## machine-properties.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib# This api contains various machine- and backend-specific
# parameters.
# When should a parameter be put in this api?
# Only when changing it will yield incompatible code.
# Parameters that change optimization algorithms but
# yield compatible code should not go here. -- Andrew Appel
# This api is implemented by:
package sma = supported_architectures; # supported_architectures is from
api Machine_Properties {
machine_architecture: sma::Supported_Architectures; # PWRPC32/SPARC32/INTEL32.
framesize: Int;
# Code generator flags:
polling: Bool;
unboxed_floats: Bool;
representations: Bool;
new_closure: Bool;
untagged_int: Bool; # Represent all integers without tags?
num_int_regs: Int; # Number of int registers used by Mythryl.
num_float_regs: Int; # Number of float registers used by Mythryl .
num_arg_regs: Int; # Number of registers used to pass args.
max_rep_regs: Int; # Rename or eliminate this.
num_float_arg_regs: Int; # Number of float registers used for args.
num_callee_saves: Int;
num_float_callee_saves: Int;
# Machine representations:
Value_Tag = { tagbits: Int, # Number of tag bits.
tagval: Int # Value of tag bits.
int_tag: Value_Tag; # Tag for tagged integer values.
ptr_tag: Value_Tag; # Tag for pointers.
tagword_tag: Value_Tag; # Tag for heapchunk tagwords (first word in heapchunk).
# Heapchunk tagwords, ultimately from src/c/h/heap-tags.h
package heap_tags: Heap_Tags; # Heap_Tags is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/heap-tags.api value_size: Int; # Number of bytes for a Mythryl value.
char_size: Int; # Number of bytes for a char.
float_size_in_bytes: Int; # Number of bytes of the default float type.
float_align: Bool; # If TRUE, floats are float_size aligned.
big_endian: Bool; # TRUE iff this is a big-endian machine.
spill_area_size: Int; # Size-in-bytes of the area for spilling registers.
initial_spill_offset: Int; # Offset of the first spill location.
run_heapcleaner__offset: Int; # Offset relative to framepointer of pointer to function which starts a heapcleaning ("garbage collection").
const_base_pointer_reg_offset: Int;
quasi_stack: Bool; # Defaults to FALSE.
quasi_free: Bool; # Defaults to FALSE.
quasi_frame_size: Int; # Default to 7.
new_list_rep: Bool; # Defaults to FALSE.
list_cell_size: Int; # Defaults to 2.
float_reg_params: Bool; # For old-style code generator; defaults to TRUE.
write_allocate_hack: Bool; # Defaults to FALSE.
# Get "conreps" into here eventually.
# Don't want to do it now, because it would
# require generic-ing the whole front end. -- Andrew Appel XXX BUGGO FIXME
fixed_arg_passing: Bool;
# Use fixed argument passing registers for all-callers-known
# functions that require garbage collection.
# This is only an issue on the intel32 or machines that
# have registers implemented as memory locations -- that is,
# when at the call to the heapcleaner there are not enough
# registers to hold all the roots.
# The correct way to solve this problem is to create a record of
# live variables inside the code that invokes the garbage collector XXX BUGGO FIXME
# -- Lal George.
spill_rematerialization: Bool; # Whether rematerialization of spill locations is performed .
# For accessing the in_LIB7 flag etc.;
# These values must be coordinated with
# their respective runtime counterparts in:
# task-and-hostthread-struct-field-offsets--autogenerated.h
# and
# src/c/machine-dependent/prim.sparc32.asm
# src/c/machine-dependent/prim.intel32.asm
# src/c/machine-dependent/prim.pwrpc32.asm
task_offset: Int; # within frame
hostthread_offtask: Int; # within Task struct
in_lib7off_vsp: Int; # within Hostthread struct
limit_ptr_mask_off_vsp: Int; # within Hostthread struct
# On machines with a real frame pointer, there is no point in
# attempting to omit a (virtual) frame pointer. Example: Sparc32
framepointer_never_virtual: Bool; # Suppress omit-framepointer phase
# On machines where C arguments are allocated in the caller's frame
# we pre-allot a large chunk of stack space for this purpose.
# Example: PWRPC32
ccall_prealloc_argspace_in_bytes: Null_Or( Int );
}; # api Machine_Properties
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.