# textpane.pkg
# This package manages one view onto a textmill,
# consisting of a number of
# instances displaying (part of) the contents of
# the textmill, plus one displaying the dirtyflag,
# filename etc associated with the textmill.
# In "Model/View/Controller" terms, textmill.pkg
# is the Model and textpane.pkg is the View+Controller.
# (textpane.pkg also draws the visible frame around
# the textpane contents, but that is largely incidental
# to its main function.)
# Per emacs tradition, we allow multiple textpanes
# to be simultaneously open onto a single textmill;
# this heavily influences the design and implementation.
# See also:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/screenline.pkg# Compiled by:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit-widget.sublib# This package gets used in:
include package threadkit; # threadkit is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/threadkit.pkg include package geometry2d; # geometry2d is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d.pkg #
package evt = gui_event_types; # gui_event_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/gui-event-types.pkg package g2p = gadget_to_pixmap; # gadget_to_pixmap is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/gadget-to-pixmap.pkg package gd = gui_displaylist; # gui_displaylist is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/gui-displaylist.pkg package gt = guiboss_types; # guiboss_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/guiboss-types.pkg package gtj = guiboss_types_junk; # guiboss_types_junk is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/guiboss-types-junk.pkg package wt = widget_theme; # widget_theme is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/widget/widget-theme.pkg package wti = widget_theme_imp; # widget_theme_imp is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/widget-theme-imp.pkg package wit = widget_imp_types; # widget_imp_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp-types.pkg package r8 = rgb8; # rgb8 is from
src/lib/x-kit/xclient/src/color/rgb8.pkg package r64 = rgb; # rgb is from
src/lib/x-kit/xclient/src/color/rgb.pkg package wi = widget_imp; # widget_imp is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.pkg package g2d = geometry2d; # geometry2d is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d.pkg package g2j = geometry2d_junk; # geometry2d_junk is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d-junk.pkg package mtx = rw_matrix; # rw_matrix is from
src/lib/std/src/rw-matrix.pkg package pp = standard_prettyprinter; # standard_prettyprinter is from
src/lib/prettyprint/big/src/standard-prettyprinter.pkg package gtg = guiboss_to_guishim; # guiboss_to_guishim is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/guiboss-to-guishim.pkg package sl = screenline; # screenline is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/screenline.pkg package txm = textmill; # textmill is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textmill.pkg package psx = posixlib; # posixlib is from
src/lib/std/src/psx/posixlib.pkg package frm = frame; # frame is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/leaf/frame.pkg package nl = red_black_numbered_list; # red_black_numbered_list is from
src/lib/src/red-black-numbered-list.pkg package im = int_red_black_map; # int_red_black_map is from
src/lib/src/int-red-black-map.pkg package sj = string_junk; # string_junk is from
src/lib/std/src/string-junk.pkg package idm = id_map; # id_map is from
src/lib/src/id-map.pkg package sm = string_map; # string_map is from
src/lib/src/string-map.pkg package d2p = drawpane_to_textpane; # drawpane_to_textpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/drawpane-to-textpane.pkg package l2p = screenline_to_textpane; # screenline_to_textpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/screenline-to-textpane.pkg package p2l = textpane_to_screenline; # textpane_to_screenline is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textpane-to-screenline.pkg package p2d = textpane_to_drawpane; # textpane_to_drawpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textpane-to-drawpane.pkg package m2d = mode_to_drawpane; # mode_to_drawpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/mode-to-drawpane.pkg package b2p = millboss_to_pane; # millboss_to_pane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-to-pane.pkg package tph = textpane_hint; # textpane_hint is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textpane-hint.pkg package tpt = textpane_types; # textpane_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textpane-types.pkg package mt = millboss_types; # millboss_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-types.pkg package kmj = keystroke_macro_junk; # keystroke_macro_junk is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/keystroke-macro-junk.pkg package dp = drawpane; # drawpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/drawpane.pkg nb = log::note_on_stderr; # log is from
src/lib/std/src/log.pkgdummy1 = dp::with; # XXX SUCKO FIXME Quick hack to force this to compile and load during early developent.
Dummy2 = m2d::Mode_To_Drawpane; # XXX SUCKO FIXME Quick hack to force this to compile and load during early developent.
package textpane
: Textpane # Textpane is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textpane.api {
{ id: Id
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
frame_number: Int, # 1,2,3,... Purely for convenience of widget, guiboss-imp makes no use of this.
