# nextcode-ccalls-g.pkg
# This module now contains all the code which handles C-Calls.
# I've moved Matthias' ccall code from translate_nextcode_to_treecode_g into here and added
# my own hacks for handling re-entrant C calls.
# On the implementation of reentrant C calls, or why it is a hack
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# For reentrant C call, we need a way of flushing/restoring the Mythryl state
# to/from the task_state data package and preserving all live values.
# Determining the set of live values is a bit tricky and I handle it
# by doing a liveness analysis. Ideally, the nextcode phases should be able
# to do the liveness part for us, but after spending weeks
# looking at the source and asking questions with no one answering,
# I've decided that I've had enough: I need this working NOW
# so I going to do it the stupid way. At least this way it is
# completely self-contained and doesn't involve any nextcode hacking.
# If in the future someone gets the right info it should be redone in the
# right way. XXX BUGGO FIXME
# The code for saving/restoring live values is quite similar to what
# the cleaning is doing, but I'm deathly afraid of merging it into the
# cleaning code, because the cleaning handling code had taken me a
# long time to get right. It is an angry slumbering power which will visit
# its horrible wraths on all who dares to disturb it.
# On saving/restoring lib7 state
# ----------------------------
# The Mythryl state must be threaded into a reentrant C call because the C call
# may invoke Mythryl code internally before it returns. Saving the state means
# two things:
# 1. Making sure all the live values are properly saved and restored
# (and properly tagged so that the gc can find them)
# 2. Making sure global registers such as heap_allocation_pointer are properly
# single threaded through the calls.
# The Mythryl state is defined in the runtime struct task.
# For our purposes, the relevant fields are these:
# Val *heap_allocation_pointer; # We allot heap memory by advancing this pointer.
# Val *heap_allocation_limit; # We call the heapcleaner when heap_allocation_pointer reaches this point.
# Val argument;
# Val fate;
# Val closure;
# Val link_register;
# Val program_counter;
# Val exception_fate;
# Val thread;
# Val callee_saved_registers[ CALLEE_SAVED_REGISTERS_COUNT ];
# Val heap_changelog;
# Val fault_exception;
# Vunt faulting_program_counter;
# Val *real_heap_allocation_limit; # Sometimes we zero the heap_allocation_limit to trigger the heapcleaner; this records the real limit.
# Bool software_generated_periodic_event_is_pending;
# Bool in_software_generated_periodic_event_handler;
# To make a ccall reentrant we flush the following registers back into
# the task record:
# heap_allocation_pointer --
# heap_allocation_limit --
# heap_changelog --
# thread --
# exception_fate --
# All all untagged values are packed into a single record
# argument --
# fate --
# --- Allen Leung
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib### "On the subject of stars, all investigations
### which are not ultimately reducible to simple
### visual observations are necessarily denied to us.
### We shall never be able by any means to study
### their chemical composition."
### -- August Compte, 1835
# We are invoked (only) by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/translate-nextcode-to-treecode-g.pkg # Machine_Properties is from
package cty = ctypes; # ctypes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ctypes.pkg package ncf = nextcode_form; # nextcode_form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/nextcode/nextcode-form.pkg package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package lms = list_mergesort; # list_mergesort is from
src/lib/src/list-mergesort.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg package set = int_red_black_set; # int_red_black_set is from
src/lib/src/int-red-black-set.pkgherein # (Typed set for liveness.)
generic package nextcode_c_calls_g (
# ==================
package mp: Machine_Properties; # Typically
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/machine-properties-intel32.pkg package pri: Platform_Register_Info # Platform_Register_Info is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/nextcode/platform-register-info.api where # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
tcf::rgn == nextcode_ramregions;
package rgk: Registerkinds; # Registerkinds is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds.api package t2m: Translate_Treecode_To_Machcode # Translate_Treecode_To_Machcode is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/translate-treecode-to-machcode.api where
tcs::tcf == pri::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
package cal: Ccalls # Ccalls is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ccalls.api where
tcf == pri::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
: (weak) api {
{ treecode_to_machcode_stream: t2m::Treecode_Codebuffer, # Treecode stream
get_int_reg_for_ncfval: ncf::Value -> pri::tcf::Int_Expression, # Look up integer Variable
get_float_reg_for_ncfvar: ncf::Value -> pri::tcf::Float_Expression, # Look up float Variable
get_ncftype_for_codetemp: ncf::Codetemp -> ncf::Type, # Variable -> cty
hap_offset: Int, # Top-of-heap offset relative to current heap_allocation_pointer register. ("hap_offset" == "heap_allocation_pointer offset".)
use_virtual_framepointer: Bool # Virtual frame pointer.
