# translate-machcode-to-execode-intel32-g.pkg
# Generate actual binary executable intel32 machine code
# given abstract intel32 instructions per
# If the intel32 were like other architectures,
# the code synthesis logic in
# would use the information in
# src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/intel32.architecture-description
# to produce a file which would generate the binary executable code for us.
# However the intel32 machine instruction coding is too complex
# for our simple code-synthesis scheme, so this file contains
# a handmade replacement.
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/backend-intel32.lib# IMPORTANT NOTE:
# Integer registers are numbered from 0 - 31 (0-7 are physical)
# Floating point registers are numbered from 32-63 (32-39 are physical)
# Our generic's compiletime invocation is from:
# Our runtime invocations are from:
package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package pp = standard_prettyprinter; # standard_prettyprinter is from
src/lib/prettyprint/big/src/standard-prettyprinter.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg package w = large_unt; # large_unt is from
src/lib/std/large-unt.pkg package w32 = one_word_unt; # one_word_unt is from
src/lib/std/one-word-unt.pkg package w8 = one_byte_unt; # one_byte_unt is from
generic package translate_machcode_to_execode_intel32_g (
# ======================================
# machcode_intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg package mcf: Machcode_Intel32; # Machcode_Intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/machcode-intel32.codemade.api # compile_register_moves_intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg package crm: Compile_Register_Moves_Intel32 # Compile_Register_Moves_Intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/compile-register-moves-intel32.api where # "crm" == "compile_register_moves".
mcf== mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
# treecode_eval_intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg package tce: Treecode_Eval # Treecode_Eval is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-eval.api where # "tce" == "treecode_eval".
tcf == mcf::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
# memory_registers_intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg package mem: Machcode_Address_Of_Ramreg_Intel32 # Machcode_Address_Of_Ramreg_Intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/machcode-address-of-ramreg-intel32.api where # "mem" == "memory_registers".
mcf== mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
# translate_machcode_to_asmcode_intel32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg package ae: Machcode_Codebuffer_Pp # Machcode_Codebuffer_Pp is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/emit/machcode-codebuffer-pp.api where # "ae" == "asmcode_emitter".
mcf == mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
ramreg_base: Null_Or( rkj::Codetemp_Info ); # calls_basis is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg )
: (weak) Execode_Emitter # Execode_Emitter is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/emit/execode-emitter.api {
# Export to client packages:
package mcf = mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package lac = mcf::lac; # "lac" == "late_constant".
itow = unt::from_int;
wtoi = unt::to_int;
fun error msg
lem::impossible ("translate_machcode_to_execode_intel32_g." + msg);
# Sanity check!
eax = 0; esp = 4;
ecx = 1; ebp = 5;
edx = 2; esi = 6;
ebx = 3; edi = 7;
operand16prefix = 0x66;
fun const lateconst
one_word_int::from_int (lac::late_constant_to_int lateconst);
fun lambda_expression le
one_word_int::from_int (tce::value_of le);
to_unt8 = one_byte_unt::from_large_unt
o large_unt::from_multiword_int
o one_word_int::to_multiword_int;
e_bytes = vector_of_one_byte_unts::from_list;
fun e_byte i
e_bytes [w8::from_int i];
to_lunt = (w::from_multiword_int o one_word_int::to_multiword_int);
fun shift (w, count)
w8::from_large_unt ((w::(>>))(w, count));
fun e_short i16
w = to_lunt i16;
[shift (w, 0u0), shift (w, 0u8)];
fun e_long i32
w = to_lunt i32;
[shift (w, 0u0), shift (w, 0u8), shift (w, 0u16), shift (w, 0u24)];
fun put_ops ops
vector_of_one_byte_unts::cat (map op_to_bytevector ops)
fun put_intel32instr (instruction: mcf::Base_Op)
{ error = \\ msg
# buf = ae::make_codebuffer [];
# buf.put_op (mcf::BASE_OP instruction);
# error msg;
msg = msg + pp::prettyprint_to_string [] {.
