## translate-treecode-to-machcode-sparc32-g.pkg
# The Mythryl compiler code representations used are, in order:
# 1) Raw Syntax is the initial frontend code representation.
# 2) Deep Syntax is the second and final frontend code representation.
# 3) Lambdacode (polymorphically typed lambda calculus) is the first backend code representation, used only transitionally.
# 4) Anormcode (A-Normal format, which preserves expression tree structure) is the second backend code representation, and the first used for optimization.
# 5) Nextcode ("continuation-passing style", a single-assignment basic-block-graph form where call and return are essentially the same) is the third and chief backend tophalf code representation.
# 6) Treecode is the backend tophalf/lowhalf transitional code representation. It is typically slightly specialized for each target architecture, e.g. Intel32 (x86).
# 7) Machcode abstracts the target architecture machine instructions. It gets specialized for each target architecture.
# 8) Execode is absolute executable binary machine instructions for the target architecture.
# For general context, see
# This module implements conversion from Treecode to
# abstract Sparc machine instructions. This is essentially
# an instruction selection task.
# Our runtime invocation is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/translate-nextcode-to-treecode-g.pkg# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/sparc32/backend-sparc32.lib# This is a new instruction selection module for Sparc,
# using the new instruction representation and the new
# Treecode representation. Support for V9 has been added.
# The cc bit in arithmetic op are now embedded within the arithmetic
# opcode. This should save some space.
# -- Allen Leung
### "Though I had success in my research
### both when I was mad and when I was not,
### eventually I felt that my work would
### be better respected if I thought
### and acted like a 'normal' person."
### -- John Forbes Nash
# We are invoked from:
package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package lnt = lowhalf_notes; # lowhalf_notes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/lowhalf-notes.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg package tcp = treecode_pith; # treecode_pith is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-pith.pkg package u32 = one_word_unt; # one_word_unt is from
generic package translate_treecode_to_machcode_sparc32_g (
# ========================================
package mcf: Machcode_Sparc32; # Machcode_Sparc32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/sparc32/code/machcode-sparc32.codemade.api package psi: Pseudo_Instruction_Sparc32 # Pseudo_Instruction_Sparc32 is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/sparc32/treecode/pseudo-instructions-sparc32.api where
mcf == mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package txc: Treecode_Extension_Compiler # Treecode_Extension_Compiler is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-extension-compiler.api where
mcf == mcf # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
also tcf == mcf::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
# The client should also specify these parameters.
# These are the estimated cost of these instructions.
# The code generator will use alternative sequences that are
# cheaper when their costs are lower.
mulu_cost: Ref( Int ); # Cost of unsigned multiplication in cycles
divu_cost: Ref( Int ); # Cost of unsigned division in cycles
mult_cost: Ref( Int ); # Cost of trapping/signed multiplication in cycles
divt_cost: Ref( Int ); # Cost of trapping/signed division in cycles
# If you don't want to use register
# windows at all, set this to FALSE:
registerwindow: Ref( Bool ); # Should we use register windows?
v9: Bool; # Should we use v9 instruction set?
use_br: Ref( Bool ); # Should we use the BR instruction (when in v9)?
# (I think it is a good idea to use it.)
: (weak) Translate_Treecode_To_Machcode # Translate_Treecode_To_Machcode is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/translate-treecode-to-machcode.api {
# Export to client packages:
package mcf = mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package tcs = txc::tcs; # "tcs" == "treecode_stream".
package mcg = txc::mcg; # "mcg" == "machcode_controlflow_graph".
package tcf = mcf::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
# package rgn = tcf::region;
package rgk = mcf::rgk; # "rgk" == "registerkinds".
Codebuffer = tcs::Treecode_Codebuffer( mcf::Machine_Op, rgk::Codetemplists, mcg::Machcode_Controlflow_Graph );
Treecode_Codebuffer = tcs::Treecode_Codebuffer( tcf::Void_Expression, List( tcf::Expression ), mcg::Machcode_Controlflow_Graph );
fun to_int n = tcf::mi::to_int (32, n);
fun li i = tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_int (32, i));
fun lt (n, m) = tcf::mi::lt (32, n, m);
fun le (n, m) = tcf::mi::le (32, n, m);
fun copy { dst, src, tmp }
mcf::COPY { kind => rkj::INT_REGISTER, size_in_bits => 32, dst, src, tmp };
fun fcopy { dst, src, tmp }
mcf::COPY { kind => rkj::FLOAT_REGISTER, size_in_bits => 64, dst, src, tmp };
int_width = if v9 64;
else 32;
package tct
treecode_transforms_g ( # treecode_transforms_g is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-transforms-g.pkg #
package tcf = tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
package rgk = rgk; # "rgk" == "registerkinds".
