## spill-nextcode-registers-g.pkg
# This file implements one of the nextcode transforms.
# For context, see the comments in
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-form.api# Compiled by:
# This is a complete rewrite of the old Spill module.
# The old module suffers from some serious performance problem but
# I cannot decipher the old code fully, so instead of patching the problems up,
# I'm reimplementing it with a different algorithm. The new code is more
# modular, smaller when compiled, and substantially faster
# (O (n log n) time and O (n) space).
# As far as I can tell, the purpose of this module is to make sure the
# number of live variables at any program point (the bandwidth)
# does not exceed a certain limit, which is determined by the
# size of the spill area.
# When the bandwidth is too large, we decrease the register pressure by
# packing live variables into spill records. How we achieve this is
# completely different from what we did in the old code.
# First, there is something that translate_nextcode_to_treecode_g
# does that we should be aware of:
# o translate_nextcode_to_treecode_g
# performs code motion!
# In particular, it will move floating point computations and
# address computations involving only the heap pointer to
# their use sites (if there is only a single use).
# What this means is that if we have a nextcode record construction
# statement
# RECORD (k, vl, w, e)
# we should never count the new record address w as live if w
# has only one use (which is often the case).
# We should do something similar to floating point, but the transformation
# there is much more complex, so I won't deal with that.
# Secondly, there are now two new nextcode primops at our disposal:
# 1. rawrecord of Null_Or( record_kind )
# This pure operator allocates some uninitialized storage from the heap.
# There are two forms:
# rawrecord NULL [INT n] allocates a tagless record of length n
# rawrecord (THE rk) [INT n] allocates a tagged record of length n
# and initializes the tag.
# 2. rawupdate of cty
# rawupdate cty (v, i, x)
# Assigns to x to the ith component of record v.
# The storelist is not updated.
# We use these new primops for both spilling and increment record construction.
# 1. Spilling.
# This is implemented with a linear scan algorithm (but generalized
# to trees). The algorithm will create a single spill record at the
# beginning of the nextcode function and use rawupdate to spill to it,
# and SELECT or SELP to reload from it. So both spills and reloads
# are fine-grain operations. In contrast, in the old algorithm
# "spills" have to be bundled together in records.
# Ideally, we should sink the spill record construction to where
# it is needed. We can even split the spill record into multiple ones
# at the places where they are needed. But nextcode is not a good
# representation for global code motion, so I'll keep it simple and
# am not attempting this.
# 2. Incremental record construction (aka record splitting).
# Records with many values which are simulatenously live
# (recall that single use record addresses are not considered to
# be live) are constructed with rawrecord and rawupdate.
# We allot space on the heap with rawrecord first, then gradually
# fill it in with rawupdate. This is the technique suggested to me
# by Matthias.
# Some restrictions on when this is applicable:
# 1. It is not a VECTOR record. The code generator currently
# does not handle this case. VECTOR record uses double
# indirection like arrays.
# 2. All the record component values are defined in the same "basic block"
# as the record constructor. This is to prevent speculative
# record construction.
# -- Allen Leung
### "Anyone can learn to draw, anyone can learn to play the piano,
### anyone can learn to write, but only a few learn it with passion
### and go on to inspire others."
### -- Shari Jones
package ncf = nextcode_form; # nextcode_form is from
api Spill {
spill_nextcode_registers: List(ncf::Function) -> List(ncf::Function);
package ncf = nextcode_form; # nextcode_form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/nextcode/nextcode-form.pkg package lv = highcode_codetemp; # highcode_codetemp is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-codetemp.pkg package iht = int_hashtable; # int_hashtable is from
src/lib/src/int-hashtable.pkg debug = FALSE;
max_bandwidth = 100; # Kick in spilling when this many values
# are live at the same time.
split_large_records = TRUE; # TRUE to enable record splitting.
max_record_length = 16; # Split record of this size or larger.