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Window rectangle in which to draw.
popup_nesting_depth: Int, # 0 for gadgets on basewindow, 1 for gadgets on popup on basewindow, 2 for gadgets on popup on popup, etc.
duration_in_seconds: Float, # If state has changed look-imp should call note_changed_gadget_foreground() before this time is up. Also useful for motionblur.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
gadget_mode: gt::Gadget_Mode,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
have_keyboard_focus: Bool,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
palette: wt::Gadget_Palette,
default_redraw_fn: Redraw_Fn
{ displaylist: gd::Gui_Displaylist,
point_in_gadget: Null_Or(g2d::Point -> Bool) #
MOUSE_CLICK_FN_ARG # Needs to be a sumtype because of recursive reference in default_mouse_click_fn.
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
event: gt::Mousebutton_Event, # MOUSEBUTTON_PRESS or MOUSEBUTTON_RELEASE.
button: evt::Mousebutton, # Which mousebutton was pressed/released.
point: g2d::Point, # Where the mouse was.
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: evt::Mousebuttons_State, # State of mouse buttons as a bool record.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
default_mouse_click_fn: Mouse_Click_Fn,
needs_redraw_gadget_request: Void -> Void # Notify guiboss-imp that this button needs to be redrawn (i.e., sent a redraw_gadget_request()).
Mouse_Click_Fn = Mouse_Click_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
event_point: g2d::Point,
start_point: g2d::Point,
last_point: g2d::Point,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
phase: gt::Drag_Phase,
button: evt::Mousebutton,
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: evt::Mousebuttons_State, # State of mouse buttons as a bool record.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
default_mouse_drag_fn: Mouse_Drag_Fn,
needs_redraw_gadget_request: Void -> Void # Notify guiboss-imp that this button needs to be redrawn (i.e., sent a redraw_gadget_request()).
Mouse_Drag_Fn = Mouse_Drag_Fn_Arg -> Void;
Mouse_Transit_Fn_Arg # Note that buttons are always all up in a mouse-transit event -- otherwise it is a mouse-drag event.
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
event_point: g2d::Point,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
transit: gt::Gadget_Transit, # Mouse is entering (CAME) or leaving (LEFT) widget, or moving (MOVE) across it.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
default_mouse_transit_fn: Mouse_Transit_Fn,
needs_redraw_gadget_request: Void -> Void # Notify guiboss-imp that this button needs to be redrawn (i.e., sent a redraw_gadget_request()).
Mouse_Transit_Fn = Mouse_Transit_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
keystroke: gt::Keystroke_Info, # Keystring etc for event.
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
guiboss_to_widget: gt::Guiboss_To_Widget, # Used by textpane.pkg keystroke-macro stuff to synthesize fake keystroke events to widget.
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
default_key_event_fn: Key_Event_Fn,
needs_redraw_gadget_request: Void -> Void # Notify guiboss-imp that this button needs to be redrawn (i.e., sent a redraw_gadget_request()).
Key_Event_Fn = Key_Event_Fn_Arg -> Void;
point: g2d::Point, # (0,0)-origin 'point' (==cursor) screen coordinates, in rows and cols (we assume a fixed-width font). (Remember to display these as (1,1)-origin when printing them out as numbers!)
mark: Null_Or(g2d::Point), # (0,0)-origin 'mark' if set, else NULL. Same coordinate system as 'point'.
lastmark: Null_Or(g2d::Point), # (0,0)-origin last-valid-value-of-mark if set, else NULL. We use this in exchange_point_and_mark() when 'mark' is not set -- see
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg dirty: Bool, # TRUE iff textmill contents have been modified since being loaded from file.
readonly: Bool,
pane_tag: Int, # Unique-among-textpanes numeric tag in the dense range 1-N assigned by renumber_panes() in millboss-imp.pkg, displayed on modeline, and used by "C-x o" (other_pane) in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg name: String, # Name of mill displayed in this pane. This is unique over all active mills, courtesy of uniquify_name() in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-imp.pkg panemode: String,
message: Null_Or(String) # Normally NULL: Used to temporarily display a message in the modeline, like "New file" or "No files need saving" or such.