int_bitsize = int_width;
natural_widths = v9 ?? [32, 64]
:: [32 ];
Rep = SE
rep = NEITHER;
generic package multiply32_g
package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg herein
treecode_mult_g (
package mcf = mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package tcf = tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
Arg = { r1: rkj::Codetemp_Info, r2: rkj::Codetemp_Info, d: rkj::Codetemp_Info };
Argi = { r: rkj::Codetemp_Info, i: Int, d: rkj::Codetemp_Info };
int_width = 32;
fun mov { r, d } = copy { dst => [d], src => [r], tmp=>NULL };
fun add { r1, r2, d } = mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADD, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d };
fun slli { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SLL, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
fun srli { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SRL, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
fun srai { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SRA, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
generic package multiply64_g
package rkj = registerkinds_junk;
treecode_mult_g (
package mcf = mcf; # "mcf" == "machcode_form" (abstract machine code).
package tcf = tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
Arg = { r1: rkj::Codetemp_Info, r2: rkj::Codetemp_Info, d: rkj::Codetemp_Info };
Argi = { r: rkj::Codetemp_Info, i: Int, d: rkj::Codetemp_Info };
int_width = 64;
fun mov { r, d } = copy { dst => [d], src => [r], tmp=>NULL };
fun add { r1, r2, d } = mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADD, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d };
fun slli { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SLLX, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
fun srli { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SRLX, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
fun srai { r, i, d } = [mcf::shift { s=>mcf::SRAX, r, i=>mcf::IMMED i, d } ];
# Signed, trapping version of multiply and divide
package mult32
multiply32_g (
trapping = TRUE;
mult_cost = mult_cost;
fun addv { r1, r2, d }
mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADDCC, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ! psi::overflowtrap32;
fun subv { r1, r2, d }
mcf::arith { a=>mcf::SUBCC, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ! psi::overflowtrap32;
sh1addv = NULL;
sh2addv = NULL;
sh3addv = NULL;
signed = TRUE;
# Unsigned, non-trapping version of multiply and divide
generic package mul32_g
multiply32_g (
trapping = FALSE;
mult_cost = mulu_cost;
fun addv { r1, r2, d } = [mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADD, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ];
fun subv { r1, r2, d } = [mcf::arith { a=>mcf::SUB, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ];
sh1addv = NULL;
sh2addv = NULL;
sh3addv = NULL;
package mulu32 = mul32_g (signed = FALSE;);
package muls32 = mul32_g (signed = TRUE;);
# Signed, trapping version of multiply and divide
package mult64
multiply64_g (
trapping = TRUE;
mult_cost = mult_cost;
fun addv { r1, r2, d }
mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADDCC, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ! psi::overflowtrap64;
fun subv { r1, r2, d }
mcf::arith { a=>mcf::SUBCC, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ! psi::overflowtrap64;
sh1addv = NULL;
sh2addv = NULL;
sh3addv = NULL;
signed = TRUE;
# Unsigned, non-trapping version of multiply and divide
generic package mul64_g
multiply64_g (
trapping = FALSE;
mult_cost = mulu_cost;
fun addv { r1, r2, d } = [mcf::arith { a=>mcf::ADD, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ];
fun subv { r1, r2, d } = [mcf::arith { a=>mcf::SUB, r=>r1, i=>mcf::REG r2, d } ];
sh1addv = NULL;
sh2addv = NULL;
sh3addv = NULL;
package mulu64 = mul64_g (signed = FALSE;);
package muls64 = mul64_g (signed = TRUE;);
Commutative = COMMUTE
Cc = REG # write to register
| CC
# set condition code
# Do both
fun error msg
lem::error("Sparc", msg);
