## ccalls-sparc32-g.pkg
## author: Matthias Blume (blume@reseach.bell-labs.com)
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/sparc32/backend-sparc32.lib# Comment: This is a first cut. It might be quite sub-optimal for some cases.
# (For example, I make no attempt at using ldd/ldx for
# copying stuff around because this would require keeping
# more track of alignment issues.)
# C function calls for the Sparc
# Register conventions:
# ?
# Calling convention:
# Return result:
# + Integer and pointer results are returned in %o0
# + 64-bit integers (long long) returned in %o1/%o1
# + float results are returned in %f0; double in %f0/%f1
# + Struct results are returned in space provided by the caller.
# The address of this space is passed to the callee as a hidden
# implicit argument on the stack (in the caller's frame). It
# gets stored at [%sp+64] (from the caller's point of view).
# An UNIMP instruction must be placed after the call instruction,
# indicating how much space has been reserved for the return value.
# + long double results are returned like structs
# Function arguments:
# + Arguments that are smaller than a word are promoted to word-size.
# + Up to six argument words (words 0-5) are passed in registers
# %o0...%o5. This includes doubles and long longs. Alignment for
# those types is NOT maintained, i.e., it is possible for an 8-byte
# quantity to end up in an odd-even register pair.
# * Arguments beyond 6 words are passed on the stack in the caller's
# frame. For this, the caller must reserve space in its frame
# prior to the call. Argument word 6 appears at [%sp+92], word 7
# at [%sp+96], ...
# + struct arguments are passed as pointers to a copy of the struct.
# The copy itself is allocated by the caller in its stack frame.
# + long double arguments are passed like structs (i.e., via pointer
# to temp copy)
# + Space for argument words 0-5 is already allocated in the
# caller's frame. This space might be used by the callee to
# save those arguments that must be addressable. %o0 corresponds
# to [%sp+68], %o1 to [%sp+72], ...
### "But mathematics is the sister,
### as well as the servant, of the arts
### and is touched by the same madness and genius."
### -- Marston Morse
# We get invoked from:
package cty = ctypes; # ctypes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ctypes.pkg package ix = treecode_extension_sext_sparc32; # treecode_extension_sext_sparc32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/sparc32/code/treecode-extension-sext-sparc32.pkg package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package lhn = lowhalf_notes; # lowhalf_notes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/lowhalf-notes.pkg package rgk = registerkinds_sparc32; # registerkinds_sparc32 is from
generic package ccalls_sparc32_g (
# ================
package tcf: Treecode_Form; # Treecode_Form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-form.api ix: ix::Sext
( tcf::Void_Expression,
tcf::Flag_Expression # flag expressions handle zero/parity/overflow/... flag stuff.
: (weak) Ccalls # Ccalls is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ccalls.api {
# Export to client packages:
package tcf = tcf;
fun error msg
lem::error ("Sparc32CompCCalls", msg);
= ARG tcf::Int_Expression
| FARG tcf::Float_Expression
| ARGS List( Ckit_Arg )
mem = tcf::rgn::memory;
stack = tcf::rgn::memory;
max_reg_args = 6;
param_area_offset = 68;
fun li i
tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_int (32, i));
gp' = rgk::get_ith_int_hardware_register;
fp' = rgk::get_ith_float_hardware_register;
fun greg r = gp' r;
fun oreg r = gp' (r + 8);
fun ireg r = gp' (r + 24);
fun freg r = fp' r;
fun reg32 r = tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (32, r);
fun freg64 r = tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (64, r);
sp = oreg 6;
spreg = reg32 sp;
fun addli (x, 0)
addli (x, d)
{ d' = tcf::mi::from_int (32, d);
case x
tcf::ADD (_, r, tcf::LITERAL d)
tcf::ADD (32, r, tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::add (32, d, d')));
_ => tcf::ADD (32, x, tcf::LITERAL d');
fun argaddr n
addli (spreg, param_area_offset + 4*n);
tmpaddr = argaddr 1; # temp location for transfers through memory
fun roundup (i, a)
a * ((i + a - 1) / a);
# Calculate size and alignment for a C type
fun szal (cty::VOID
