## task-junk.pkg
# Convenience functions built atop the
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread-preemptive-scheduler.pkg# layer.
# Compiled by:
package ath = microthread; # microthread is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread.pkg package itt = internal_threadkit_types; # internal_threadkit_types is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/internal-threadkit-types.pkg package mop = mailop; # mailop is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/mailop.pkg package mps = microthread_preemptive_scheduler; # microthread_preemptive_scheduler is from
package task_junk
: Task_Junk # Task_Junk is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/task-junk.api {
fun state_to_string ath::state::ALIVE => "ALIVE";
state_to_string ath::state::SUCCESS => "SUCCESS";
state_to_string ath::state::FAILURE => "FAILURE";
fun get_or_make_current_cleanup_task ()
# Get the cleanup task for current task,
# or create it if there isn't one yet:
{ current_thread = ath::get_current_microthread ();
current_task = ath::get_thread's_task current_thread;
current_task -> itt::APPTASK { cleanup_task, task_name, ... };
case *cleanup_task
THE task => task; # We already have a cleanup task.
NULL => { name = "Clean-up task for: " + task_name; # No cleanup task, so
task = ath::make_task name []; # make one.
mps::assert_not_in_uninterruptible_scope "get_or_make_current_cleanup_task";
log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 1; # We do it this way to avoid calling make_task while in uninterruptible mode, since it may
# # do a lot of work and it is safest to keep uninterruptible mode operations short and sweet.
task = case *cleanup_task
THE task => task; # Woops -- someone snuck in and registered a cleanup task ahead of us(!) Discard ours and use theirs.
NULL => { cleanup_task := THE task; # Register cleanup task in current task.
log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 0;
fun note_thread_cleanup_action action
# The idea here is to reliably run 'action'
# after the current thread exits.
# Since someone might kill the current thread
# or task, or either might be killed by an uncaught
# exception (say), we implement this by setting up
# a separate thread in a separate task, which will
# wait upon our done_condvar and then execute 'action'.
# (Threadkit guarantees that done_condvar will be set
# for a thread when it exits state::ALIVE, no matter
# how that happens.)
{ current_thread = ath::get_current_microthread ();
cleanup_task = get_or_make_current_cleanup_task ();
thread_done' = ath::thread_done__mailop current_thread;
thread_name = "Cleanup thread for: " + (ath::get_current_microthread's_name());
ath::make_thread' [ ath::THREAD_NAME thread_name, ath::THREAD_TASK cleanup_task ]
mop::block_until_mailop_fires thread_done';
action ();
fun note_task_cleanup_action action
# The idea here is as above, except that we want to
# run the given action when the current task exits,
# rather than when the current thread exits:
{ cleanup_task = get_or_make_current_cleanup_task ();
current_task = ath::get_thread's_task (ath::get_current_microthread ());
task_done' = ath::task_done__mailop current_task;
thread_name = "Cleanup thread for task: " + (ath::get_task's_name current_task);
ath::make_thread' [ ath::THREAD_NAME thread_name, ath::THREAD_TASK cleanup_task ]
mop::block_until_mailop_fires task_done';
action ();
## By Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2012-2012,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.