fun make_treecode_to_machcode_codebuffer
# 'buf' is our interface to
src/lib/compiler/back/low/mcg/make-machcode-codebuffer-g.pkg #
# which constructs a machine-code graph driven by our 'put commands:
# basically we do a lot of
# buf.put_op
# calls to construct the graph and then one
# resultgraph = buf.get_completed_cccomponent
# call to get the resulting machcode controlflow graph.
put_base_op = buf.put_op o mcf::BASE_OP;
# Flags
use_br = *use_br;
registerwindow = *registerwindow;
trap32 = psi::overflowtrap32;
trap64 = psi::overflowtrap64;
zero_r = rgk::r0;
make_int_codetemp_info = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info;
make_float_codetemp_info = rgk::make_float_codetemp_info;
fun immed13 n
le (-4096, n) and
lt (n, 4096);
fun immed13w w
{ x = u32::(>>>) (w, 0u12);
x == 0u0 or (u32::bitwise_not x) == 0u0;
fun splitw w
{ hi=>u32::to_int (u32::(>>) (w, 0u10)),
lo=>u32::to_int (u32::bitwise_and (w, 0ux3ff))
fun split n
splitw (tcf::mi::to_unt1 (32, n));
zero_opn = mcf::REG zero_r; # zero value operand
fun cond tcf::LT => mcf::BL;
cond tcf::LTU => mcf::BCS;
cond tcf::LE => mcf::BLE;
cond tcf::LEU => mcf::BLEU;
cond tcf::EQ => mcf::BE;
cond tcf::NE => mcf::BNE;
cond tcf::GE => mcf::BGE;
cond tcf::GEU => mcf::BCC;
cond tcf::GT => mcf::BG;
cond tcf::GTU => mcf::BGU;
cond _ => error "cond";
fun rcond tcf::LT => mcf::RLZ;
rcond tcf::LE => mcf::RLEZ;
rcond tcf::EQ => mcf::RZ;
rcond tcf::NE => mcf::RNZ;
rcond tcf::GE => mcf::RGEZ;
rcond tcf::GT => mcf::RGZ;
rcond _ => error "rcond";
fun signed_cmp (tcf::LT
| tcf::LE | tcf::EQ | tcf::NE | tcf::GE | tcf::GT) => TRUE;
signed_cmp _ => FALSE;
fun fcond tcf::FEQ => mcf::FBE;
fcond tcf::FNEU => mcf::FBNE;
fcond tcf::FUO => mcf::FBU;
fcond tcf::FGLE => mcf::FBO;
fcond tcf::FGT => mcf::FBG;
fcond tcf::FGE => mcf::FBGE;
fcond tcf::FGTU => mcf::FBUG;
fcond tcf::FGEU => mcf::FBUGE;
fcond tcf::FLT => mcf::FBL;
fcond tcf::FLE => mcf::FBLE;
fcond tcf::FLTU => mcf::FBUL;
fcond tcf::FLEU => mcf::FBULE;
fcond tcf::FNE => mcf::FBLG;
fcond tcf::FEQU => mcf::FBUE;
fcond fc => error("fcond " + tcp::fcond_to_string fc);
fun annotate (op, []) => op;
annotate (op, note ! notes) => annotate (mcf::NOTE { op, note }, notes);
fun mark'(i, notes) = buf.put_op (annotate (i, notes));
fun mark (i, notes) = buf.put_op (annotate (mcf::BASE_OP i, notes));
# Convert an operand into a register:
fun reduce_opn (mcf::REG r) => r;
reduce_opn (mcf::IMMED 0) => zero_r;
reduce_opn i
{ d = make_int_codetemp_info ();
put_base_op (mcf::ARITH { a=>mcf::OR, r=>zero_r, i, d } );
# Emit parallel copies:
fun copy' (dst, src, notes)
mark'( copy { dst, src,
tmp => case dst [_] => NULL;
_ => THE (mcf::DIRECT (make_int_codetemp_info ()));
fun fcopy' (dst, src, notes)
( fcopy
{ dst,
tmp => case dst
[_] => NULL;
_ => THE (mcf::FDIRECT (make_float_codetemp_info()));
# Move register s to register d
fun move (s, d, notes)
if (not (rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (s, d)
or rkj::interkind_register_id_of d == 0))
mark'(copy { dst => [d], src => [s], tmp=>NULL }, notes);
# Move floating point register s to register d
fun fmoved (s, d, notes)
if (not (rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (s, d)))
mark'(fcopy { dst => [d], src => [s], tmp=>NULL }, notes);
fun fmoves (s, d, notes) = fmoved (s, d, notes); # error "fmoves" for now!!! XXX BUGGO FIXME
fun fmoveq (s, d, notes) = error "fmoveq"
# Load immediate
fun load_immed (n, d, cc, notes)
{ or_op = if (cc != REG ) mcf::ORCC; else mcf::OR;fi;
if (immed13 n)
mark (mcf::ARITH { a=>or_op, r=>zero_r, i=>mcf::IMMED (to_int n), d }, notes);
my { hi, lo } = split n;
if (lo == 0)
mark (mcf::SETHI { i=>hi, d }, notes); gen_cmp0 (cc, d);
t = make_int_codetemp_info ();
put_base_op (mcf::SETHI { i=>hi, d=>t } );
mark (mcf::ARITH { a=>or_op, r=>t, i=>mcf::IMMED lo, d }, notes);
# Load label expression
fun load_label (lab, d, cc, notes)
{ or_op = if (cc != REG ) mcf::ORCC; else mcf::OR;fi;
mark (mcf::ARITH { a=>or_op, r=>zero_r, i=>mcf::LAB lab, d }, notes);
# Emit an arithmetic op:
fun arith (a, acc, e1, e2, d, cc, comm, trap, notes)
{ my (a, d)
case cc
REG => (a, d);
CC => (acc, zero_r);
CC_REG => (acc, d);
case (opn e1, opn e2, comm)
(i, mcf::REG r, COMMUTE)=> mark (mcf::ARITH { a, r, i, d }, notes);
(mcf::REG r, i, _) => mark (mcf::ARITH { a, r, i, d }, notes);
(r, i, _) => mark (mcf::ARITH { a, r=>reduce_opn r, i, d }, notes);
case trap
[] => ();
_ => apply buf.put_op trap;
# Emit a shift op:
fun shift (s, e1, e2, d, cc, notes)
{ mark (mcf::SHIFT { s, r=>expr e1, i=>opn e2, d }, notes);
gen_cmp0 (cc, d);