| cty::FLOAT | cty::PTR |
cty::SIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG) |
cty::UNSIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG)) => (4, 4);
szal (cty::DOUBLE
cty::UNSIGNED cty::LONG_LONG) => (8, 8);
szal (cty::LONG_DOUBLE) => (16, 8);
szal (cty::SIGNED cty::CHAR
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::CHAR) => (1, 1);
szal (cty::SIGNED cty::SHORT
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::SHORT) => (2, 2);
szal (cty::ARRAY (t, n)) => { my (s, a) = szal t; (n * s, a); };
szal (cty::STRUCT l)
pack (0, 1, l)
# i: next free memory address (relative to struct start);
# a: current total alignment,
# l: List of struct member types */
fun pack (i, a, [])
# When we are done with all elements, the total size
# of the struct must be padded out to its own alignment
(roundup (i, a), a);
pack (i, a, t ! tl)
{ my (ts, ta)
szal t; # size and alignment for member
# member must be aligned according to its own
# alignment requirement; the next free position
# is then at "aligned member-address plus member-size";
# new total alignment is max of current alignment
# and member alignment (assuming all alignments are
# powers of 2)
pack (roundup (i, ta) + ts, int::max (a, ta), tl);
szal (cty::UNION l)
overlay (0, 1, l)
# m: current max size
# a: current total alignment
fun overlay (m, a, [])
(roundup (m, a), a);
overlay (m, a, t ! tl)
{ my (ts, ta) = szal t;
overlay (int::max (m, ts), int::max (a, ta), tl);
# *** START NEW CODE ***
# shorts and chars are promoted to 32-bits
natural_int_size = 32;
# the location of arguments/parameters; offsets are given with respect to the
# low end of the parameter area (see paramAreaOffset above).
= REG (tcf::Int_Bitsize, tcf::Register, Null_Or( tcf::mi::Machine_Int )) # integer/pointer argument in register
| FREG (tcf::Float_Bitsize, tcf::Register, Null_Or( tcf::mi::Machine_Int ))
# floating-point argument in register
| STK (tcf::Int_Bitsize, tcf::mi::Machine_Int)
# integer/pointer argument in parameter area
| FSTK (tcf::Float_Bitsize, tcf::mi::Machine_Int)
# floating-point argument in parameter area
| ARG_LOCS List( Arg_Location )
fun layout { calling_convention, return_type, parameter_types }
raise exception DIE "layout not implemented yet";
# C callee-save registers
callee_save_regs = # %l0-%l7 and %i0-%i7
list::from_fn (16, \\ r => gp' (r+16); end );
callee_save_fregs = [];
# *** END NEW CODE ***
# See comments in
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ccalls.api #
# We get called (only) from:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/nextcode/nextcode-ccalls-g.pkg #
fun make_inline_c_call
{ name,
{ calling_convention, return_type, parameter_types };
case calling_convention
| "unix_convention") => ();
_ => error (cat ["unknown calling convention \"",
string::to_string calling_convention, "\""]);
case return_type
| cty::STRUCT _ | cty::UNION _)
THE (szal return_type);
_ => NULL;
loop (parameter_types, 0)
fun loop ([], n)
loop (t ! tl, n)
loop ( tl,
case t
( cty::DOUBLE
| cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
) => 2;
_ => 1;
+ n
regargwords = int::min (nargwords, max_reg_args);
stackargwords = int::max (nargwords, max_reg_args) - max_reg_args;
stackargsstart = param_area_offset + 4 * max_reg_args;
scratchstart = stackargsstart + 4 * stackargwords;
# Copy struct or part thereof to designated area on the stack.
# An already properly aligned address (relative to %sp) is
# in to_off.
fun struct_copy (size, al, ARG a, t, to_off, cpc)
# Two main cases here:
# 1. t is C_STRUCT _ or C_UNION _;
# in this case "a" computes the address
# of the struct to be copied.
# 2. t is some other non-floating type; "a" computes the
# the corresponding value (i.e., not its address).
{ fun ldst type
tcf::STORE_INT (type, addli (spreg, to_off), a, stack) ! cpc;
case t
( cty::VOID
| cty::PTR
| cty::SIGNED (cty::INT | cty::LONG)
| cty::UNSIGNED (cty::INT | cty::LONG)) => ldst 32;
( cty::SIGNED cty::CHAR
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::CHAR) => ldst 8;
( cty::SIGNED cty::SHORT
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::SHORT) => ldst 16;
( cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::LONG_LONG) => ldst 64;
( cty::ARRAY _) => error "ARRAY within gather/scatter struct";
( cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _)