# We are invoked (only) from:
src/lib/compiler/back/top/main/backend-tophalf-g.pkg # Machine_Properties is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/machine-properties.api generic package spill_nextcode_registers_g (
# ==========================
mp: Machine_Properties # Typically
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/machine-properties-intel32.pkg )
: (weak) Spill # Spill is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/nextcode/spill-nextcode-registers-g.pkg {
debug_nextcode_spill = global_controls::lowhalf::make_bool ("debug_nextcode_spill", "Nextcode spill debug mode");
debug_nextcode_spill_info = global_controls::lowhalf::make_bool ("debug_nextcode_spill_info", "Nextcode spill info debug mode");
infix my 70 \/ ;
infix my 80 /\ ;
# infix my 60 -- ;
error = error_message::impossible;
pr = global_controls::print::say;
i2s = int::to_string;
int::min (mp::spill_area_size / (2 * mp::value_size), max_bandwidth);
int::min (mp::spill_area_size / (2 * mp::float_size_in_bytes), max_bandwidth);
# Prettyprinting:
fun dump (title, nextcode_fun)
if *debug_nextcode_spill
pr ("------------ " + title + " the spill phase ---------- \n");
prettyprint_nextcode::print_nextcode_function nextcode_fun;
pr "--------------------------------------\n\n";
# The following data package groups
# together type specific functions.
{ max_live: Int, # Max live values allowed.
is_variable: ncf::Codetemp -> Bool, # Is variable a candidate for spilling?
item_size: Int # Number of words per item.
{ highcode_variable: ncf::Codetemp,
cty: ncf::Type,
rank: Int # Distance to next use.
# Cheap set representation:
package simple_set {
package set = int_red_black_set;
my (\/) = set::union;
my (/\) = set::intersection;
# my (--) = set::difference;
ooo = set::empty;
card = set::vals_count; # Cardinality
fun rmv (s, x)
set::drop (s, x);
# Spill candidates set representation;
# this one has to be ranked:
package ranked_set {
package set
red_black_set_g (
Key = Spill_Candidate;
fun compare (SPILL_CANDIDATE { rank=>r1, highcode_variable=>v1, ... },
SPILL_CANDIDATE { rank=>r2, highcode_variable=>v2, ... } )
case (int::compare (r1, r2))
EQUAL => int::compare (v1, v2);
ord => ord;
exception ITEM set::Item;
# As priority queue
fun next s
(\\ (x, _) = raise exception ITEM x)
ITEM x = THE (x, set::drop (s, x));
# Abbreviations for set operations:
my (\/) = set::union;
my (/\) = set::intersection;
# my (--) = set::difference;
ooo = set::empty;
card = set::vals_count; # Cardinality
fun rmv (s, x)
set::drop (s, x);
fun rk_to_ncftype ncf::rk::FLOAT64_FATE_FN => ncf::typ::FLOAT64;
rk_to_ncftype ncf::rk::FLOAT64_BLOCK => ncf::typ::FLOAT64;
rk_to_ncftype _ => ncf::bogus_pointer_type;
fun splittable ncf::rk::VECTOR => FALSE; # Not supported in backend (yet) XXX BUGGO FIXME
splittable _ => TRUE;
# All nextcode functions can be independently processed.
# Some complexity assumptions:
# Hashing is O (1)
# N = max { number of lvars, size of nextcode function }
# markFpAndRec
# =============
# Mark all floating point variables and return a hashtable
# This is needed because we do spilling of integer and floating
# point stuff separately.
# This function takes O (N) time and space
fun mark_fp_and_rec (nextcode_fun: ncf::Function)
{ nextcode_fun -> (callers_info, f, args, arg_types, body);
include package simple_set;
exception FLOAT_SET;
iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 32, not_found_exception => FLOAT_SET };
iht::set float_set;
fun fp (r, ncf::typ::FLOAT64) => add_to_float_set (r, TRUE);
fp (r, _) => ();
exception RECORD_SET;
record_set = iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 32, not_found_exception => RECORD_SET };
markrec = iht::set record_set;
findrec = iht::find record_set;
# Mark all record uses:
\\ (ncf::CODETEMP v, _)
case (findrec v)
THE n => markrec (v, n+1);
NULL => (); # Not a record address.