# Emit externally defined multiply
# or division operation (V8):
fun extarith (gen, gen_const, e1, e2, d, cc, comm)
{ fun nonconst (e1, e2)
case (opn e1, opn e2, comm)
(i, mcf::REG r, COMMUTE) => gen( { r, i, d }, reduce_opn);
(mcf::REG r, i, _) => gen( { r, i, d }, reduce_opn);
(r, i, _) => gen( { r=>reduce_opn r, i, d }, reduce_opn);
fun const (e, i)
{ r = expr e;
gen_const { r, i=>to_int i, d }
_ = gen( { r, i=>opn (tcf::LITERAL i), d }, reduce_opn);
ops = case (comm, e1, e2)
(_, e1, tcf::LITERAL i) => const (e1, i);
(COMMUTE, tcf::LITERAL i, e2 ) => const (e2, i);
_ => nonconst (e1, e2);
apply buf.put_op ops;
gen_cmp0 (cc, d);
# Emit 64-bit multiply or
# division operation (v9):
fun muldiv64 (a, gen_const, e1, e2, d, cc, comm, notes)
{ fun nonconst (e1, e2)
[ annotate
case (opn e1, opn e2, comm)
(i, mcf::REG r, COMMUTE) => mcf::arith { a, r, i, d };
(mcf::REG r, i, _ ) => mcf::arith { a, r, i, d };
(r, i, _ ) => mcf::arith { a, r=>reduce_opn r, i, d };
fun const (e, i)
{ r = expr e;
gen_const { r, i=>to_int i, d }
_ = [annotate (mcf::arith { a, r, i=>opn (tcf::LITERAL i), d }, notes)];
ops = case (comm, e1, e2)
(_, e1, tcf::LITERAL i) => const (e1, i);
(COMMUTE, tcf::LITERAL i, e2 ) => const (e2, i);
_ => nonconst (e1, e2);
apply buf.put_op ops;
gen_cmp0 (cc, d);
# Divisions:
also fun divu32 x = mulu32::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
also fun divs32 x = muls32::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
also fun divt32 x = mult32::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
also fun divu64 x = mulu64::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
also fun divs64 x = muls64::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
also fun divt64 x = mult64::divide { mode=>tcf::ROUND_TO_ZERO, void_expression=>do_void_expression } x
# Emit a unary floating point op:
fun funary (a, e, d, notes)
mark (mcf::FPOP1 { a, r=>float_expression e, d }, notes)
# Emit a binary floating point op:
fun farith (a, e1, e2, d, notes)
mark (mcf::FPOP2 { a, r1=>float_expression e1, r2=>float_expression e2, d }, notes)
# Convert an expression into an addressing mode
fun address ( tcf::ADD (type, (tcf::ADD (_, e, tcf::LITERAL n)
| tcf::ADD (_, tcf::LITERAL n, e)), tcf::LITERAL n')
address (tcf::ADD (type, e, tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::add (type, n, n'))));
address (tcf::ADD (type, tcf::SUB (_, e, tcf::LITERAL n), tcf::LITERAL n'))
address (tcf::ADD (type, e, tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::sub (type, n', n))));
address (tcf::ADD(_, e, tcf::LITERAL n))
if (immed13 n)
(expr e, mcf::IMMED (to_int n));
d = make_int_codetemp_info ();
load_immed (n, d, REG,[]);
(d, opn e);
address (tcf::ADD(_, e, x as tcf::LATE_CONSTANT c)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD(_, e, x as tcf::LABEL l)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD(_, e, tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION x)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD (type, i as tcf::LITERAL _, e)) => address (tcf::ADD (type, e, i));
address (tcf::ADD(_, x as tcf::LATE_CONSTANT c, e)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD(_, x as tcf::LABEL l, e)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD(_, tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION x, e)) => (expr e, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::ADD(_, e1, e2)) => (expr e1, mcf::REG (expr e2));
address (tcf::SUB (type, e, tcf::LITERAL n)) => address (tcf::ADD (type, e, tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::neg (32, n))));
address (x as tcf::LABEL l) => (zero_r, mcf::LAB x);
address (tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION x) => (zero_r, mcf::LAB x);
address a => (expr a, zero_opn);
# Emit an integer load:
fun load (l, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
mark (mcf::LOAD { l, r, i, d, ramregion }, notes);
gen_cmp0 (cc, d);
# Emit an integer store:
fun store (s, a, d, ramregion, notes)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
mark (mcf::STORE { s, r, i, d=>expr d, ramregion }, notes);
# Emit a floating point load:
fun fload (l, a, d, ramregion, notes)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
mark (mcf::FLOAD { l, r, i, d, ramregion }, notes);
# Emit a floating point store:
fun fstore (s, a, d, ramregion, notes)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
mark (mcf::FSTORE { s, r, i, d=>float_expression d, ramregion }, notes);
# Emit a jump:
fun jmp (a, labs, notes)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
mark (mcf::JMP { r, i, labs, nop=>TRUE }, notes);
