand=>do_operand (operand) } );
mcf::SET { cond: mcf::Cond, operand: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::SET { cond, operand=>do_operand (operand) } );
mcf::CMOV { cond: mcf::Cond, src as mcf::DIRECT(s), dst: rkj::Codetemp_Info }
if (either (s) or either (dst)) error "CMOV: FP/SP in conditional move";
else unchanged (mcf::CMOV { cond, src=>do_operand (src), dst } );
mcf::PUSHL operand => changedto (mcf::PUSHL (do_operand (operand)), add_to_delta (4));
mcf::PUSHW operand => changedto (mcf::PUSHW (do_operand (operand)), add_to_delta (2));
mcf::PUSHB operand => changedto (mcf::PUSHB (do_operand (operand)), add_to_delta (1));
mcf::POP operand => changedto (mcf::POP (do_operand (operand)), add_to_delta(-4));
mcf::FBINARY { bin_op: mcf::Fbin_Op, src: mcf::Operand, dst: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FBINARY { bin_op, src=>do_operand (src), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FIBINARY { bin_op: mcf::Fibin_Op, src: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FIBINARY { bin_op, src=>do_operand (src) } );
mcf::FUCOM operand => unchanged (mcf::FUCOM (do_operand operand));
mcf::FUCOMP operand => unchanged (mcf::FUCOMP (do_operand (operand)));
mcf::FCOMI operand => unchanged (mcf::FCOMI (do_operand operand));
mcf::FCOMIP operand => unchanged (mcf::FCOMIP (do_operand (operand)));
mcf::FUCOMI operand => unchanged (mcf::FUCOMI (do_operand operand));
mcf::FUCOMIP operand => unchanged (mcf::FUCOMIP (do_operand (operand)));
mcf::FSTPL operand => float (mcf::FSTPL, operand);
mcf::FSTPS operand => float (mcf::FSTPS, operand);
mcf::FSTPT operand => float (mcf::FSTPT, operand);
mcf::FSTL operand => float (mcf::FSTL, operand);
mcf::FSTS operand => float (mcf::FSTS, operand);
mcf::FLDL operand => float (mcf::FLDL, operand);
mcf::FLDS operand => float (mcf::FLDS, operand);
mcf::FLDT operand => float (mcf::FLDT, operand);
mcf::FILD operand => float (mcf::FILD, operand);
mcf::FILDL operand => float (mcf::FILDLL, operand);
mcf::FILDLL operand => float (mcf::FILDLL, operand);
mcf::FENV { fenv_op: mcf::Fenv_Op, operand: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FENV { fenv_op, operand=>do_operand (operand) } );
mcf::FMOVE { fsize: mcf::Fsize, src: mcf::Operand, dst: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FMOVE { fsize, src=>do_operand (src), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FILOAD { isize: mcf::Isize, ea: mcf::Operand, dst: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FILOAD { isize, ea=>do_operand (ea), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FBINOP { fsize, bin_op, lsrc, rsrc, dst }
unchanged (mcf::FBINOP { fsize, bin_op, lsrc=>do_operand (lsrc),
rsrc=>do_operand (rsrc), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FIBINOP { isize, bin_op, lsrc, rsrc, dst }
unchanged (mcf::FIBINOP { isize, bin_op, lsrc=>do_operand (lsrc),
rsrc=>do_operand (rsrc), dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FUNOP { fsize: mcf::Fsize, un_op: mcf::Fun_Op, src: mcf::Operand, dst: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FUNOP { fsize, un_op, src=>do_operand (src),
dst=>do_operand (dst) } );
mcf::FCMP { i, fsize: mcf::Fsize, lsrc: mcf::Operand, rsrc: mcf::Operand }
unchanged (mcf::FCMP { i, fsize, lsrc=>do_operand (lsrc), rsrc=>do_operand (rsrc) } );
_ => unchanged (instruction);
case instruction
mcf::NOTE { op, note }
(do_instr (op, delta)) -> (op, delta);
case op
NULL => (NULL, delta);
THE op => annotate (mcf::NOTE { op, note }, delta);
mcf::COPY { kind => rkj::INT_REGISTER, dst, src, ... }
# The situation where SP <- FP is somewhat complicated.
# The copy must be extracted, and a lea generated.
# Should it be before or after the parallel copy?
# Depends on if SP is used.
# However, will such a thing ever exist in a parallel copy!?
fun okay (s, d, acc)
case (which s, which d)
(FP, SP) => TRUE;
(SP, FP) => error "COPY: SP<-FP; lazy!";
(SP, OTHER) => error "COPY: SP<-OTHER";
(FP, OTHER) => error "COPY: FP<-OTHER";
(OTHER, SP) => error "COPY: OTHER<-SP";
(OTHER, FP) => error "COPY: OTHER<-FP";
_ => acc;
( instruction,
(paired_lists::fold_forward okay FALSE (dst, src))
?? THE 0
:: delta
mcf::BASE_OP instruction
do_intel32instr instruction;
_ => annotate (instruction, delta); # unchanged
}; # do_instr
# Rewrite instructions:
fun do_instrs ([], instrs, delta)
(instrs, delta);
do_instrs (instruction ! rest, acc, delta)
{ my (instruction, delta2)
do_instr (instruction, delta);
case instruction
NULL => do_instrs (rest, acc, delta2);
THE i => do_instrs (rest, i ! acc, delta2);
do_instrs (instrs, [], initial_fp_to_sp_delta);
}; # fun rewrite
# Rewrite blocks using a
# depth first traversal
# of the blocks:
my info: iht::Hashtable { visited: Bool, delta: Null_Or( one_word_int::Int ) }
= iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 32, not_found_exception => exceptions::DIE "omit-framepointer-intel32: Not Found" };
no_info = { visited=>FALSE, delta=>NULL };
fun dfs (nid, delta)
fun do_succ delta
apply (\\ snid = dfs (snid, delta))
(graph.next nid);
(graph.node_info nid) -> mcg::BBLOCK { ops, kind, ... };
case kind
mcg::STOP => ();
mcg::START => do_succ delta;
my { visited, delta=>d }
null_or::the_else (iht::find info nid, no_info);
fun same_delta (NULL, NULL) => TRUE;
same_delta (THE i1: Null_Or( one_word_int::Int ), THE i2) => i1 == i2;
same_delta _ => FALSE;
if visited
if (not (same_delta (d, delta))) error "dfs"; fi;
my (ops', delta2)
rewrite (reverse *ops, delta);
ops := ops';
iht::set info (nid, { visited=>TRUE, delta } );
do_succ delta2;
rkj::CODETEMP_INFO { color, ... };
# Check that virtual frame pointer
# is a pseudo register or aliased
# to the stack pointer:
case *color
rkj::CODETEMP => apply (\\ nid = dfs (nid, initial_fp_to_sp_delta)) (graph.entries ());
_ => error "virtual frame pointer not a pseudo register";
# output cluster
# if *dumpCfg then
# pc::printCluster file::stdout "after omit frame pointer" cl
# else ()