_ => ();
fun mark_pure (p, w)
case p
# These "pure" operators actually allot storage!
( ncf::p::WRAP_FLOAT64
| ncf::p::IWRAP | ncf::p::WRAP_INT1 | ncf::p::MAKE_ZERO_LENGTH_VECTOR
markrec (w, 0);
_ => ();
fun markfp e
case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL _ => ();
ncf::JUMPTABLE r => apply markfp r.nexts;
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { type, to_temp, next, ... } => { fp (to_temp, type); markfp next; };
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { next, ... } => markfp next;
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { fields, to_temp, next, ... } => { rec_uses fields; markrec (to_temp, 0); markfp next; };
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { next, ... } => markfp next;
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { to_temp, type, next, ... } => { fp (to_temp, type); markfp next; };
ncf::ARITH { to_temp, type, next, ... } => { fp (to_temp, type); markfp next; };
ncf::PURE { op, to_temp, type, next, ... } => { mark_pure (op, to_temp); fp (to_temp, type); markfp next; };
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { to_ttemps, next, ... } => { apply fp to_ttemps; markfp next; };
ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { then_next, else_next, ... }
{ markfp then_next;
markfp else_next;
ncf::DEFINE_FUNS _ => error "ncf::DEFINE_FUNS in Spill::markfp";
paired_lists::apply fp (args, arg_types); # Mark function parameters.
markfp body; # Mark function body.
# Filter out multiple uses of record values because these
# are not forward propagated by the backend.
if debug
(\\ (v, n)
if (n >= 2)
pr (lv::name_of_highcode_codetemp v + " uses=" + i2s n + "\n");
(\\ n = n <= 1)
(float_set, record_set);
# needsSpilling
# =============
# This function checks whether we need to perform spilling for
# the current type, which is either gpr or fpr.
# Parameterized by type info. This is supposed to be a cheap check
# since most of the time this function should return FALSE,
# so no information is saved.
# This function takes O (N log N) time and O (N) space.
fun needs_spilling (TYPE_INFO { max_live, is_variable, ... } ) (nextcode_fun: ncf::Function)
{ nextcode_fun -> (callers_info, f, args, arg_types, body);
include package simple_set;
exception TOO_MANY;
bandwidth = REF 0;
# Make sure
|s| is not too large.
# Note: card is a O (1) operation.
fun check s
{ n = card s;
if (n > *bandwidth)
bandwidth := n;
if (n >= max_live) raise exception TOO_MANY;
else s;
# This function inserts lvars of
# the current type into set s:
fun uses (vs, s)
f (vs, s)
fun f ((ncf::CODETEMP x) ! vs, s)
f ( vs,
is_variable x ?? set::add (s, x)
:: s
f (_ ! vs, s)
f (vs, s);
f ([], s)
check s;
# Remove w (a definition) from s.
fun def (w, s)
rmv (s, w);
# Union of a list of sets S_1, ..., S_n.
# Runs in O (m \log m) time and space
# where m = \sum_{ i=1\ldots n }
list::fold_backward (\/) ooo;
# Compute the set of free vars at each program point.
# Raise exception TOO_MANY if the live set exceeds maxLive.
# This phase runs in total O (N log N) time and O (N) space.
fun freevars e
case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args } => uses (fn ! args, ooo);
ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, nexts, ... } => uses ([i], unions (map freevars nexts));
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => uses([record], def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => uses([record], def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { fields, to_temp, next, ... } => uses ((map #1 fields), def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { args, next, ... } => uses (args, freevars next );
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { to_temp, args, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::ARITH { to_temp, args, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::PURE { to_temp, args, next, ... } => uses (args, def (to_temp, freevars next));
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { to_ttemps, args, next, ... }
uses ( args,
(\\((w, _), s) = def (w, s))
(freevars next)
ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { args, then_next, else_next, ... }
uses (args, freevars then_next \/ freevars else_next);
ncf::DEFINE_FUNS _ => error "ncf::DEFINE_FUNS in Spill::freevars";
{ freevars body;
{ needs_spilling,
bandwidth => *bandwidth
}; # needsSpilling
# linearScan
# ==========
# Perform the actual spilling.
# The algorithm is derived from linear-scan RA algorithms.
# But since we are dealing with trees, (and because of immutable
# data structures), we'll do this in multiple passes rather than
# a single pass.
# What spilling means in nextcode is transforming:
# v <- f(...) # Definition
# ....
# ... <- g(... v ...) # use
# into:
# spilled <- rawrecord NULL m # Create an uninitialized spill record of length m
# ....
# v <- f(...) # Definition
# rawupdate (spilled, v_offset, v)
# ...
# ... <- g(... SELP (spilled, v_offset) ...) # reload
# Important notes:
# 1. The spill record is never live beyond the
# nextcode function, so we never even have to assign
# its record tag.
# 2. We spill all tagged/untagged values into a spill record,
# without segregating them by their types, so we are mixing
# 32-bit integers, 31-bit tagged ints, and pointers together.
# This is safe because of (1).
# This function takes a total of O (N log N) time and O (N) space.
fun linear_scan (TYPE_INFO { max_live, is_variable, item_size, ... } ) (nextcode_fun: ncf::Function)
{ nextcode_fun -> (callers_info, f, args, arg_types, body);
include package ranked_set;
dump("before", nextcode_fun);
# Information about each highcode_variable
Lvar_Info = LVAR_INFO { use_count: Ref( Int ), # Number of uses in this function.