pp = #pp;
buf = ae::make_codebuffer pp [];
buf.put_op (mcf::BASE_OP instruction);
error msg;
r_num = rkj::hardware_register_id_of;
f_num = rkj::hardware_register_id_of;
fun ramreg r
mem::ramreg { reg=>r, base=>null_or::the ramreg_base };
Size = ZERO
| BITS8 | BITS32;
fun size i
if (i == 0 ) ZERO;
else if (one_word_int::(<) (i, 128) and one_word_int::(<=) (-128, i) ) BITS8;
else BITS32; fi; fi;
fun immed_operand (mcf::IMMED (i32)) => i32;
immed_operand (mcf::IMMED_LABEL le) => lambda_expression le;
immed_operand (mcf::LABEL_EA le) => lambda_expression le;
immed_operand _ => error "immedOpnd";
nonfix my mod ;
fun scale (n, m) = unt::to_int_x (unt::(<<) (unt::from_int n, unt::from_int m));
fun modrm { mod, reg, rm } = w8::from_int (scale (mod, 6) + scale (reg, 3) + rm);
fun sib { ss, index, base } = w8::from_int (scale (ss, 6) + scale (index, 3) + base);
fun reg { opc, reg } = w8::from_int (scale (opc, 3) + reg);
fun e_immed_ext (opc, mcf::DIRECT r)
[modrm { mod=>3, reg=>opc, rm=>r_num r } ];
e_immed_ext (opc, opn as mcf::RAMREG _)
e_immed_ext (opc, ramreg opn);
e_immed_ext (opc, mcf::DISPLACE { base, disp, ... } )
base = r_num base; # XXX rNum may be done twice
immed = immed_operand disp;
fun displace (mod, e_disp)
if (base==esp )
modrm { mod, reg=>opc, rm=>4 } !
sib { ss=>0, index=>4, base=>esp } ! e_disp immed;
modrm { mod, reg=>opc, rm=>base } ! e_disp immed;
case (size immed)
if (base == esp)
[modrm { mod=>0, reg=>opc, rm=>4 }, sib { ss=>0, index=>4, base=>esp } ];
elif (base==ebp)
[modrm { mod=>1, reg=>opc, rm=>ebp }, 0u0];
[modrm { mod=>0, reg=>opc, rm=>base } ];
BITS8 => displace (1, \\ i => [to_unt8 i]; end );
BITS32 => displace (2, e_long);
e_immed_ext (opc, mcf::INDEXED { base=>NULL, index, scale, disp, ... } )
(modrm { mod=>0, reg=>opc, rm=>4 } !
sib { base=>5, ss=>scale, index=>r_num index } !
e_long (immed_operand disp));
e_immed_ext (opc, mcf::INDEXED { base=>THE b, index, scale, disp, ... } )
index = r_num index;
base = r_num b;
immed = immed_operand disp;
fun indexed (mod, e_disp)
modrm { mod, reg=>opc, rm=>4 } !
