## machine-properties-sparc32.pkg
# Compiled by:
package sma = supported_architectures; # supported_architectures is from
package machine_properties_sparc32
: (weak) Machine_Properties # Machine_Properties is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/machine-properties.api {
include package machine_properties_default;
machine_architecture = sma::SPARC32; # PWRPC32/SPARC32/INTEL32.
num_int_regs = 18;
num_float_regs = 16;
num_float_callee_saves = 0;
num_callee_saves = 3;
big_endian = TRUE;
spill_area_size = 3800;
initial_spill_offset = 116 - framesize;
run_heapcleaner__offset = 100 - framesize; # Offset relative to framepointer of pointer to function which starts a heapcleaning ("garbage collection").
const_base_pointer_reg_offset = 4096;
task_offset = 96 - framesize;
hostthread_offtask = 4;
in_lib7off_vsp = 8;
limit_ptr_mask_off_vsp = 200;
framepointer_never_virtual = TRUE; # We have a real frame ptr!
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.