Modeline_Fn = Modeline_Fn_Arg -> String;
Option = ID Id
| DOC String
| FRAME_INDENT_HINT gt::Frame_Indent_Hint
| REDRAW_FN Redraw_Fn
# Application-specific handler for widget redraw.
| MOUSE_CLICK_FN Mouse_Click_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mousebutton clicks.
| MOUSE_DRAG_FN Mouse_Drag_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mouse drags.
| MOUSE_TRANSIT_FN Mouse_Transit_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mouse crossings.
| KEY_EVENT_FN Key_Event_Fn
# Application-specific handler for keyboard input.
| MODELINE_FN Modeline_Fn
# Application-specific fn to format modeline display.
| PORTWATCHER (Null_Or(App_To_Textpane) -> Void)
# Widget's app port will be sent to these fns at widget startup.
| SITEWATCHER (Null_Or((Id,g2d::Box)) -> Void)
# Widget's site in window coordinates will be sent to these fns each time it changes.
; # To help prevent deadlock, watcher fns should be fast and nonblocking, typically just setting a var or entering something into a mailqueue.
fun process_options
( options: List(Option),
{ widget_id,
{ my_widget_id = REF widget_id;
my_widget_doc = REF widget_doc;
my_frame_indent_hint = REF frame_indent_hint;
my_redraw_fn = REF redraw_fn;
my_mouse_click_fn = REF mouse_click_fn;
my_mouse_drag_fn = REF mouse_drag_fn;
my_mouse_transit_fn = REF mouse_transit_fn;
my_key_event_fn = REF key_event_fn;
my_modeline_fn = REF modeline_fn;
my_widget_options = REF widget_options;
my_portwatchers = REF portwatchers;
my_sitewatchers = REF sitewatchers;
apply do_option options
fun do_option (ID i) => my_widget_id := THE i;
do_option (DOC d) => my_widget_doc := d;
do_option (FRAME_INDENT_HINT h) => my_frame_indent_hint := THE h;
do_option (REDRAW_FN f) => my_redraw_fn := f;
do_option (MOUSE_CLICK_FN f) => my_mouse_click_fn := f;
do_option (MOUSE_DRAG_FN f) => my_mouse_drag_fn := THE f;
do_option (MOUSE_TRANSIT_FN f) => my_mouse_transit_fn := THE f;
do_option (KEY_EVENT_FN f) => my_key_event_fn := f;
do_option (MODELINE_FN f) => my_modeline_fn := f;
do_option (PORTWATCHER c) => my_portwatchers := c ! *my_portwatchers;
do_option (SITEWATCHER c) => my_sitewatchers := c ! *my_sitewatchers;
{ widget_id => *my_widget_id,
widget_doc => *my_widget_doc,
frame_indent_hint => *my_frame_indent_hint,
redraw_fn => *my_redraw_fn,
mouse_click_fn => *my_mouse_click_fn,
mouse_drag_fn => *my_mouse_drag_fn,
mouse_transit_fn => *my_mouse_transit_fn,
key_event_fn => *my_key_event_fn,
modeline_fn => *my_modeline_fn,
widget_options => *my_widget_options,
portwatchers => *my_portwatchers,
sitewatchers => *my_sitewatchers
Panestate # We have two panes -- our main textpane and the one-line minimill pane. This type encapsulates per-pane state.
{ textpane_to_textmill: mt::Textpane_To_Textmill, # (We) textpane are a GUI view onto this textmill model.
textpane_to_drawpane: Ref( Null_Or( p2d::Textpane_To_Drawpane )), # Optional area for random graphics scribbling by the mode in charge.
mode_to_drawpane: Ref( Null_Or( m2d::Mode_To_Drawpane )), # Optional area for random graphics scribbling by the mode in charge.
screenlines: Ref( im::Map( p2l::Textpane_To_Screenline )), # Indexed by paneline.
expected_screenlines: Ref( Int ), # So we can tell when ps.screenlines is fully populated (for example).
panemode: mt::Panemode, # Contains mode name and mode keymap.
panemode_state: mt::Panemode_State, # Holds any required private state(s) for 'panemode'. We deliberately do not even know the types (they are hidden in Crypts).