# Here we have to do the equivalent of a "memcpy".
{ from = a; # Argument is address of struct
fun cp (type, incr) = {
fun load_from from_off =
tcf::LOAD (32, addli (from, from_off), mem);
/* from_off is relative to from,
* to_off is relative to %sp */
fun loop (i, from_off, to_off, cpc) =
if (i <= 0 ) cpc;
else loop (i - incr,
from_off + incr, to_off + incr,
tcf::STORE_INT (type, addli (spreg, to_off),
load_from from_off,
! cpc);fi;
loop (size, 0, to_off, cpc);
case al
1 => cp (8, 1);
2 => cp (16, 2);
_ => /* 4 or more */ cp (32, 4);
( cty::FLOAT
| cty::DOUBLE
| cty::LONG_DOUBLE) => error "floating point type does not match ARG";
| struct_copy (_, _, ARGS args, cty::STRUCT tl, to_off, cpc) =
# gather/scatter case
let fun loop ([], [], _, cpc) = cpc
| loop (t ! tl, a ! al, to_off, cpc) = let
my (tsz, tal) = szal t
to_off' = roundup (to_off, tal)
cpc' = struct_copy (tsz, tal, a, t, to_off', cpc)
loop (tl, al, to_off' + tsz, cpc')
| loop _ =
error "number of types does not match number of arguments"
loop (tl, args, to_off, cpc)
struct_copy (_, _, ARGS _, _, _, _) =>
error "gather/scatter (ARGS) not supported (obsolete)";
struct_copy (size, al, FARG a, t, to_off, cpc)
{ fun fldst type
tcf::STORE_FLOAT (type, addli (spreg, to_off), a, stack) ! cpc;
case t
cty::FLOAT => fldst 32;
cty::DOUBLE => fldst 64;
cty::LONG_DOUBLE => fldst 128;
_ => error "non-floating-point type does not match FARG";
my (stackdelta, argsetupcode, copycode)
loop (parameter_types, args, 0, scratchstart, [], [])
fun loop ([], [], _, ss, asc, cpc)
(roundup (int::max (0, ss - stackargsstart), 8), asc, cpc);
loop (t ! tl, a ! al, n, ss, asc, cpc)
fun wordassign a
if (n < 6) tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (32, oreg n, a);
else tcf::STORE_INT (32, argaddr n, a, stack);
fun wordarg (a, cpc, ss)
loop (tl, al, n + 1, ss, wordassign a ! asc, cpc);
fun dwordmemarg (address, region, tmpstore)
{ fun toreg (n, address)
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (32, oreg n, tcf::LOAD (32, address, region));
fun tomem (n, address)
tcf::STORE_INT (32,
argaddr n,
tcf::LOAD (32, address, region),
fun toany (n, address)
if (n < 6)
toreg (n, address);
tomem (n, address);