sib { ss=>scale, index, base } ! e_disp immed;
case (size immed)
if (base==ebp )
[modrm { mod=>1, reg=>opc, rm=>4 },
sib { ss=>scale, index, base=>5 }, 0u0];
[modrm { mod=>0, reg=>opc, rm=>4 },
sib { ss=>scale, index, base } ];
BITS8 => indexed (1, \\ i = [to_unt8 i]);
BITS32 => indexed (2, e_long);
e_immed_ext (opc, operand as mcf::FDIRECT f) => e_immed_ext (opc, ramreg operand);
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::IMMED _) => error "eImmedExt: Immed";
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::IMMED_LABEL _) => error "eImmedExt: ImmedLabel";
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::RELATIVE _) => error "eImmedExt: Relative";
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::LABEL_EA _) => error "eImmedExt: LabelEA";
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::FPR _) => error "eImmedExt: FPR";
e_immed_ext(_, mcf::ST _) => error "eImmedExt: ST";
# Shorthands for various encodings:
fun encode (byte1, opc, operand) = e_bytes (byte1 ! e_immed_ext (opc, operand));
fun encode_st (byte1, opc, stn) = e_bytes [byte1, reg { opc, reg=>f_num stn } ];
fun encode2 (byte1, byte2, opc, operand)
e_bytes (byte1 ! byte2 ! e_immed_ext (opc, operand));
fun encode_reg (byte1, reg, operand)
encode (byte1, r_num reg, operand);
fun encode_long_imm (byte1, opc, operand, i)
e_bytes (byte1 ! (e_immed_ext (opc, operand) @ e_long i));
fun encode_short_imm (byte1, opc, operand, w)
e_bytes (byte1 ! (e_immed_ext (opc, operand) @ e_short w));
fun encode_byte_imm (byte1, opc, operand, b)
e_bytes (byte1 ! (e_immed_ext (opc, operand) @ [to_unt8 b]));
fun cond_code cond
case cond
mcf::EQ => 0u4; mcf::NE => 0u5;
mcf::LT => 0u12; mcf::LE => 0u14;
mcf::GT => 0u15; mcf::GE => 0u13;
mcf::AA => 0u7; mcf::AE => 0u3;
mcf::BB => 0u2; mcf::BE => 0u6;
mcf::CC => 0u2; mcf::NC => 0u3;
mcf::PP => 0uxa; mcf::NP => 0uxb;
mcf::OO => 0u0; mcf::NO => 0u1;
# arith: only 5 cases need be considered:
# dst, src
# -----------
# EAX, imm32
# r/m32, imm32
# r/m32, imm8
# r/m32, r32
# r32, r/m32
fun arith (opc1, opc2)
fun f (mcf::IMMED_LABEL le, dst) => f (mcf::IMMED (lambda_expression le), dst);
f (mcf::LABEL_EA le, dst) => f (mcf::IMMED (lambda_expression le), dst);
f (mcf::IMMED (i), dst)
case (size i)
case dst
mcf::DIRECT r
if (rkj::hardware_register_id_of r == eax)
e_bytes (w8::from_int (8*opc2 + 5) ! e_long (i));
encode_long_imm (0ux81, opc2, dst, i);
_ => encode_long_imm (0ux81, opc2, dst, i);
_ => encode_byte_imm (0ux83, opc2, dst, i); # 83 /digit ib
f (src, mcf::DIRECT r) => encode_reg (opc1+0u3, r, src);
f (mcf::DIRECT r, dst) => encode_reg (opc1+0u1, r, dst);
f _ => error "arith.f";
# test: the following cases need be considered:
# lsrc, rsrc
# -----------
# AL, imm8 opc1 A8
# EAX, imm32 opc1 A9
# r/m8, imm8 opc2 F6/0 ib
# r/m32, imm32 opc2 F7/0 id
# r/m8, r8 opc3 84/r
# r/m32, r32 opc3 85/r
fun test (bits, mcf::IMMED_LABEL le, lsrc) => test (bits, mcf::IMMED (lambda_expression le), lsrc);