sitewatchers: Ref( List( Null_Or((Id, g2d::Box )) -> Void )),
last_known_site: Ref (Null_Or( g2d::Box )),
point: Ref( g2d::Point ), # (0,0)-origin 'point' (==cursor) screen coordinates, in rows and cols (we assume a fixed-width font). (Remember to display these as (1,1)-origin when printing them out as numbers!)
mark: Ref( Null_Or( g2d::Point ) ), # (0,0)-origin 'mark' if set, else NULL. Same coordinate system as 'point'.
lastmark: Ref( Null_Or( g2d::Point ) ), # (0,0)-origin last-valid-value-of-mark if set, else NULL. We use this in exchange_point_and_mark() when 'mark' is not set -- see
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg #
readonly: Ref( Bool ), # TRUE iff textmill contents are read-only. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
dirty: Ref( Bool ), # TRUE iff textmill contents are modified. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
name: Ref( String ), # Name of textmill. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
editfn_to_invoke: Ref( Null_Or( mt::Keymap_Node ) ), # Execute given editfn. Supports (e.g.) query_replace -- this lets it read input from modeline and then continue.
quote_next: Ref( Null_Or( mt::Keymap_Node ) ), # Dedicated support for C-q.
screen_origin: Ref( g2d::Point ), # Origin of pane-visible text relative to textmill contents: (0,0) means we're showing top of buffer at top of textpane.
line_prefix: Ref( String ), # Prefix to show at start of each screenline. Main motivation is to support minimill prompts.
minimill_screenlines: Null_Or( Ref( im::Map( p2l::Textpane_To_Screenline ) ) )
{ col => -1, wide => -1,
row => -1, high => -1
}: g2d::Box;
fun find_freshest_invisible_mill # Used to find a good default mill to switch to for switch_to_mill.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss
: Null_Or( mt::Mill_Info )
(mt::get__mill_to_millboss "textpane::find_freshest_invisible_mill") # Find our port to
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-imp.pkg ->
mt::MILL_TO_MILLBOSS mill_to_millboss;
all_mills_by_id = mill_to_millboss.get_mills_by_id ();
all_panes_by_id = mill_to_millboss.get_panes_by_id ();
# Seems like the following code should have a much more concise expression. :-)
# Maybe some sort of set ops support?
map do_pane (idm::vals_list all_panes_by_id)
fun do_pane (pane_info: mt::Pane_Info)
drop_visible_mills (visible_mills, all_mills_by_id)
fun drop_visible_mills ([], result)
drop_visible_mills (visible_mill_id ! rest, mills_by_id)
( rest,
idm::drop (mills_by_id, visible_mill_id)
sort_by_freshness (idm::vals_list invisible_mills_by_id, im::empty)
fun sort_by_freshness ([]: List(mt::Mill_Info), result)
sort_by_freshness (mill_info ! rest, result)
( rest,
im::set (result, mill_info.freshness, mill_info)
im::last_val_else_null invisible_mills_by_freshness;
fun process_panemode_initialization_options
options: List( mt::Panemode_Initialization_Option ),
{ point
{ my_point = REF point;
apply do_option options
fun do_option (mt::INITIAL_POINT p) = my_point := p;
{ point => *my_point
fun make_minimill (minipanemode: mt::Panemode): Panestate
{ panemode_state = { mode => minipanemode, data => sm::empty }; # Set up any required private state(s) for our textpane panemode. We deliberately do not even know the types (they are hidden in Crypts).
minipanemode -> mt::PANEMODE mm;
(mm.initialize_panemode_state (minipanemode, panemode_state, NULL, [])) # Let minimill-mode.pkg or whatever set up its private state (currently none) and in principle return to us a requested textmill extension;
(panemode_state, textmill_extension, panemode_initialization_options);
(process_panemode_initialization_options (panemode_initialization_options, { point => g2d::point::zero }))
{ point };
textmill_arg = { name, textmill_options }
name = "*minimill*";
textmill_options = [ mt::UTF8 "\n",
mt::ID (issue_unique_id ())
case textmill_extension
THE textmill_extension # minimill-mode doesn't currently request a textmill_extension so currently this is just futureproofing.
