## treecode-transforms-g.pkg
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/lib/lowhalf.lib# This is a generic module for transforming Treecodeexpressions:
# (1) expressions involving non-standard type widths are promoted when
# necessary.
# (2) operators that cannot be directly handled are expanded into
# more complex instruction sequences when necessary.
# -- Allen Leung
### "A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.
### It makes the hand bleed that uses it."
### -- Rabindranath Tagore
# We are invoked by:
package lbl = codelabel; # codelabel is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/codelabel.pkg package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package tcp = treecode_pith; # treecode_pith is from
generic package treecode_transforms_g (
# =====================
package tcf: Treecode_Form; # Treecode_Form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-form.api package rgk: Registerkinds; # Registerkinds is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds.api int_bitsize: tcf::Int_Bitsize; # Size of integer word
# This is a list of possible data widths to promote to.
# The list must be in increasing sizes.
# We'll try to promote to the next largest size.
natural_widths: List( tcf::Int_Bitsize );
# Are integers of widths less than the size of integer word.
# automatically sign extended, zero extended, or neither.
# When in doubt, choose neither since it is conservative.
Rep = SE
rep: Rep;
: (weak) Treecode_Tranforms # Treecode_Tranforms is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-transforms.api {
# Exported to client packages:
package tcf = tcf;
package tsz # Not referenced in this package.
treecode_bitsize_g ( # treecode_bitsize_g is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-bitsize-g.pkg #
package tcf = tcf;
int_bitsize = int_bitsize;
fun error msg
lem::error("treecode_transforms_g", msg);
fun unsupported what
error ("unsupported: " + what);
zero_t = tcf::LITERAL 0;
fun li i
tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_int (int_bitsize, i));
fun cond_of (tcf::CC (cc, _)) => cc;
cond_of (tcf::CMP(_, cc, _, _)) => cc;
cond_of (tcf::CCNOTE (cc, _)) => cond_of cc;
cond_of _ => error "condOf";
fun fcond_of (tcf::FCC (fcc, _)) => fcc;
fcond_of (tcf::FCMP(_, fcc, _, _)) => fcc;
fcond_of (tcf::CCNOTE (cc, _)) => fcond_of cc;
fcond_of _ => error "fcondOf";
www = int_bitsize;
# To compute f::type (a, b)
# let r1 <- a << (intType - type)
# r2 <- b << (intType - type)
# r3 <- f (a, b)
# in
# r3 >>> (intType - type)
# end
# Lal showed me this neat trick!
fun arith (right_shift, f, type, a, b)
{ shift = li (www-type);
right_shift (www, f (www, tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (www, a, shift), tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (www, b, shift)), shift);
fun promote_type type
loop natural_widths
fun loop ([])
unsupported("Cannot promote integer width " + int::to_string type);
loop (t ! ts)
t > type ?? t
:: loop ts;
fun promotable right_shift (e, f, type, a, b)
case natural_widths
[] => arith (right_shift, f, type, a, b);
_ => f (promote_type type, a, b);
fun is_natural w
loop natural_widths
fun loop []
loop (h ! t)
h == w or
w > h and loop t;
# Implement division with round-to-negative-infinity in terms
# of division with round-to-zero.
# The logic is as follows:
# - if q > 0, then we are done since any rounding was
# at the same time TO_ZERO and TO_NEGINF
# (This is the fast path that does not require calculating the remainder.)
# - otherwise we calculate r and see if it is zero; if so, no adjustment
# - finally if r and b have the same sign (i.e., r XOR b >= 0)
# we still don't need adjustment
# - otherwise adjust
# Instruction selection for machines (e.g., intel32) where the hardware returns both
# q and r anyway should implement this logic directly.
fun divinf (xdiv, type, aexp, bexp)
{ a = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
b = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
q = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
r = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
zero = tcf::LITERAL 0;
one = tcf::LITERAL 1;
[tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, a, aexp),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, b, bexp),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, q, xdiv (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b))),
tcf::IF (tcf::CMP (type, tcp::GT, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, q), zero),
tcf::SEQ [],
[tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, r, tcf::SUB (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a),
tcf::MULS (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b),
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, q)))),
tcf::IF (tcf::CMP (type, tcp::EQ, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r), zero),
tcf::SEQ [],
tcf::IF (tcf::CMP (type, tcp::GE,
tcf::BITWISE_XOR (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r)),
tcf::SEQ [],
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, q, tcf::SUB (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, q),
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, q));