def_point: Int, # Level of definition.
def_block: Int, # Block of definition.
cty: ncf::Type,
nearest_use: Ref( Int ) # min { level (x)
| x in uses (v) }
if *debug_nextcode_spill_info
pr "Nextcode Spill: linearScan\n";
lvar_info = iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 32, not_found_exception => LVAR_INFO_EXCEPTION };
lookup_lvar = iht::get lvar_info;
fun spill_cand v
{ (lookup_lvar v)
LVAR_INFO { nearest_use, use_count, def_point, cty, ... };
dist = *nearest_use - def_point;
rank = dist; # for now
SPILL_CANDIDATE { highcode_variable=>v, cty, rank };
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gather information about each highcode_variable
# We partition the nextcode function into blocks.
# A block is a continuous group of statements without
# controlflow or store updates.
# This phase runs in O (N) time and space.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
infinity = 10000000; # For sufficiently large values of 10000000. :-)
enter_lvar = iht::set lvar_info;
fun def (v, t, b, n)
enter_lvar (v, LVAR_INFO { use_count => REF 0,
def_point => n,
def_block => b,
cty => t,
nearest_use =>REF infinity
fun use (ncf::CODETEMP v, n)
if (is_variable v)
my LVAR_INFO { use_count, nearest_use, ... }
lookup_lvar v;
use_count := *use_count + 1;
nearest_use := int::min(*nearest_use, n);
use _
fun uses ([], n) => ();
uses (v ! vs, n) => { use(v, n); uses (vs, n);};
fun gather (e, b, n)
{ fun gathers ([], b, n)
gathers (e ! es, b, n)
{ gather (e, b, n);
gathers (es, b, n);
fun f0 (vl, e)
{ uses (vl, n);
gather (e, b+1, n+1);
fun f1 (v, w, t, e)
{ use(v, n);
def (w, t, b, n);
gather (e, b, n+1);
fun fx (vl, w, t, e, b)
{ uses (vl, n);
def (w, t, b, n);
gather (e, b, n+1);
case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args } => uses (fn ! args, n);
ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, nexts, ... } => { use(i, n); gathers (nexts, b+1, n+1); };
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, type, next, ... } => f1 (record, to_temp, type, next);
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => f1 (record, to_temp, ncf::bogus_pointer_type, next);
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { fields, to_temp, next, ... } => fx (map #1 fields, to_temp, ncf::bogus_pointer_type, next, b);
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { args, next, ... } => f0 (args, next);
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { args, to_temp, type, next, ... } => fx (args, to_temp, type, next, b);
ncf::ARITH { args, to_temp, type, next, ... } => fx (args, to_temp, type, next, b);
ncf::PURE { args, to_temp, type, next, ... } => fx (args, to_temp, type, next, b);
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { args, to_ttemps, next, ... }
{ b = b+1;
uses (args, n);
apply (\\ (w, t) = def (w, t, b, n))
gather (next, b, n+1);
ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { args, then_next, else_next, ... }
{ uses (args, n);
gathers( [then_next, else_next], b+1, n+1 );
error "ncf::DEFINE_FUNS in Spill::gather";
# Always remember to define the arguments!
my () = paired_lists::apply (\\ (v, t) = def (v, t, 0, 0)) (args, arg_types);
my () = gather (body, 1, 1);
end; # Gather
my () = if *debug_nextcode_spill pr "Nextcode Spill: gather done\n"; fi;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Spill tables and utilities
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
exception SPILL_TABLE;
iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 32, not_found_exception => SPILL_TABLE } :
iht::Hashtable ((ncf::Value, Int, ncf::Type));
# Variable -> spillRecord * spill offset * cty
enter_spill = iht::set spill_table;
find_spill = iht::find spill_table;
is_spilled = iht::contains_key spill_table;
current_spill_record = REF (NULL: Null_Or( (ncf::Codetemp, ncf::Value) ));
# Generate a new spill record variable:
fun gen_spill_rec ()
case *current_spill_record
{ v = lv::issue_named_highcode_codetemp
(symbol::make_value_symbol "spillrec");
e = ncf::CODETEMP v;
THE (v, e);
(v, e);
# This function finds up to m good
# spill candidates from the live set:
fun find_good_spills (0, lll, sp_off)
(lll, sp_off);
find_good_spills (m, lll, sp_off)
case (next lll)
NULL => (lll, sp_off); # no more spill candidates!