# if n < 6 and n div 2 == 0 then
# use ldd here once lowhalf gets its usage right XXX BUGGO FIXME
# else
# ...
loop (tl, al, n+2, ss,
tmpstore @
toany (n, address)
! toany (n+1, addli (address, 4))
! asc,
fun dwordarg mkstore
if (n > 6 and n / 2 == 1)
# 8-byte aligned memory
loop (tl, al, n+2, ss,
mkstore (argaddr n) ! asc,
dwordmemarg (tmpaddr, stack, [mkstore tmpaddr]);
case (t, a)
| cty::PTR | cty::ARRAY _ |
cty::UNSIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG) |
cty::SIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG)), ARG a)
wordarg (a, cpc, ss);
(cty::SIGNED cty::CHAR, ARG a)
wordarg (tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (32, 8, a), cpc, ss);
(cty::UNSIGNED cty::CHAR, ARG a)
wordarg (tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (32, 8, a), cpc, ss);
(cty::SIGNED cty::SHORT, ARG a)
wordarg (tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (32, 16, a), cpc, ss);
(cty::UNSIGNED cty::SHORT, ARG a)
wordarg (tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (32, 16, a), cpc, ss);
( ( cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
case a
tcf::LOAD (_, address, region)
dwordmemarg (address, region, []);
_ =>
(\\ address = tcf::STORE_INT (64, address, a, stack));
(cty::FLOAT, FARG a)
# we use the stack region reserved for storing
# %o0-%o5 as temporary storage for transferring
# floating point values
case a
tcf::FLOAD (_, address, region) =>
wordarg (tcf::LOAD (32, address, region), cpc, ss);
_ =>
if (n < 6 )
ld = tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (32, oreg n,
tcf::LOAD (32, tmpaddr, stack));
cp = tcf::STORE_FLOAT (32, tmpaddr, a, stack);
loop (tl, al, n + 1, ss, cp ! ld ! asc, cpc);
else loop (tl, al, n + 1, ss,
tcf::STORE_FLOAT (32, argaddr n, a, stack)
! asc,
(cty::DOUBLE, FARG a)
case a
tcf::FLOAD (_, address, region)
dwordmemarg (address, region, []);
_ => dwordarg (\\ address = tcf::STORE_FLOAT (64, address, a, stack));
{ # Copy 128-bit floating point value (16 bytes)
# into scratch space (aligned at 8-byte boundary).
# The address of the scratch copy is then
# passed as a regular 32-bit argument.
ss' = roundup (ss, 8);
ssaddr = addli (spreg, ss');
wordarg (ssaddr,
tcf::STORE_FLOAT (128, ssaddr, a, stack) ! cpc,
ss' + 16);
(t as (cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _), a)
{ # copy entire struct into scratch space
# (aligned according to struct's alignment
# requirements). The address of the scratch
# copy is then passed as a regular 32-bit
# argument.
my (size, al) = szal t;
ss' = roundup (ss, al);
ssaddr = addli (spreg, ss');
cpc' = struct_copy (size, al, a, t, ss', cpc);
wordarg (ssaddr, cpc', ss' + size);
_ => error "argument/type mismatch";
loop _ => error "wrong number of arguments";
my (defs, uses) = {
gp = tcf::INT_EXPRESSION o reg32;
fp = tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION o freg64;
g_regs = map (gp o greg) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
a_regs = map (gp o oreg) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
l_reg = gp (oreg 7);
f_regs = map (fp o freg)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30];
# a call instruction defines all caller-save registers:
# - %g1 - %g7
# - %o0 - %o5 (argument registers)
# - %o7 (link register)
# - all fp registers
defs = g_regs @ a_regs @ l_reg ! f_regs;
# A call instruction "uses" just the argument registers.
uses = list::take_n (a_regs, regargwords);
(defs, uses);
case return_type
cty::FLOAT => [tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (32, fp' 0))];
cty::DOUBLE => [tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (64, fp' 0))]; # %f0/%f1
cty::LONG_DOUBLE => [];
(cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _) => [];
cty::ARRAY _ => error "array return type";
| cty::VOID |
cty::SIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG) |
cty::UNSIGNED (cty::INT
| cty::LONG))
[tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (32, oreg 0))];
( cty::SIGNED cty::CHAR
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::CHAR
[tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (8, oreg 0))];
( cty::SIGNED cty::SHORT
| cty::UNSIGNED cty::SHORT
[tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (16, oreg 0))];
( cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG
[tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (64, oreg 0))];
(save_restore_global_registers defs)
{ save, restore };
my (sretsetup, srethandshake)
case res_szal
NULL => ([], []);
THE (size, al) => {
address = struct_ret { szb => size, align => al };
([tcf::STORE_INT (32, addli (spreg, 64), address, stack)],
[tcf::EXT (ix (ix::UNIMP size))]);
call = tcf::CALL { funct => name, targets => [],
defs, uses,
region => mem, pops => 0 };
call = case call_comment
NULL => call;
THE c => tcf::NOTE (call, lhn::comment.x_to_note c);
my (sp_sub, sp_add)
if (stackdelta == 0) ([], []);
elif (param_allot { szb => stackdelta, align => 4 } ) ([], []);
else ([tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (32, sp, tcf::SUB (32, spreg, li stackdelta))],
[tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (32, sp, addli (spreg, stackdelta))]);
list::cat [ sp_sub,
{ callseq, result };
## COPYRIGHT (c) 2001 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.