# Arguments to RAW_C_CALL
( ncf::Rcc_Kind, # Fast vs re-entrant.
String, # library/function_name
cty::Cfun_Type, # C function type -- redundant with other args.
List( ncf::Value ), # Args.
List( (ncf::Codetemp, ncf::Type) ), # Where to stash results.
ncf::Instruction # Next instruction to execute.
# Return:
{ result: List( pri::tcf::Expression ), # Result(s).
hap_offset: Int # Updated top-of-heap offset relative to current heap_allocation_pointer register.
package tcs = t2m::tcs; # "tcs" == "treecode_stream".
package tcf = tcs::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
package rgn = tcf::rgn; # "rgn" == "region" -- Aliasing info
package tag = mp::heap_tags; # Mythryl heapchunk tagwords.
fun error msg
lem::error ("nextcode-calls", msg);
# Needs to change these when we put in 64-bit support # XXX BUGGO FIXME
ity = 32; # Size of integer width
pty = 32; # Size of pointer
address_type = pri::address_width;
# Utilities
# A nextcode register may be implemented as a physical
# register or a memory location. This function assign
# moves a value v into a register or a memory location.
fun assign (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r), v) => tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, r, v);
assign (tcf::LOAD (type, ea, mem), v) => tcf::STORE_INT (type, ea, v, mem);
assign _ => error "assign";
fun li i = tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_int (ity, i));
fun lw w = tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_unt1 (ity, w));
# Convert chunk descriptor to int
dtoi = large_unt::to_int;
fun ea (r, 0) => r;
ea (r, n) => tcf::ADD (address_type, r, li n);
fun same_reg_as x y
rkj::same_id (x, y);
# Set abbreviations
infix my 70 \/ ;
infix my 80 /\ ;
# infix my 60 -- ;
ooo = set::empty;
my (\/) = set::union;
fun unions ss
fold_backward (\/) ooo ss;
fun def (w, s)
set::drop (s, w);
# liveness analysis:
# given a nextcode expression e,
# return the set of highcode_variables that are live.
fun liveness e
{ fun use (ncf::CODETEMP v, s) => set::add (s, v);
use (_, s) => s;
fun uses ([], s) => s;
uses (v ! vs, s) => uses (vs, use(v, s));
case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args } => uses (fn ! args, ooo);
ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, nexts, ... } => use(i, unions (map liveness nexts));
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => use(record, def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => use(record, def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { fields, to_temp, next, ... } => uses((map #1 fields), def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { args, next, ... } => uses (args, liveness next);
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { args, to_temp, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::ARITH { args, to_temp, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::PURE { args, to_temp, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, liveness next));
ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { args, then_next, else_next, ... } => uses (args, liveness then_next \/ liveness else_next);
ncf::DEFINE_FUNS _ => error "ncf::DEFINE_FNS in nextcode_c_calls_g::liveness";
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { args, to_ttemps, next, ... }
( args,
(\\ ((w, _), s) = def (w, s))
(liveness next)