test (bits, mcf::LABEL_EA le, lsrc) => test (bits, mcf::IMMED (lambda_expression le), lsrc);
test (bits, mcf::IMMED (i), lsrc)
case (lsrc, i >= 0 and i < 255)
(mcf::DIRECT r, FALSE)
if (rkj::hardware_register_id_of r == eax) e_bytes (0uxA9 ! e_long i);
else encode_long_imm (0uxF7, 0, lsrc, i);
(_, FALSE)
encode_long_imm (0uxF7, 0, lsrc, i);
(mcf::DIRECT r, TRUE) # 8 bit
{ r = rkj::hardware_register_id_of r;
if (r == eax) e_bytes [0uxA8, to_unt8 i];
elif (r < 4) encode_byte_imm (0uxF6, 0, lsrc, i); # unfortunately, only CL, DL, BL can be encoded
elif (bits == 8) error "test.8";
else encode_long_imm (0uxF7, 0, lsrc, i);
(_, TRUE)
encode_byte_imm (0uxF6, 0, lsrc, i);
test (8, rsrc as mcf::DIRECT r, lsrc)
if (r_num r < 4) encode_reg (0ux84, r, lsrc);
else error "test.8";
test (32, mcf::DIRECT r, lsrc)
encode_reg (0ux85, r, lsrc);
test _
error "test";
case instruction
mcf::NOP => e_byte 0x90;
mcf::JMP (mcf::RELATIVE i, _)
{ fun short_jmp ()
e_bytes [0uxeb, one_byte_unt::from_int (i - 2)];
case (size (one_word_int::from_int (i - 2)))
BITS32 => e_bytes (0uxe9 ! e_long (one_word_int::from_int (i - 5)));
_ => short_jmp ();
e = { print "JMP\n"; raise exception e;};
mcf::JMP (operand, _)
encode (0uxff, 4, operand);
mcf::JCC { cond, operand=>mcf::RELATIVE i }
{ code = cond_code cond;
case (size (one_word_int::from_int (i - 2)))
e_bytes (0ux0f ! one_byte_unt::(+) (0ux80, code) ! e_long (one_word_int::from_int (i - 6)));
_ =>
e_bytes [one_byte_unt::(+) (0ux70, code), one_byte_unt::from_int (i - 2)];
mcf::CALL { operand=>mcf::RELATIVE i, ... } => e_bytes (0uxe8 ! e_long (one_word_int::from_int (i - 5)));
mcf::CALL { operand, ... } => encode (0uxff, 2, operand);
mcf::RET NULL => e_byte 0xc3;
# Integer
mcf::MOVE { mv_op=>mcf::MOVL, src, dst }
mv (src, dst)
fun mv (mcf::IMMED (i), mcf::DIRECT r)
e_bytes (one_byte_unt::(+) (0uxb8, one_byte_unt::from_int (r_num r)) ! e_long (i));
mv (mcf::IMMED (i), _) => encode_long_imm (0uxc7, 0, dst, i);
mv (mcf::IMMED_LABEL le, dst) => mv (mcf::IMMED (lambda_expression le), dst);
mv (mcf::LABEL_EA le, dst) => error "MOVL: LabelEA";
mv (src as mcf::RAMREG _, dst) => mv (ramreg src, dst);
mv (src, dst as mcf::RAMREG _) => mv (src, ramreg dst);
mv (src, dst) => arith (0ux88, 0) (src, dst);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op=>mcf::MOVW, src, dst }
{ fun immed16 i = one_word_int::(<) (i, 32768) and one_word_int::(<=) (-32768, i);
fun prefix v = vector_of_one_byte_unts::cat [e_byte (operand16prefix), v];
fun mv (mcf::IMMED (i), _)
case dst
mcf::DIRECT r
if (immed16 i)
prefix (e_bytes (w8::(+) (0uxb8, w8::from_int (r_num r)) ! e_short (i)));
else error "MOVW: Immediate too large";
_ => prefix (encode_short_imm (0uxc7, 0, dst, i));
mv (src as mcf::RAMREG _, dst) => mv (ramreg src, dst);