# Convert lowhalf to registerset:
fun registerset lowhalf
g (lowhalf, rgk::empty_codetemplists)
fun g ([], set) => set;
g (tcf::INT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (_, r)) ! regs, set) => g (regs, rkj::cls::add_codetemp_to_appropriate_kindlist ( r, set));
g (tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT(_, f)) ! regs, set) => g (regs, rkj::cls::add_codetemp_to_appropriate_kindlist ( f, set));
g (tcf::FLAG_EXPRESSION (tcf::CC (_, cc)) ! regs, set) => g (regs, rkj::cls::add_codetemp_to_appropriate_kindlist (cc, set));
g(_ ! regs, set) => g (regs, set);
# Emit a function call:
fun call (a, flow, defs, uses, ramregion, cuts_to, notes, 0)
{ my (r, i) = address a;
defs=registerset (defs);
uses=registerset (uses);
case (rkj::interkind_register_id_of r, i)
(0, mcf::LAB (tcf::LABEL l))
mark (mcf::CALL { label=>l, defs=>rgk::add_codetemp_info_to_appropriate_kindlist (rgk::link_reg, defs), uses, cuts_to, ramregion, nop=>TRUE }, notes);
_ => mark (mcf::JMPL { r, i, d=>rgk::link_reg, defs, uses, cuts_to, ramregion, nop=>TRUE }, notes);
call _ => error "pops<>0 not implemented";
# Emit an integer branch instruction:
fun branch (tcf::CMP (type, cond, a, b), lab, notes)
{ my (cond, a, b)
case a
(tcf::LITERAL _
| tcf::LATE_CONSTANT _ | tcf::LABEL _)
(tcp::swap_cond cond, b, a);
_ => (cond, a, b);
if v9
branch_v9 (cond, a, b, lab, notes);
do_expr (tcf::SUB (type, a, b), make_int_codetemp_info (), CC,[]);
br (cond, lab, notes);
branch (tcf::CC (cond, r), lab, notes)
if (rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (r, rgk::psr))
br (cond, lab, notes);
gen_cmp0 (CC, r);
br (cond, lab, notes);
branch (tcf::FCMP (fty, cond, a, b), lab, notes)
{ cmp = case fty
32 => mcf::FCMPS;
64 => mcf::FCMPD;
_ => error "fbranch";
put_base_op (mcf::FCMP { cmp, r1=>float_expression a, r2=>float_expression b, nop=>TRUE } );
mark (mcf::FBFCC { b=>fcond cond, a=>FALSE, label=>lab, nop=>TRUE }, notes);
branch _ => error "branch";
fun branch_v9 (cond, a, b, lab, notes)
{ size = tct::tsz::size a;
if (use_br and signed_cmp cond)
r = make_int_codetemp_info ();
do_expr (tcf::SUB (size, a, b), r, REG,[]);
brcond (cond, r, lab, notes);
cc = case size
32 => mcf::ICC;
64 => mcf::XCC;
_ => error "branchV9";
do_expr (tcf::SUB (size, a, b), make_int_codetemp_info (), CC,[]);
bp (cond, cc, lab, notes);
fun br (c, lab, notes)
mark (mcf::BICC { b=>cond c, a=>TRUE, label=>lab, nop=>TRUE }, notes)
fun brcond (c, r, lab, notes)
mark (mcf::BR { rcond => rcond c, r, p=>mcf::PT, a=>TRUE, label=>lab, nop=>TRUE }, notes)
fun bp (c, cc, lab, notes)
mark (mcf::BP { b=>cond c, cc, p=>mcf::PT, a=>TRUE, label=>lab, nop=>TRUE }, notes)
# Generate code for a statement:
fun void_expression (tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER(_, d, e), notes) => do_expr (e, d, REG, notes);
void_expression (tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER(_, d, e), notes) => do_float_expression (e, d, notes);
void_expression (tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER_FROM_FLAGS_REGISTER (d, e), notes) => do_flag_expression (e, d, notes);
void_expression (tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS(_, dst, src), notes) => copy' (dst, src, notes);
void_expression (tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS(_, dst, src), notes) => fcopy' (dst, src, notes);
void_expression (tcf::GOTO (tcf::LABEL l, _), notes)
mark (mcf::BICC { b=>mcf::BA, a=>TRUE, label=>l, nop=>FALSE }, notes);
void_expression (tcf::GOTO (e, labs), notes) => jmp (e, labs, notes);
void_expression (tcf::CALL { funct, targets, defs, uses, region, pops, ... }, notes)
call (funct, targets, defs, uses, region,[], notes, pops);
void_expression (tcf::FLOW_TO (tcf::CALL { funct, targets, defs, uses, region, pops, ... }, cuts_to), notes)
call (funct, targets, defs, uses, region, cuts_to, notes, pops);
void_expression (tcf::RET _, notes) => mark (mcf::RET { leaf=>not registerwindow, nop=>TRUE }, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT ( 8, a, d, ramregion), notes) => store (mcf::STB, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT (16, a, d, ramregion), notes) => store (mcf::STH, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT (32, a, d, ramregion), notes) => store (mcf::ST, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT (64, a, d, ramregion), notes)
store (if v9 mcf::STX; else mcf::STD;fi, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_FLOAT (32, a, d, ramregion), notes) => fstore (mcf::STF, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_FLOAT (64, a, d, ramregion), notes) => fstore (mcf::STDF, a, d, ramregion, notes);