[ mt::TEXTMILL_EXTENSION textmill_extension ];
NULL => [];
egg = txm::make_textmill_egg textmill_arg;
(egg ())
( textmill_exports: txm::Exports,
egg': (txm::Imports, Run_Gun, End_Gun) -> Void
{ };
(make_run_gun ()) -> { run_gun', fire_run_gun };
(make_end_gun ()) -> { end_gun', fire_end_gun };
egg' (textmill_imports, run_gun', end_gun');
fire_run_gun ();
textmill_exports -> { textpane_to_textmill,
textpane_to_drawpane = REF (NULL: Null_Or(p2d::Textpane_To_Drawpane ));
mode_to_drawpane = REF (NULL: Null_Or(m2d::Mode_To_Drawpane ));
screenlines = REF (im::empty: im::Map(p2l::Textpane_To_Screenline));
expected_screenlines = REF 1;
{ textpane_to_textmill,
panemode => minipanemode,
sitewatchers => REF ([]: List( Null_Or((Id, g2d::Box )) -> Void )),
last_known_site => REF NULL,
point => REF point, # Location of visible cursor in textmill. Upperleft origin is { row => 0, col => 0 } (but is displayed to user as L1C1 to conform with standard text-editor practice). This is in buffer (file) coordinates, not screen coordinates.
mark => REF (NULL: Null_Or(g2d::Point)), # Location of the emacs-traditional buffer 'mark'. If this is non-NULL, the 'mark' and 'point' delimit the current text selection in the buffer.
lastmark => REF (NULL: Null_Or(g2d::Point)), # When we set 'mark' field to NULL we save its previous value in 'lastmark' field. This gets used by exchange_point_and_mark in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg # # For the minimill the following values will never be used, since the minimill doesn't have a modeline display:
readonly => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are read-only. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
dirty => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are modified. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
name => REF "<unknown>", # Name of textmill. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
quote_next => REF NULL, # Support for C-q.
editfn_to_invoke => REF NULL, # Execute given editfn. Supports (e.g.) query_replace -- this lets it read input from modeline and then continue.
screen_origin => REF( g2d::point::zero ), # Origin of screen relative to textmill contents: (0,0) means we're showing top of buffer at top of textpane.
line_prefix => REF "",
minimill_screenlines => NULL
fun with # PUBLIC. The point of the 'with' name is that GUI coders can write 'textpane::with { this => that, foo => bar, ... }.'
{ # These ids are initially generated and assigned by 'with' in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/texteditor.pkg textpane_id: Id, # Our own unique id.
screenlines_mark: Id, # This MARK marks our COL of
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/screenline.pkg instances in the guipith. This is set up by src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/texteditor.pkg.
textmill_spec: mt::Textmill_Spec, #
minipanemode: mt::Panemode,
mainpanemode: mt::Panemode,
options: List(Option)
(mt::get__mill_to_millboss "textpane::with") # Find our port to
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-imp.pkg ->
mt::MILL_TO_MILLBOSS mill_to_millboss;
fun default_modeline_fn (MODELINE_FN_ARG a)
case a.message
THE message => message;
case (a.dirty, a.readonly)
(FALSE, FALSE) => " ";
(TRUE, FALSE) => "**";
(FALSE, TRUE ) => "%%";
(TRUE, TRUE ) => "%*"; # This can happen if user manually flips readonly flag after modifying buffer.
sprintf "%d. %s %s L%d.%d (%s)"
(a.point.row+1) # '+1's because lines and columns are internally numbered 0->(N-1), but user expects traditional numbering of 1->N.
# Top of per-imp state variable section
widget_to_guiboss__global = REF (NULL: Null_Or( { widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss, textpane_id: Id }));
millboss_to_pane__global = REF (NULL: Null_Or( b2p::Millboss_To_Pane ));
font_height__global = REF (NULL: Null_Or( Int ));
modeline_fn__global = REF default_modeline_fn; # Generates string for modeline, typically via sprintf.
have_keyboard_focus__global = REF FALSE;
pane_tag__global = REF 0; # A unique-among-textpanes number in the range 1-N assigned by renumber_panes() in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/millboss-imp.pkg # We display this on the modeline and it is used by "C-x o" (other_pane) in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg modeline_message__global = REF (NULL: Null_Or(String)); # Normally NULL: Used to temporarily display a message in the modeline, like "New file" or "No files need saving" or such.
subkeymap__global # Normally NULL; Used to implement keys with prefixes by saving current subkeymap in it.