# Pack live values into records.
# 1. Untagged stuff like INT1t or FLTt are packed into an unboxed record
# with record tag four_byte_aligned_nonpointer_data_btag. Small stuff goes first so that there
# will be at most one hole in the record due to alignment.
# 2. Tagged stuff goes into a normal record with pairs_and_records_btag.
# NOTE: live values include only the highcode_variables, not global registers
# like the heap pointer, base pointer, current exception pointer,
# etc.
fun save_live_highcode_variables { emit, get_ncftype_for_codetemp, get_int_reg_for_ncfval, get_float_reg_for_ncfvar } (w, expression, hap_offset) # THIS FUNCTION IS NEVER REFERENCED <==============================
{ lll = liveness expression; # Compute liveness
lll = def (w, lll); # Remove the Variable that the RAW_C_CALL defines
lll = set::vals_list lll; # in list form
# Store a record item:
fun store (v, size, FALSE) offset
tcf::STORE_INT (size, ea (pri::heap_allocation_pointer, offset), get_int_reg_for_ncfval v, rgn::memory);
store (v, size, TRUE) offset
tcf::STORE_FLOAT (size, ea (pri::heap_allocation_pointer, offset), get_float_reg_for_ncfvar v, rgn::memory);
# Reload a record item
fun reload (size, FALSE) (v, record, offset)
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (size, v, tcf::LOAD (size, ea (record, offset), rgn::memory));
reload (size, TRUE) (v, record, offset)
tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (size, v, tcf::FLOAD (size, ea (record, offset), rgn::memory));
# Partition the live values
# into tagged and untagged:
fun partition ([], tagged, untagged)
(tagged, untagged);
partition (v ! vl, tagged, untagged)
{ t = get_ncftype_for_codetemp v;
size = ncf::size_in_bits t;
tag = ncf::is_tagged t;
is_float = ncf::is_float t;
store = store (v, size, is_float);
load = reload (size, is_float);
if tag partition (vl, (store, load, size) ! tagged, untagged);
else partition (vl, tagged, (store, load, size) ! untagged);
(partition (lll, [], []))
(tagged, untagged);
# Sort by non-decreasing size:
(\\ ((_, _, x), (_, _, y)) = x > y);
# Determine offset:
fun assign_offset ([], ls, hap_offset)
(reverse ls, hap_offset);
assign_offset ((v as (_, _, size)) ! vl, ls, hap_offset)
case size
32 => assign_offset (vl, (v, hap_offset) ! ls, hap_offset+4); # 64-bit issue: '4' == bytes-per-word.
64 => { hap_offset = if (hap_offset % 8 == 4) hap_offset + 4; # 64-bit issue: '4' == bytes-per-word.
else hap_offset;
assign_offset (vl, (v, hap_offset) ! ls, hap_offset+8); # possible 64-bit issue: '8' may be 2*bytes-per-word.
_ => error "assign_offset";
tagged = sort_by_size tagged;
untagged = sort_by_size untagged;
# This function generates code to save the Mythryl state.
fun save_restore_task ()
# This is the main entry point for C calls.
# It takes the following things as arguments.
# 1. A treecode->machcode codebuffer.
# 2. get_int_reg_for_ncfval: Variable -> int_expression
# 3. get_float_reg_for_ncfvar: Variable -> float_expression
# 4. get_ncftype_for_codetemp: Variable -> cty
# 5. use_virtual_framepointer: using virtual frame pointer?
# 6. hap_offset: top-of-heap byte offset relative to heap_allocation_pointer register.
# 7. arguments to RAW_C_CALL
# The function emits the call code and returns:
# 1. result --- return value of call
# 2. hap_offset --- the updated top-of-heap byte offset relative to heap_allocation_pointer register.
fun ccall
{ treecode_to_machcode_stream => (buf: t2m::Treecode_Codebuffer),
( reentrant,
{ my { return_type, parameter_types, ... }
p: cty::Cfun_Type;
fun build_args vl
# include package ctypes;
fun m (cty::DOUBLE, v ! vl)
([cal::FARG (get_float_reg_for_ncfvar v)], vl);
m (cty::FLOAT, v ! vl)
([cal::FARG (tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (32, 64, get_float_reg_for_ncfvar v))], vl);
m (( cty::UNSIGNED ( cty::CHAR
| cty::SHORT
| cty::INT
| cty::LONG
| cty::SIGNED ( cty::CHAR
| cty::SHORT
| cty::INT
| cty::LONG
| cty::PTR
v ! vl
([cal::ARG (get_int_reg_for_ncfval v)], vl);
m ( ( cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _
v ! vl
([cal::ARG (get_int_reg_for_ncfval v)], vl); # pass struct using the pointer to its beginning
m ( ( cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
v ! vl
{ fun field' off
tcf::LOAD (ity, tcf::LOAD (pty, ea (get_int_reg_for_ncfval v, off), rgn::memory), rgn::memory);
([cal::ARG (field' 4), cal::ARG (field' 0)], vl);
m (cty::LONG_DOUBLE, _)
error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpected long double argument";
m (cty::ARRAY _, _) => error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpected array argument";