THE (SPILL_CANDIDATE { highcode_variable, cty, rank, ... }, lll)
{ offset = sp_off; # Should align when we have 64-bit values. XXX BUGGO FIXME
my (_, sp_rec_expression)
gen_spill_rec ();
enter_spill (highcode_variable, (sp_rec_expression, offset, cty));
fun inc (sp_off, cty)
sp_off + 1; # Should get at cty
# when we have 64-bit values XXX BUGGO FIXME
# OK: It is actually live and
# has not been spilled:
if *debug_nextcode_spill
pr("Spilling " + lv::name_of_highcode_codetemp highcode_variable + " rank=" + i2s rank + "\n");
find_good_spills (m - 1, lll, inc (sp_off, cty));
# Can and should the record be split?
# Split if,
# 1. we can handle the record type
# 2. if it has >= max_record_length live lvars as arguments
# 3. All its arguments are defined in the same block as the record.
fun should_split_record (rk, vl, b)
splittable rk and f (vl, 0)
fun ok_path (ncf::VIA_SLOT (i, p)) => ok_path p;
ok_path (ncf::SLOT 0) => TRUE;
ok_path _ => FALSE;
fun f ([], n)
n >= max_record_length;
f((ncf::CODETEMP v, p) ! vl, n)
{ my LVAR_INFO { def_block, ... }
lookup_lvar v;
def_block == b and
ok_path p and
if (is_variable v and not (is_spilled v)) f (vl, n+1);
else f (vl, n );
f ((_, ncf::SLOT 0) ! vl, n)
f (vl, n);
f _
# Tables for splitting a record
exception RECORD_TABLE;
{ record: ncf::Codetemp,
kind: ncf::Record_Kind,
len: Int,
offset: Int,
path: ncf::Fieldpath,
num_vars: Ref( Int ),
consts: List( (Int, ncf::Value) )
record_alloc_table = iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 16, not_found_exception => RECORD_TABLE };
split_record_table = iht::make_hashtable { size_hint => 16, not_found_exception => RECORD_TABLE };
find_record_item = iht::find record_alloc_table;
enter_record_item = iht::set record_alloc_table;
mark_split_record = iht::set split_record_table;
fun insert_record_item (v, x)
enter_record_item (v, x ! the_else (find_record_item v,[]));
# Mark record w as being split.
# Enter the appropriate info to all its arguments.
fun split_record_construction (rk, vl, w)
{ fun f (i, (ncf::CODETEMP v, offp) ! vl, vars, consts)
f (i+1, vl, (i, v, offp) ! vars, consts);
f (i, (c, ncf::SLOT 0) ! vl, vars, consts)
f (i+1, vl, vars, (i, c) ! consts);
f (_, [], vars, consts)
(vars, consts);
f _ =>
error "Nextcode Spill::split_record_construction";
my (vars, consts)
f (0, vl, [], []);
n = length vars;
if (n == 0)
error "Nextcode Spill: splitting constant record";
if *debug_nextcode_spill_info
pr("Splitting record " + lv::name_of_highcode_codetemp w + " len=" + i2s n + "\n");
len = length vl;
num_vars = REF n;
fun enter (i, v, path)
record => w,
kind => rk,
offset => i,
insert_record_item (v, item);
apply enter vars;
mark_split_record (w, TRUE);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Linear scan spilling.