mv (src, dst as mcf::RAMREG _) => mv (src, ramreg dst);
mv (src, dst) => prefix (arith (0ux88, 0) (src, dst));
mv (src, dst);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op=>mcf::MOVB, dst, src=>mcf::IMMED (i) }
case (size i)
BITS32 => error "MOVE: MOVB: imm8";
_ => encode_byte_imm (0uxc6, 0, dst, i);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op=>mcf::MOVB, dst, src=>mcf::DIRECT r } => encode_reg (0ux88, r, dst);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op=>mcf::MOVB, dst=>mcf::DIRECT r, src } => encode_reg (0ux8a, r, src);
mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src=>mcf::IMMED _, ... } => error "MOVE: Immed";
mcf::MOVE { mv_op, src, dst=>mcf::DIRECT r }
{ byte2 = case mv_op
mcf::MOVZBL => 0uxb6;
mcf::MOVZWL => 0uxb7;
mcf::MOVSBL => 0uxbe;
mcf::MOVSWL => 0uxbf;
_ => error "MOV[SIZE]X";
e_bytes (0ux0f ! byte2 ! e_immed_ext (r_num r, src));
mcf::MOVE _
error "MOVE";
mcf::CMOV { cond, src, dst }
{ cond = cond_code cond;
e_bytes (0ux0f ! one_byte_unt::(+) (cond, 0ux40) ! e_immed_ext (r_num dst, src));
mcf::LEA { r32, address } => encode_reg (0ux8d, r32, address);
mcf::CMPL { lsrc, rsrc } => arith (0ux38, 7) (rsrc, lsrc);
(mcf::CMPW _
| mcf::CMPB _) => error "CMP";
mcf::TESTL { lsrc, rsrc } => test (32, rsrc, lsrc);
mcf::TESTB { lsrc, rsrc } => test (8, rsrc, lsrc);
mcf::TESTW _ => error "TEST";
mcf::BINARY { bin_op, src, dst }
fun shift (code, src)
case src
mcf::IMMED (1) => encode (0uxd1, code, dst);
mcf::IMMED (n) => encode_byte_imm (0uxc1, code, dst, n);
mcf::DIRECT r =>
if (r_num r != ecx ) error "shift: Direct";
else encode (0uxd3, code, dst);fi;
mcf::RAMREG _ => shift (code, ramreg src);
_ => error "shift";
case bin_op
mcf::ADDL => arith (0u0, 0) (src, dst);
mcf::SUBL => arith (0ux28, 5) (src, dst);
mcf::ANDL => arith (0ux20, 4) (src, dst);
mcf::ORL => arith (0u8, 1) (src, dst);
mcf::XORL => arith (0ux30, 6) (src, dst);
mcf::SHLL => shift (4, src);
mcf::SARL => shift (7, src);
mcf::SHRL => shift (5, src);
case (src, dst)
(mcf::IMMED (i), mcf::DIRECT dst_r)
case (size i)
BITS32 => encode_long_imm (0ux69, r_num dst_r, dst, i);
_ => encode_byte_imm (0ux6b, r_num dst_r, dst, i);
(_, mcf::DIRECT dst_r)
e_bytes (0ux0f ! 0uxaf ! (e_immed_ext (r_num dst_r, src)));
_ => error "imull";
_ => error "binary";
mcf::MULTDIV { mult_div_op, src }
case mult_div_op
mcf::MULL1 => 4;
mcf::IDIVL1 => 7;
mcf::DIVL1 => 6;
mcf::IMULL1 => error "imull1";
encode (0uxf7, mul_op, src);
mcf::MUL3 { dst, src1, src2=>i }
case src1
mcf::IMMED _ => error "mul3: Immed";
mcf::IMMED_LABEL _ => error "mul3: ImmedLabel";
_ =>
case (size i)
BITS32 => encode_long_imm (0ux69, r_num dst, src1, i);
_ => encode_byte_imm (0ux6b, r_num dst, src1, i);
mcf::UNARY { un_op, operand }
case un_op
case operand
mcf::DIRECT d => e_byte (0x48 + r_num d);
_ => encode (0uxff, 1, operand);
case operand