m (cty::VOID, _ ) => error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpected void argument";
m (_, [] ) => error "RAW_C_CALL: not enough Mythryl7 args";
fun ml (tl, vl)
{ fun one (t, (ral, vl))
{ (m (t, vl)) -> (a, vl');
(a @ ral, vl');
my (ral, vl')
fold_forward one ([], vl) tl;
(reverse ral, vl');
case (ml (parameter_types, vl))
(al, []) => al;
_ => error "RAW_C_CALLS: too many Mythryl7 args";
}; # Build_args
my (f, sr, a)
case (return_type, vl)
((cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _), fv ! srv ! avl)
{ s = get_int_reg_for_ncfval srv;
( get_int_reg_for_ncfval fv,
\\ _ = s,
build_args avl
(_, fv ! avl)
( get_int_reg_for_ncfval fv,
\\ _ = error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpected struct return",
build_args avl
_ => error "RAW_C_CALL: prototype/arglist mismatch";
fun srd defs
loop (defs, [], [])
fun loop ([], s, r)
{ save => s, restore => r };
loop (tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, g)) ! l, s, r)
if (list::exists (same_reg_as g) pri::ccall_caller_save_r)
t = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
loop (l, tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS (type, [t], [g]) ! s,
tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS (type, [g], [t]) ! r);
loop (l, s, r);
loop (tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (type, f)) ! l, s, r)
if (list::exists (same_reg_as f) pri::ccall_caller_save_f)
t = rgk::make_float_codetemp_info ();
loop (l, tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS (type, [t], [f]) ! s,
tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS (type, [f], [t]) ! r);
loop (l, s, r);
loop _
error "save_restore_global_registers: unexpected def";
end; # srd
case (mp::ccall_prealloc_argspace_in_bytes)
NULL => (\\ { szb, align } = FALSE);
THE s => (\\ { szb, align }
if (szb > s )
error "argument list in C-call too big";
my { callseq, result }
{ name => f,
fn_prototype => p,
struct_ret => sr,
save_restore_global_registers => srd,
call_comment => THE ("C prototype is: " + cprototype::c_prototype_to_string p),
args => a
fun with_hostthread f
{ framepointer = pri::framepointer use_virtual_framepointer;
task = tcf::LOAD (address_type, ea (framepointer, mp::task_offset), rgn::stack);
hostthread = tcf::LOAD (address_type, ea (task, mp::hostthread_offtask), rgn::memory);
hostthread' = tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (address_type, rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ());
in_lib7 = tcf::LOAD (ity, ea (hostthread', mp::in_lib7off_vsp), rgn::memory);
tcf::LOAD (32, ea (hostthread', mp::limit_ptr_mask_off_vsp),
# Move hostthread to its register:
buf.put_op (assign (hostthread', hostthread));
f { in_lib7, limit_ptr_mask };
}; # fun with_hostthread
# Prepare to leave Mythryl
with_hostthread (\\ { in_lib7, limit_ptr_mask }
{ buf.put_op (assign (limit_ptr_mask, lw 0uxffffffff)); # Set ccall_limit_pointer_mask to -1 XXX BUGGO FIXME this hardwires an assumed wordsize!
buf.put_op (assign (in_lib7, lw 0u0)); # Set vp_inLib7 to 0
# Now do the actual call!
apply buf.put_op callseq;
# Return to Mythryl, restore proper heap_allocation_limit pointer:
with_hostthread (\\ { in_lib7, limit_ptr_mask }
{ buf.put_op (assign (in_lib7, lw 0u1)); # set vp_inLib7 back to 1
buf.put_op (assign (pri::heap_allocation_limit use_virtual_framepointer,
tcf::BITWISE_AND (pty, limit_ptr_mask,
pri::heap_allocation_limit use_virtual_framepointer))); # heap_allocation_limit := heap_allocation_limit & ccall_limit_pointer_mask
# Find result:
result =
case (result, return_type)
| [_]), (cty::VOID | cty::STRUCT _ | cty::UNION _))
([], _) => error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpectedly few results";
([ tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION x], cty::FLOAT ) => [tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION (tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (64, 32, x))];
([r as tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION x], cty::DOUBLE) => [r];
([ tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION _], _) => error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpected floating point result";
( [ r1 as tcf::INT_EXPRESSION _,
r2 as tcf::INT_EXPRESSION _
( cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
[r1, r2];
([r as tcf::INT_EXPRESSION x], _)
[r]; # more sanity checking here ? XXX BUGGO FIXME
_ => error "RAW_C_CALL: unexpectedly many results";
{ result, hap_offset };
}; # fun ccall
}; # generic package nextcode_c_calls_g