# This function marks all spill/reload sites.
# Parameters:
# e --- nextcode expression
# b --- current block
# spOff --- current available spill offset
# Return:
# live --- the set of live lvars in e
# spills --- the number of spills
# This phase takes O (N log N) time and O (N) space
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
fun scan (e, b, sp_off)
{ # Add uses to live set:
fun add_uses ([], live)
add_uses (ncf::CODETEMP v ! vs, live)
add_uses (
if (is_variable v and not (is_spilled v))
set::add (live, spill_cand v);
else live;fi
add_uses(_ ! vs, live)
add_uses (vs, live);
# This function kills a definition
fun kill (w, live)
is_variable w ?? rmv (live, spill_cand w)
:: live;
# This function finds
# things to spill:
fun gen_spills (live, sp_off)
{ to_spills = card live - max_live;
if (to_spills > 0) find_good_spills (to_spills, live, sp_off);
else (live, sp_off);
# This function visits a list of fates and
# gathers up the info
fun scan_list es
f es
b = b + 1;
fun f [] => (ooo, 0);
f [e] => scan (e, b, sp_off);
f (e ! es)
{ my (lll1, sp_off1) = scan (e, b, sp_off);
my (lll2, sp_off2) = f es;
(lll1 \/ lll2, int::max (sp_off1, sp_off2));
# This function scans normal nextcode operators
# with one definition and one fate
# w: t <- f vs; e
fun scan_op (vs, w, e, b)
{ my (lll, sp_off) = scan (e, b, sp_off); # Do fate.
lll = kill (w, lll); # Remove definition.
lll = add_uses (vs, lll); # Add uses.
my (lll, sp_off) = gen_spills (lll, sp_off); # Find spill.
(lll, sp_off);
# This function scans statements
# with multiple fates:
fun scan_statement (vs, es)
{ my (lll, sp_off) = scan_list es; # Do fate.
lll = add_uses (vs, lll); # Add uses.
my (lll, sp_off) = gen_spills (lll, sp_off); # Find spills.
(lll, sp_off);
# This function scans
# record constructors:
fun scan_rec (rk, vl, w, e)
{ my (lll, sp_off)
scan (e, b, sp_off); # Do fate
my (lll, sp_off)
if (should_split_record (rk, vl, b))
split_record_construction (rk, vl, w);
(lll, sp_off);
lll = kill (w, lll);
lll = add_uses (map #1 vl, lll);
gen_spills (lll, sp_off);
(lll, sp_off);
my (lll, num_spills)
case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args } => scan_statement (fn ! args, []);
ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, nexts, ... } => scan_statement([i], nexts);
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => scan_op([record], to_temp, next, b);
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { record, to_temp, next, ... } => scan_op([record], to_temp, next, b);
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { kind, fields, to_temp, next }=> scan_rec (kind, fields, to_temp, next);
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { args, next, ... } => scan_statement (args, [next]);
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { args, to_temp, next, ... } => scan_op (args, to_temp, next, b);
ncf::ARITH { args, to_temp, next, ... } => scan_op (args, to_temp, next, b);
ncf::PURE { args, to_temp, next, ... } => scan_op (args, to_temp, next, b);
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { args, to_ttemps, next, ... }
{ b = b+1;
(scan (next, b, sp_off))
(lll, sp_off);
lll = fold_forward
(\\ ((w, _), lll) = kill (w, lll))
lll = add_uses (args, lll);
(gen_spills (lll, sp_off))
(lll, sp_off);
(lll, sp_off);
scan_statement (r.args, [r.then_next, r.else_next]);
ncf::DEFINE_FUNS _ => error "ncf::DEFINE_FUNS in Spill::scan";
(lll, num_spills);
# Scan the body
my (lll, num_spills)
scan (body, 1, 0);
if *debug_nextcode_spill
pr("Nextcode Spill: scan done. Spilling " + i2s num_spills + "\n");