void_expression (tcf::IF_GOTO (cc, lab), notes) => branch (cc, lab, notes);
void_expression (tcf::DEFINE l, _) => buf.put_private_label l;
void_expression (tcf::NOTE (s, a), notes) => void_expression (s, a ! notes);
void_expression (tcf::EXT s, notes) => txc::compile_sext (reducer()) { void_expression=>s, notes };
void_expression (s, notes) => do_stmts (tct::compile_void_expression s);
fun do_void_expression s
void_expression (s,[])
fun do_stmts ss
apply do_void_expression ss
# Convert an expression into a register:
fun expr e
case e
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO(_, r) => r;
tcf::LITERAL z => (z == 0)
?? zero_r
:: comp();
_ => comp();
fun comp ()
{ d = make_int_codetemp_info ();
do_expr (e, d, REG, []); d;
# Compute an integer expression and
# put the result in register d.
# If cc is set then set the
# condition code with the result.
fun do_expr (e, d, cc, notes)
case e
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (_, r) => { move (r, d, notes); gen_cmp0 (cc, r);};
tcf::LITERAL n => load_immed (n, d, cc, notes);
tcf::LABEL l => load_label (e, d, cc, notes);
tcf::LATE_CONSTANT c => load_label (e, d, cc, notes);
tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION x => load_label (x, d, cc, notes);
# Generic 32/64 bit support
tcf::ADD(_, a, b)
arith (mcf::ADD, mcf::ADDCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::SUB(_, a, b)
case b
tcf::LITERAL z => (z == 0) ?? do_expr (a, d, cc, notes)
:: default ();
_ => default ();
fun default ()
arith (mcf::SUB, mcf::SUBCC, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_AND(_, a, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, b))
arith (mcf::ANDN, mcf::ANDNCC, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_OR(_, a, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, b))
arith (mcf::ORN, mcf::ORNCC, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_XOR(_, a, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, b))
arith (mcf::XNOR, mcf::XNORCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_AND(_, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, a), b)
arith (mcf::ANDN, mcf::ANDNCC, b, a, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_OR(_, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, a), b)
arith (mcf::ORN, mcf::ORNCC, b, a, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_XOR(_, tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, a), b)
arith (mcf::XNOR, mcf::XNORCC, b, a, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, tcf::BITWISE_XOR(_, a, b))
arith (mcf::XNOR, mcf::XNORCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_AND(_, a, b) => arith (mcf::AND, mcf::ANDCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_OR (_, a, b) => arith (mcf::OR, mcf::ORCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_XOR(_, a, b) => arith (mcf::XOR, mcf::XORCC, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, a) => arith (mcf::XNOR, mcf::XNORCC, a, li 0, d, cc, COMMUTE,[], notes);
# 32 bit support:
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (32, a, b) => shift (mcf::SRA, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U (32, a, b) => shift (mcf::SRL, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (32, a, b) => shift (mcf::SLL, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP (32, a, b)
arith (mcf::ADDCC, mcf::ADDCC, a, b, d, CC_REG, COMMUTE, trap32, notes);
tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP (32, a, b)
arith (mcf::SUBCC, mcf::SUBCC, a, b, d, CC_REG, NOCOMMUTE, trap32, notes);
tcf::MULU (32, a, b)
extarith (psi::umul32, mulu32::multiply, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE);
tcf::MULS (32, a, b)
extarith (psi::smul32, muls32::multiply, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE);
tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP (32, a, b)
extarith (psi::smul32trap, mult32::multiply, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE);
tcf::DIVU (32, a, b)
extarith (psi::udiv32, divu32, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE);
tcf::DIVS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, 32, a, b)
extarith (psi::sdiv32, divs32, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE);
tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, 32, a, b)
extarith (psi::sdiv32trap, divt32, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE);
# 64 bit support
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (64, a, b) => shift (mcf::SRAX, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U (64, a, b) => shift (mcf::SRLX, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (64, a, b) => shift (mcf::SLLX, a, b, d, cc, notes);
tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP (64, a, b)
arith (mcf::ADDCC, mcf::ADDCC, a, b, d, CC_REG, COMMUTE, trap64, notes);
tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP (64, a, b)
arith (mcf::SUBCC, mcf::SUBCC, a, b, d, CC_REG, NOCOMMUTE, trap64, notes);
tcf::MULU (64, a, b)
muldiv64 (mcf::MULX, mulu64::multiply, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE, notes);
tcf::MULS (64, a, b)
muldiv64 (mcf::MULX, muls64::multiply, a, b, d, cc, COMMUTE, notes);
tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP (64, a, b)
{ muldiv64 (mcf::MULX, mult64::multiply, a, b, d, CC_REG, COMMUTE, notes);
apply buf.put_op trap64;
tcf::DIVU (64, a, b)
muldiv64 (mcf::UDIVX, divu64, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE, notes);
tcf::DIVS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, 64, a, b)
muldiv64 (mcf::SDIVX, divs64, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE, notes);
tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, 64, a, b)
muldiv64 (mcf::SDIVX, divt64, a, b, d, cc, NOCOMMUTE, notes);
# Loads:
tcf::LOAD (8, a, ramregion) => load (mcf::LDUB, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
tcf::SIGN_EXTEND(_, _, tcf::LOAD (8, a, ramregion)) => load (mcf::LDSB, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
tcf::LOAD (16, a, ramregion) => load (mcf::LDUH, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
tcf::SIGN_EXTEND(_, _, tcf::LOAD (16, a, ramregion)) => load (mcf::LDSH, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
tcf::LOAD (32, a, ramregion) => load (mcf::LD, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
tcf::LOAD (64, a, ramregion) => load (if v9 mcf::LDX; else mcf::LDD;fi, a, d, ramregion, cc, notes);
# Conditional expression:
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD expression => do_stmts (tct::compile_cond { expression, rd=>d, notes } );
# Misc:
tcf::LET (s, e) => { do_void_expression s; do_expr (e, d, cc, notes);};
tcf::RNOTE (e, lnt::MARKREG f) => { f d; do_expr (e, d, cc, notes);};
tcf::RNOTE (e, a) => do_expr (e, d, cc, a ! notes);
tcf::PRED (e, c) => do_expr (e, d, cc, lnt::CONTROL_DEPENDENCY_USE c ! notes);
tcf::REXT e => txc::compile_rext (reducer()) { e, rd=>d, notes };
e => do_expr (tct::compile_int_expression e, d, cc, notes);
# Generate a comparison with zero:
fun gen_cmp0 (REG, _) => ();
gen_cmp0 (_, d) => put_base_op (mcf::ARITH { a=>mcf::SUBCC, r=>d, i=>zero_opn, d=>zero_r } );
# Convert an expression into
# a floating point register:
fun float_expression (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT(_, r)) => r;
float_expression e => { d = make_float_codetemp_info ();
do_float_expression (e, d,[]);
# Compute a floating point expression
# and put the result in d
fun do_float_expression (e, d, notes)
case e
# Single precision:
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (32, r) => fmoves (r, d, notes);
tcf::FLOAD (32, ea, ramregion) => fload (mcf::LDF, ea, d, ramregion, notes);
tcf::FADD (32, a, b) => farith (mcf::FADDS, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FSUB (32, a, b) => farith (mcf::FSUBS, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FMUL (32, a, b) => farith (mcf::FMULS, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FDIV (32, a, b) => farith (mcf::FDIVS, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FABS (32, a) => funary (mcf::FABSS, a, d, notes);
tcf::FNEG (32, a) => funary (mcf::FNEGS, a, d, notes);
tcf::FSQRT (32, a) => funary (mcf::FSQRTS, a, d, notes);
# Double precision:
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (64, r) => fmoved (r, d, notes);
tcf::FLOAD (64, ea, ramregion) => fload (mcf::LDDF, ea, d, ramregion, notes);
tcf::FADD (64, a, b) => farith (mcf::FADDD, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FSUB (64, a, b) => farith (mcf::FSUBD, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FMUL (64, a, b) => farith (mcf::FMULD, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FDIV (64, a, b) => farith (mcf::FDIVD, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FABS (64, a) => funary (mcf::FABSD, a, d, notes);
tcf::FNEG (64, a) => funary (mcf::FNEGD, a, d, notes);
tcf::FSQRT (64, a) => funary (mcf::FSQRTD, a, d, notes);
# Quad precision:
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (128, r) => fmoveq (r, d, notes);