mcf::DIRECT d => e_byte (0x40 + r_num d);
_ => encode (0uxff, 0, operand);
mcf::NEGL => encode (0uxf7, 3, operand);
mcf::NOTL => encode (0uxf7, 2, operand);
_ => error "UNARY is not in DECL/INCL/NEGL, NOTL";
mcf::SET { cond, operand }
e_bytes (0ux0f ! one_byte_unt::(+) (0ux90, cond_code cond) ! e_immed_ext (0, operand));
mcf::PUSHL (mcf::IMMED (i))
case (size i )
BITS32 => e_bytes (0ux68 ! e_long (i));
_ => e_bytes [0ux6a, to_unt8 i];
mcf::PUSHL (mcf::DIRECT r) => e_byte (0x50+r_num r);
mcf::PUSHL operand => encode (0uxff, 6, operand);
mcf::POP (mcf::DIRECT r) => e_byte (0x58+r_num r);
mcf::POP (operand) => encode (0ux8f, 0, operand);
mcf::CDQ => e_byte (0x99);
mcf::INTO => e_byte (0xce);
# Floating:
mcf::FBINARY { bin_op, src=>mcf::ST src, dst=>mcf::ST dst }
{ src = w8::from_int (f_num src);
dst = w8::from_int (f_num dst);
my (opc1, opc2)
case (src, dst)
(_, 0u0)
case bin_op
mcf::FADDL => (0uxd8, 0uxc0 + src);
mcf::FMULL => (0uxd8, 0uxc8 + src);
mcf::FSUBRL => (0uxd8, 0uxe8 + src);
mcf::FSUBL => (0uxd8, 0uxe0 + src); # gas XXX
mcf::FDIVRL => (0uxd8, 0uxf8 + src);
mcf::FDIVL => (0uxd8, 0uxf0 + src); # gas XXX
_ => error "FBINARY: pop: src=%st (n), dst=%st";
(0u0, _)
case bin_op
mcf::FADDP => (0uxde, 0uxc0 + dst);
mcf::FMULP => (0uxde, 0uxc8 + dst);
mcf::FSUBRP => (0uxde, 0uxe8 + dst); # gas XXX
mcf::FSUBP => (0uxde, 0uxe0 + dst);
mcf::FDIVRP => (0uxde, 0uxf8 + dst); # gas XXX
mcf::FDIVP => (0uxde, 0uxf0 + dst);
mcf::FADDL => (0uxdc, 0uxc0 + dst);
mcf::FMULL => (0uxdc, 0uxc8 + dst);
mcf::FSUBRL => (0uxdc, 0uxe8 + dst); # gas XXX
mcf::FSUBL => (0uxdc, 0uxe0 + dst);
mcf::FDIVRL => (0uxdc, 0uxf8 + dst); # gas XXX
mcf::FDIVL => (0uxdc, 0uxf0 + dst);
_ => error "FBINARY (0u0, _)";
(_, _) => error "FBINARY (src, dst) non %st (0)";
e_bytes [opc1, opc2];
mcf::FBINARY { bin_op, src, dst=>mcf::ST dst }
if (rkj::hardware_register_id_of dst == 0)
my (opc, code)
case bin_op
mcf::FADDL => (0uxdc, 0);
mcf::FMULL => (0uxdc, 1);
mcf::FCOML => (0uxdc, 2);
mcf::FCOMPL => (0uxdc, 3);
mcf::FSUBL => (0uxdc, 4);
mcf::FSUBRL => (0uxdc, 5);
mcf::FDIVL => (0uxdc, 6);
mcf::FDIVRL => (0uxdc, 7);
mcf::FADDS => (0uxd8, 0);
mcf::FMULS => (0uxd8, 1);
mcf::FCOMS => (0uxd8, 2);
mcf::FCOMPS => (0uxd8, 3);
mcf::FSUBS => (0uxd8, 4);
mcf::FSUBRS => (0uxd8, 5);
mcf::FDIVS => (0uxd8, 6);
mcf::FDIVRS => (0uxd8, 7);
_ => error "FBINARY: pop: dst=%st";
encode (opc, code, src);
error "FBINARY";
mcf::FIBINARY { bin_op, src }
{ my (opc, code)
case bin_op
mcf::FIADDL => (0uxda, 0);
mcf::FIMULL => (0uxda, 1);
mcf::FICOML => (0uxda, 2);
mcf::FICOMPL => (0uxda, 3);
mcf::FISUBL => (0uxda, 4);
mcf::FISUBRL => (0uxda, 5);
mcf::FIDIVL => (0uxda, 6);
mcf::FIDIVRL => (0uxda, 7);
mcf::FIADDS => (0uxde, 0);
mcf::FIMULS => (0uxde, 1);
mcf::FICOMS => (0uxde, 2);
mcf::FICOMPS => (0uxde, 3);
mcf::FISUBS => (0uxde, 4);
mcf::FISUBRS => (0uxde, 5);
mcf::FIDIVS => (0uxde, 6);