# Generate reloads for a list of arguments.
# Returns:
# the rewritten list of arguments
# a function for inserting selects.
fun put_reloads vs
g (vs, [], \\ e = e)
fun g ([], vs', f)
(reverse vs', f);
g ((v as ncf::CODETEMP x) ! vs, vs', f)
case (find_spill x)
NULL => g (vs, v ! vs', f);
THE (spill_rec, off, cty)
{ x' = lv::clone_highcode_codetemp x;
v' = ncf::CODETEMP x';
fun f' next
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { i => off,
record => spill_rec,
to_temp => x',
type => cty,
next => f next
g (vs, v' ! vs', f');
g (v ! vs, vs', f)
g (vs, v ! vs', f);
# Generate reloads for record paths
# Returns:
# the rewritten list of record paths
fun put_path_reloads vl
f (vl, [])
fun f ([], vl')
reverse vl';
f((v as ncf::CODETEMP x, p) ! vl, vl')
case (find_spill x)
f (vl, (v, p) ! vl');
THE (spill_rec, off, cty)
f (vl, (spill_rec, ncf::VIA_SLOT (off, p)) ! vl');
f (v ! vl, vl')
f (vl, v ! vl');
# This function generate
# spill code for variable w
fun put_spill (w, next)
case (find_spill w)
THE (spill_record, off, cty)
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { op => ncf::p::SET_NONHEAP_RAMSLOT cty,
args => [ spill_record, ncf::INT off, ncf::CODETEMP w ],
NULL => next;
# Emit spill record code
fun create_spill_record (0, next)
create_spill_record (num_spills, next)
{ (gen_spill_rec ())
(spill_rec_lvar, _);
m = num_spills * item_size;
next = ncf::PURE { op => ncf::p::ALLOT_RAW_RECORD NULL,
args => [ncf::INT m],
to_temp => spill_rec_lvar,
type => ncf::bogus_pointer_type,
current_spill_record := NULL; # Clear
record_is_split = iht::contains_key split_record_table;
find_split_record_arg = iht::find record_alloc_table;
# Proj (v, path, e) ==> w <- v::path ; e[w/v]
fun proj (v, ncf::SLOT 0, e) => e v;
proj (v, ncf::VIA_SLOT (i, p), e)
{ v' = lv::issue_highcode_codetemp ();
next = e v';
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { i, record => ncf::CODETEMP v, to_temp => v', type => ncf::bogus_pointer_type, next };
proj _ => error "spill_g: proj";
# Generate
# record::offset <- v::path ; e
fun init_record_item (record, rk, offset, v, path, next)
( v,
\\ x = ncf::STORE_TO_RAM
op => ncf::p::SET_NONHEAP_RAMSLOT (rk_to_ncftype rk),
args => [ ncf::CODETEMP record, ncf::INT offset, ncf::CODETEMP x ],
# Generate code to create a record.
fun create_record (record, rk, len, consts, next)
{ next = put_spill (record, next);
op = ncf::p::SET_NONHEAP_RAMSLOT (rk_to_ncftype rk);
fun init ((i, c), next)
{ op,
args => [ncf::CODETEMP record, ncf::INT i, c],
next = fold_backward init next consts;
next = ncf::PURE { op => ncf::p::ALLOT_RAW_RECORD (THE rk),
args => [ncf::INT len],
to_temp => record,
type => ncf::bogus_pointer_type,
# It is the definition of highcode_variable v.
# Check to see if v is some component of split records.
# If so, generate code.
fun assign_to_split_record (v, e)
case (find_split_record_arg v)
THE inits
fold_backward gen e inits
{ record, kind, len, offset,
path, num_vars, consts, ... }, e)
{ e = init_record_item (record, kind, offset, v, path, e);
n = *num_vars - 1;
num_vars := n;
if (n == 0)
create_record (record, kind, len, consts, e);
NULL => e;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Rebuild
# This function rewrites the nextcode expression and insert spill/reload
# code.
# This phase takes O (N) time and O (N) space
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
fun rebuild e
{ fun rewrite_statement (vs, es, f)
{ es = map rebuild es;
my (vs, g)
put_reloads vs;
g (f(vs, es));
fun rewrite (vs, w, e, f)
{ e = rebuild e;
e = put_spill (w, e);
e = assign_to_split_record (w, e);
my (vs, g)
put_reloads vs;
g (f(vs, w, e));
fun rewrite'(vs, wl, e, f)
{ e = rebuild e;
e = fold_forward put_spill e wl;
e = fold_forward assign_to_split_record e wl;
my (vs, g)
put_reloads vs;
g (f (vs, wl, e));
fun rewrite_rec (vl, w, e, f)
{ e = rebuild e;
e = put_spill (w, e);
e = assign_to_split_record (w, e);
if (record_is_split w)
else f (put_path_reloads vl, w, e);fi;
# Wrappers -- make the match compiler shut up
fun s1 f (v ! vs, es) => f (v, vs, es);
s1 _ _ => error "Spill: s1";
fun e1 f ([v], w, e) => f (v, w, e);