# Same for rem when rounding to negative infinity.
# Since we have to return (and therefore calculate) the remainder anyway,
# we can skip the q > 0 test because it will be caught by the samesign (r, b)
# test.
# The odd case is when a = MININT and b = -1 in which case the DIVS op
# will overflow and trap on some machines. On others the result
# will be bogus. Should we fix that?
fun reminf (type, aexp, bexp)
{ a = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
b = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
q = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
r = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
zero = tcf::LITERAL 0;
[tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, a, aexp),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, b, bexp),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, q, tcf::DIVS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a),
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b))),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, r, tcf::SUB (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a),
tcf::MULS (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, q),
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b)))),
tcf::IF (tcf::CMP (type, tcp::EQ, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r), zero),
tcf::SEQ [],
tcf::IF (tcf::CMP (type, tcp::GE,
tcf::BITWISE_XOR (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r)),
tcf::SEQ [],
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, r, tcf::ADD (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b)))))],
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r));
# Same for rem when rounding to zero.
fun remzero (xdiv, xmul, type, aexp, bexp)
{ a = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
b = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
tcf::LET (tcf::SEQ [tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, a, aexp),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, b, bexp)],
tcf::SUB (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a),
xmul (type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b),
xdiv (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, a),
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, b)))));
# Translate integer expressions of unknown types into the appropriate
# term.
fun divremz d (type, a, b)
d (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, a, b);
fun compile_int_expression expression
case expression
tcf::LATE_CONSTANT c => tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION expression;
# Non-overflow trapping ops
tcf::NEG (type, a ) => tcf::SUB (type, zero_t, a);
tcf::ADD (type, a, b) => promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (expression, tcf::ADD, type, a, b);
tcf::SUB (type, a, b) => promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (expression, tcf::SUB, type, a, b);
tcf::MULS (type, a, b) => promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (expression, tcf::MULS, type, a, b);
tcf::DIVS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, a, b)
promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (expression, divremz tcf::DIVS, type, a, b);
tcf::DIVS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_NEGINF, type, a, b)
divinf (tcf::DIVS, type, a, b);
tcf::REMS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, a, b)
if (is_natural type) remzero (tcf::DIVS, tcf::MULS, type, a, b);
else promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (expression, divremz tcf::REMS, type, a, b);
tcf::REMS (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_NEGINF, type, a, b) => reminf (type, a, b);
tcf::MULU (type, a, b) => promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U (expression, tcf::MULU, type, a, b);
tcf::DIVU (type, a, b) => promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U (expression, tcf::DIVU, type, a, b);
tcf::REMU (type, a, b)
if (is_natural type)
remzero (\\ (_, type, a, b) => tcf::DIVU (type, a, b); end, tcf::MULU, type, a, b);
promotable tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U (expression, tcf::REMU, type, a, b);
# For overflow trapping ops; we have to do the simulation
tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP (type, a) => tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP (type, zero_t, a);
tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP (type, a, b) => arith (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT, tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP, type, a, b);
tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP (type, a, b) => arith (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT, tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP, type, a, b);
tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP (type, a, b) => arith (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT, tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP, type, a, b);
tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO, type, a, b) => arith (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT, divremz tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP, type, a, b);
tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP (tcf::d::ROUND_TO_NEGINF, type, a, b) => divinf (tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP, type, a, b);
# Conditional evaluation rules
/*** XXX: Seems wrong.
| tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, tcf::CC (cond, r), x, y)
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, tcf::CMP (type, cond, tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, r), zeroT), x, y)
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, tcf::CCNOTE (cc, a), x, y) => tcf::RNOTE (tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, x, y), a);
/*** XXX: TODO
| tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, tcf::CMP (t, cc, e1, e2), x as (tcf::LITERAL 0 | tcf::LI32 0w0), y)
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, tcf::CMP (t, tcp::negateCond cc, e1, e2), y, tcf::LITERAL 0)
# we'll let others strength reduce the multiply
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc as tcf::FCMP _, yes, no)
{ tmp = rgk::make_int_codetemp_info ();
tcf::SEQ [tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, tmp, no), tcf::IF (cc, tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, tmp, yes), tcf::SEQ [])],
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, tmp));
/*** XXX: TODO
| tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, e1, (tcf::LITERAL 0 | tcf::LI32 0w0))
tcf::MULU (type, tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, tcf::LITERAL 1, tcf::LITERAL 0), e1)
| tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, tcf::LITERAL m, tcf::LITERAL n)
tcf::ADD (type, tcf::MULU (type, tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, tcf::LITERAL 1, tcf::LITERAL 0), tcf::LITERAL (m-n)), tcf::LITERAL n)
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, e1, e2)
tcf::ADD (type, tcf::MULU (type, tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, cc, tcf::LITERAL 1, zero_t), tcf::SUB (type, e1, e2)), e2);
# ones-complement.
# WARNING: we are assuming two's complement architectures here.
# Are there any architectures in use nowadays that doesn't use
# two's complement for integer arithmetic?
tcf::BITWISE_NOT (type, e)
tcf::BITWISE_XOR (type, e, tcf::LITERAL -1);
# Default ways of converting integers to integers
tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (type, from_type, e)
if (from_type == type)
if (rep == SE and
from_type < type and
from_type >= head natural_widths
shift = tcf::LITERAL (tcf::mi::from_int (int_bitsize, www - from_type));
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (www, tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (www, e, shift), shift);
tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (type, from_type, e)
if (from_type <= type )
case type # A_type < fromType
8 => tcf::BITWISE_AND (type, e, tcf::LITERAL 0xff);
16 => tcf::BITWISE_AND (type, e, tcf::LITERAL 0xffff);
32 => tcf::BITWISE_AND (type, e, tcf::LITERAL 0xffffffff);
64 => e;
_ => unsupported("unknown expression");
# Converting floating point to integers.
# The following rule handles the case when type is not
# one of the naturally supported widths on the machine.
tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (type, round, fty, e)
{ type' = promote_type (type);
tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (type, type', tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (type', round, fty, e));
# Promote to higher width and zero high bits:
tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (type, data, shift)
{ type' = promote_type (type);
tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (type, type', tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (type', data, shift));
expression => unsupported("unknown expression");
fun compile_float_expression float_expression
unsupported("unknown expression");
fun mark (s, []) => s;
mark (s, a ! an) => mark (tcf::NOTE (s, a), an);
fun compile_void_expression (tcf::SEQ s)
compile_void_expression (tcf::IF (cond, tcf::GOTO (tcf::LABEL l, _), tcf::SEQ []))
[ tcf::IF_GOTO (cond, l) ];
compile_void_expression (tcf::IF (cond, yes, no))
{ label1 = lbl::make_anonymous_codelabel ();
label2 = lbl::make_anonymous_codelabel ();
[tcf::IF_GOTO (cond, label1),
tcf::GOTO (tcf::LABEL label2,[]),
tcf::DEFINE label1,
tcf::DEFINE label2
compile_void_expression stm
error "compile_void_expression";
# This function translations conditional expressions into a
# branch sequence.
# Note: we'll actually take advantage of the fact that
# e1 and e2 are allowed to be eagerly evaluated.
fun compile_cond { expression=>(type, bool_expression, e1, e2), rd, notes }
{ label1 = lbl::make_anonymous_codelabel ();
[ tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, rd, e1),
mark (tcf::IF_GOTO (bool_expression, label1), notes),
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (type, rd, e2),
tcf::DEFINE label1
fun compile_fcond { expression=>(fty, bool_expression, e1, e2), fd, notes }
{ label1 = lbl::make_anonymous_codelabel ();
[ tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (fty, fd, e1),
mark (tcf::IF_GOTO (bool_expression, label1), notes),
tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (fty, fd, e2),
tcf::DEFINE label1
## COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.