REF (NULL: Null_Or( mt::Keymap ));
minimill__global = make_minimill minipanemode # The one-line minimill we use to interactively read in in arguments like filenames and search strings. So far there doesn't seem to be any reason to make this a REF cell.
: Panestate; #
mainmill__global = REF (minimill__global) # This is a dummy initial value, overwritten by startup().
: Ref (Panestate);
{ promptingfor: Ref( mt::Promptfor ), # The editfn arg which we're currently prompting user to supply interactively via modeline minimill.
to_promptfor: Ref( List( mt::Promptfor ) ), # Remaining editfn args to prompt user for once above one is completely read.
prompted_for: Ref( List( mt::Prompted_Arg ) ), # The editfn args which we've already read from user via modeline minimill.
stage: Ref( mt::Stage ),
editfn_node: mt::Editfn_Node, # The editfn to call with the above args, once they are all read.
valid_completions: Null_Or( String -> List(String) ), # If this is non-NULL then user is entering a commandname or filename or millname(=buffername) on the modeline, and given fn returns all valid completions of string-entered-so-far.
default_choice: Null_Or( String )
prompting__global # This is normally NULL: we send keystrokes to mainmill__global to edit its contents.
= # When this is non-NULL we send keystrokes to minimill__global to edit its contents -- a string being read interactively from user as an argument for an editfn.
REF (NULL: Null_Or( Editfn_Prompting_In_Progress ));
{ meta_is_set: Ref( Bool ), # TRUE after ESC has been hit.
super_is_set: Ref( Bool ), # TRUE between press and release of windows/command key.
doing_cntrlu: Ref( Bool ), # TRUE after user enters ^U (universal numeric prefix) until user enters something other than ^U or digits 0-9.
done_cntrlu: Ref( Bool ), #
seen_digit: Ref( Bool ),
sign: Ref( Int ),
numeric_prefix: Ref( Int ) #
{ meta_is_set => REF FALSE,
super_is_set => REF FALSE,
doing_cntrlu => REF FALSE,
done_cntrlu => REF FALSE,
seen_digit => REF FALSE,
sign => REF 1,
numeric_prefix => REF 0
drawpane__global = REF (NULL: Null_Or( wit::Startup_Fn_Arg ));
# End of state variable section
fun is_even (i: Int)
(i & 1) == 0;
fun make_screenlines_guipith
screenline_count: Int
{ screenlines = make_screenlines (screenline_count - 1, []) # NB: panelines run 0..screenline_count-1.
fun make_screenlines (-1, result)
make_screenlines (paneline, result_so_far)
{ screenline
options => [ sl::DOC (sprintf "Screenline %d" paneline),
sl::STATE { text => sprintf "I am screenline %d" paneline,
selected => NULL,
cursor_at => p2l::NO_CURSOR,
prompt => "",
screencol0 => 0,
background => case (is_even paneline) # Make background color of even-numbered screenlines white, but of odd-numbered ones just slightly bluish, to guide the eye across the screen.
TRUE => rgb::white ;
FALSE => rgb::rgb_mix01 (0.98, rgb::blue, rgb::white);
make_screenlines (paneline - 1, screenline ! result_so_far);
gt::XI_GUIPLAN (gt::COL screenlines);
fun maybe_change_number_of_screenlines (ps: Panestate)
{ # We depend upon the state variables
# last_known_site
# font_height__global
# widget_to_guiboss__global
# so it is critically important that we
# be called whenever any of those changes.
# For now we're ensuring that via ad hoc
# coding. Eventually it would be nice to
# have some methodology like CHR. # CHR == Constraint Handling Rules, see https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/CHR/biblio.shtml e.g. http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.2121
case (*font_height__global, *ps.last_known_site, *widget_to_guiboss__global)
(THE font_height, THE site, THE { widget_to_guiboss, textpane_id })
{ # Decide how many screenlines will fit comfortably.
frame_pixels = 10; # XXX SUCKO FIXME We must have the actual number somewhere.
pixels_between_lines = 2;
number_of_modelines = 1;
(site.high - frame_pixels) / (font_height + pixels_between_lines);
reasonable_line_count - number_of_modelines;
if (reasonable_screenline_count != *ps.expected_screenlines)
make_screenlines_guipith reasonable_screenline_count;
do_while_not {.