e1 _ _ => error "Spill: e1";
fun s'1 f (vs, [e]) => f (vs, e);
s'1 _ _ => error "Spill: s'1";
fun s'2 f (vs, [x, y]) => f (vs, x, y);
s'2 _ _ => error "Spill: s'2";
# Rewrite the expression
e = case e
ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args }
( fn ! args,
s1 (\\ (fn, args, _) = ncf::TAIL_CALL { fn, args })
ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, xvar, nexts }
rewrite_statement( [i], nexts, s1 (\\ (i, _, nexts) = ncf::JUMPTABLE { i, xvar, nexts }));
ncf::GET_FIELD_I { i, record, to_temp, type, next }
rewrite( [record],
e1 (\\ (record, to_temp, next) = ncf::GET_FIELD_I { i, record, to_temp, type, next })
ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { i, record, to_temp, next }
rewrite( [record],
e1 (\\ (record, to_temp, next) = ncf::GET_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD_I { i, record, to_temp, next }));
ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { kind, fields, to_temp, next }
rewrite_rec (fields, to_temp, next, \\ (fields, to_temp, next) = ncf::DEFINE_RECORD { kind, fields, to_temp, next });
ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { op, args, next }
rewrite_statement (args, [e], s'1 (\\ (args, next) = ncf::STORE_TO_RAM { op, args, next }));
ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { op, args, to_temp, type, next } => rewrite (args, to_temp, next, \\ (args, to_temp, next) = ncf::FETCH_FROM_RAM { op, args, to_temp, type, next });
ncf::ARITH { op, args, to_temp, type, next } => rewrite (args, to_temp, next, \\ (args, to_temp, next) = ncf::ARITH { op, args, to_temp, type, next });
ncf::PURE { op, args, to_temp, type, next } => rewrite (args, to_temp, next, \\ (args, to_temp, next) = ncf::PURE { op, args, to_temp, type, next });
ncf::RAW_C_CALL { kind, cfun_name, cfun_type, args, to_ttemps, next }
map #1 to_ttemps,
\\ (args, wl, next)
kind, cfun_name, cfun_type, args,
to_ttemps => paired_lists::map
(\\ (w, (_, t)) = (w, t))
(wl, to_ttemps),
ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { op, args, xvar, then_next, else_next }
( args,
[then_next, else_next],
s'2 (\\ (args, then_next, else_next) = ncf::IF_THEN_ELSE { op, args, xvar, then_next, else_next })
error "ncf::DEFINE_FUNS in Spill::rebuild";
}; # Rebuild
# Insert spill/reload code:
body = rebuild body;
body = fold_backward put_spill body args; # Spill code for arguments.
body = create_spill_record (num_spills, body); # Insert spill record creation code:
if *debug_nextcode_spill_info
pr("Nextcode Spill: linearScan done " + i2s num_spills + " spilled\n");
(callers_info, f, args, arg_types, body);
dump("after", nextcode_fun);
}; # fun linear_scan
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# spillOne
# ========
# This is the driver to process only one nextcode function.
# This routine takes a total of O (N log N) time and O (N) space
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun spill_one nextcode_fun
{ # Perform spilling.
fun spill_it type_info nextcode_fun
{ my { needs_spilling, bandwidth, ... }
needs_spilling type_info nextcode_fun;
if *debug_nextcode_spill_info
pr("Nextcode Spill bandwidth=" + i2s bandwidth + "\n");
if needs_spilling linear_scan type_info nextcode_fun;
else nextcode_fun;
# If we have unboxed floats then
# we have to distinguish between
# fpr and gpr registers.
(mark_fp_and_rec nextcode_fun) # Collect fp type info
(fp_table, record_table);
is_moveable_rec = iht::contains_key record_table;
if mp::unboxed_floats
is_fp = iht::contains_key fp_table;
fun is_gp r
not (is_fp r) and
not (is_moveable_rec r);
fp = TYPE_INFO { is_variable=>is_fp, max_live=>maxfpfree, item_size=>2 };
gp = TYPE_INFO { is_variable=>is_gp, max_live=>maxgpfree, item_size=>1 };
nextcode_fun = spill_it fp nextcode_fun; # Do fp spills first
nextcode_fun = spill_it gp nextcode_fun; # Do gp spills
fun is_gp r
not (is_moveable_rec r);
(TYPE_INFO { is_variable=>is_gp, max_live=>maxgpfree, item_size=>1 })
}; # fun spill_one
# Main entry point:
map spill_one;
}; # spill_nextcode_registers_g
end; # stipulate
## Copyright 2002 by Bell Laboratories
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.