mcf::FIDIVRS => (0uxde, 7);
encode (opc, code, src);
mcf::FUNARY un_op
[ 0uxd9,
case un_op
mcf::FCHS => 0uxe0;
mcf::FABS => 0uxe1;
mcf::FPTAN => 0uxf2;
mcf::FPATAN => 0uxf3;
mcf::FDECSTP => 0uxf6;
mcf::FINCSTP => 0uxf7;
mcf::FSQRT => 0uxfa;
mcf::FSIN => 0uxfe;
mcf::FCOS => 0uxff;
_ => error "FUNARY";
mcf::FXCH { operand } => encode_st (0uxd9, 25, operand);
mcf::FUCOM (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdd, 28, n);
mcf::FUCOMP (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdd, 29, n);
mcf::FUCOMPP => e_bytes [0uxda, 0uxe9];
mcf::FCOMI (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdb, 0x1e, n);
mcf::FCOMIP (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdf, 0x1e, n);
mcf::FUCOMI (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdb, 0x1d, n);
mcf::FUCOMIP (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdf, 0x1d, n);
mcf::FSTS operand => encode (0uxd9, 2, operand);
mcf::FSTL (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdd, 26, n);
mcf::FSTL operand => encode (0uxdd, 2, operand);
mcf::FSTPS operand => encode (0uxd9, 3, operand);
mcf::FSTPL (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxdd, 27, n);
mcf::FSTPL operand => encode (0uxdd, 3, operand);
mcf::FSTPT operand => encode (0uxdb, 7, operand);
mcf::FLD1 => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxe8];
mcf::FLDL2T => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxe9];
mcf::FLDL2E => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxea];
mcf::FLDPI => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxeb];
mcf::FLDLG2 => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxec];
mcf::FLDLN2 => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxed];
mcf::FLDZ => e_bytes [0uxd9, 0uxee];
mcf::FLDS operand => encode (0uxd9, 0, operand);
mcf::FLDL (mcf::ST n) => encode_st (0uxd9, 24, n);
mcf::FLDL operand => encode (0uxdd, 0, operand);
mcf::FILD operand => encode (0uxdf, 0, operand);
mcf::FILDL operand => encode (0uxdb, 0, operand);
mcf::FILDLL operand => encode (0uxdf, 5, operand);
mcf::FNSTSW => e_bytes [0uxdf, 0uxe0];
# misc
mcf::SAHF => e_byte (0x9e);
_ => error "emitInstr";
fun op_to_bytevector (mcf::LIVE _) # Generate absolute machine-code for given abstract machine instruction, as a byte-vector.
vector_of_one_byte_unts::from_list [];
op_to_bytevector (mcf::DEAD _)
vector_of_one_byte_unts::from_list [];
op_to_bytevector (mcf::COPY { kind, dst, src, tmp, ... } )
case kind
rkj::INT_REGISTER => put_ops (crm::compile_int_register_moves { tmp, dst, src } );
rkj::FLOAT_REGISTER => put_ops (crm::compile_float_register_moves { tmp, dst, src } );
_ => error "COPY";
op_to_bytevector (mcf::BASE_OP instruction)
put_intel32instr instruction;
op_to_bytevector (mcf::NOTE { op, ... } )
op_to_bytevector op;
# COPYRIGHT (c) 1996 Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.