tcf::FADD (128, a, b) => farith (mcf::FADDQ, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FSUB (128, a, b) => farith (mcf::FSUBQ, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FMUL (128, a, b) => farith (mcf::FMULQ, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FDIV (128, a, b) => farith (mcf::FDIVQ, a, b, d, notes);
tcf::FABS (128, a) => funary (mcf::FABSQ, a, d, notes);
tcf::FNEG (128, a) => funary (mcf::FNEGQ, a, d, notes);
tcf::FSQRT (128, a) => funary (mcf::FSQRTQ, a, d, notes);
# Floating point to floating point:
tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (type, type', e)
case (type, type')
(32, 32) => do_float_expression (e, d, notes);
(64, 32) => funary (mcf::FSTOD, e, d, notes);
(128, 32) => funary (mcf::FSTOQ, e, d, notes);
(32, 64) => funary (mcf::FDTOS, e, d, notes);
(64, 64) => do_float_expression (e, d, notes);
(128, 64) => funary (mcf::FDTOQ, e, d, notes);
(32, 128) => funary (mcf::FQTOS, e, d, notes);
(64, 128) => funary (mcf::FQTOD, e, d, notes);
(128, 128) => do_float_expression (e, d, notes);
# Integer to floating point:
tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT ( 32, 32, e) => apply buf.put_op (psi::cvti2s( { i=>opn e, d }, reduce_opn));
tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT ( 64, 32, e) => apply buf.put_op (psi::cvti2d( { i=>opn e, d }, reduce_opn));
tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT (128, 32, e) => apply buf.put_op (psi::cvti2q( { i=>opn e, d }, reduce_opn));
tcf::FNOTE (e, lnt::MARKREG f) => { f d; do_float_expression (e, d, notes);};
tcf::FNOTE (e, a) => do_float_expression (e, d, a ! notes);
tcf::FPRED (e, c) => do_float_expression (e, d, lnt::CONTROL_DEPENDENCY_USE c ! notes);
tcf::FEXT e => txc::compile_fext (reducer()) { e, fd=>d, notes };
e => do_float_expression (tct::compile_float_expression e, d, notes);
fun do_flag_expression (tcf::CMP (type, cond, e1, e2), cc, notes)
if (rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (cc, rgk::psr))
do_expr (tcf::SUB (type, e1, e2), make_int_codetemp_info (), CC, notes);
error "do_flag_expression";
do_flag_expression (tcf::CC(_, r), d, notes)
if (rkj::codetemps_are_same_color (r, rgk::psr))
error "do_flag_expression";
move (r, d, notes);
do_flag_expression (tcf::CCNOTE (e, lnt::MARKREG f), d, notes) => { f d; do_flag_expression (e, d, notes);};
do_flag_expression (tcf::CCNOTE (e, a), d, notes) => do_flag_expression (e, d, a ! notes);
do_flag_expression (tcf::CCEXT e, d, notes)
txc::compile_ccext (reducer()) { e, ccd=>d, notes };
do_flag_expression e => error "do_flag_expression";
fun cc_expr e
{ d = make_int_codetemp_info ();
do_flag_expression (e, d,[]);
# Convert an expression into an operand:
fun opn (x as tcf::LATE_CONSTANT c ) => mcf::LAB x;
opn (x as tcf::LABEL l ) => mcf::LAB x;
opn ( tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION x) => mcf::LAB x;
opn (e as tcf::LITERAL n)
if (n == 0)
elif (immed13 n)
mcf::IMMED (to_int n);
mcf::REG (expr e);
opn e => mcf::REG (expr e);
fun reducer ()
{ reduce_int_expression => expr,
reduce_float_expression => float_expression,
reduce_flag_expression => cc_expr,
reduce_void_expression => void_expression,
operand => opn,
reduce_operand => reduce_opn,
address_of => address,
put_op => buf.put_op o annotate,
codestream => buf,
treecode_stream => self ()
fun self ()
start_new_cccomponent => buf.start_new_cccomponent,
get_completed_cccomponent => buf.get_completed_cccomponent,
put_op => do_void_expression,
put_pseudo_op => buf.put_pseudo_op,
put_private_label => buf.put_private_label,
put_public_label => buf.put_public_label,
put_comment => buf.put_comment,
put_bblock_note => buf.put_bblock_note,
get_notes => buf.get_notes,
put_fn_liveout_info => \\ regs = buf.put_fn_liveout_info (registerset regs)
# Machine code generator for SPARC.
# The SPARC architecture has 32 general purpose registers (%g0 is always 0)
# and 32 single precision floating point registers.
# Some Ugliness: double precision floating point registers are
# register pairs. There are no double precision moves, negation and absolute
# values. These require two single precision operations. I've created
# composite instructions FMOVd, FNEGd and FABSd to stand for these.
# All integer arithmetic instructions can optionally set the condition
# code register. We use this to simplify certain comparisons with zero.
# Integer multiplication, division and conversion from integer to floating
# go thru the pseudo instruction interface, since older sparcs do not
# implement these instructions in hardware.
# In addition, the trap instruction for detecting overflow is a parameter.
# This allows different trap vectors to be used.
# -- Allen Leung
## COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.