(widget_to_guiboss.g.get_guipiths ())
(gui_version, full_guipith_tree);
gtj::guipith_map (full_guipith_tree, [ gtj::XI_MARK_MAP_FN do_mark ])
fun do_mark (xi_mark: gt::Xi_Mark)
if (same_id (xi_mark.id, screenlines_mark))
xi_mark -> { id: Id,
doc: String,
widget: gt::Xi_Widget_Type
xi_mark = { id,
widget => screenlines_guipith_subtree
(gui_version, revised_full_guipith_tree);
ps.expected_screenlines := reasonable_screenline_count;
_ =>
{ # Insufficient information to reconfigure screenlines so doing nothing. (Eventually all required information will arrive.)
fun refresh_screenlines (ps: Panestate) # Update screenline instances to reflect textmill contents.
= # "ps" == "panestate".
{ ps.textpane_to_textmill
mt::TEXTPANE_TO_TEXTMILL tb; # "tb" == "textmill".
ts = tb.get_textstate (); # "ts" == "textstate".
ts -> { textlines: mt::Textlines, # Complete text contents of textmill.
editcount: Int # Count of edits applied. Intended to allow clients to quickly detect whether any changes have been made since they last polled us.
}; # By pro-actively fetching the entire textmill state we not only save inter-imp round trips, but more importantly guarantee that we do the complete redisplay on a single self-consistent state.
point = *ps.point;
mark = *ps.mark;
screen_origin = *ps.screen_origin;
apply do_line (0 .. (*ps.expected_screenlines - 1))
fun do_line (screen_line: Int)
case (im::get (*ps.screenlines, screen_line))
THE textpane_to_screenline
{ line_key = screen_line + screen_origin.row; # Figure out which textlines entry should be displayed in this screenline. NB: Internally lines are numbered 0->(N-1) (but we display them to user as 1-N).
line = case (nl::find (textlines, line_key))
THE line => line;
NULL => mt::MONOLINE { string => "\n", prefix => NULL }; # We don't expect this; keeps compiler happy.
line_number = screen_line + screen_origin.row;
my (selected, cursor_at) # Figure out what part (if any) of line is part of the selected region, and if so which end (if either) the cursor is at.
if (not *have_keyboard_focus__global)
(NULL, p2l::NO_CURSOR); # We do not have the keyboard focus, so display neither 'mark' nor 'point' (==cursor) in the textpane.
case mark
THE mark
if (mark.row < line_number and line_number < point.row) (THE (0, NULL), p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region starts before line and ends after it -- select entire line.
elif (mark.row > line_number and line_number > point.row) (THE (0, NULL), p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region starts before line and ends after it -- select entire line.
elif (mark.row < line_number and line_number > point.row) (NULL, p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region is entirely before line -- select nothing.
elif (mark.row > line_number and line_number < point.row) (NULL, p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region is entirely after line -- select nothing.
elif (mark.row < line_number and line_number == point.row) (THE (0, THE point.col), p2l::CURSOR_AT_END ); # Marked region starts before line and ends on it -- select leading part of line.
elif (mark.row == line_number and line_number > point.row) (THE (0, THE mark.col ), p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region starts before line and ends on it -- select leading part of line.
elif (mark.row > line_number and line_number == point.row) (THE (point.col, NULL), p2l::CURSOR_AT_START ); # Marked region starts on line and ends after it -- select trailing part of line.
elif (mark.row == line_number and line_number < point.row) (THE (mark.col, NULL), p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Marked region starts on line and ends after it -- select trailing part of line.
elif (mark.col < point.col) (THE (mark.col, THE point.col), p2l::CURSOR_AT_END ); # Marked region starts and ends on line -- select middle part of line.
else (THE (point.col, THE mark.col ), p2l::CURSOR_AT_START ); # Marked region starts and ends on line -- select middle part of line.
NULL => # No mark set.
if (point.row == line_number) (THE (point.col, THE point.col), p2l::CURSOR_AT_END ); # Display the cursor by itself.
else (NULL, p2l::NO_CURSOR ); # Nothing to display in reverse video on this line.
{ cursor_at,
text => string::chomp (mt::visible_line line), # Chomp it because screenline.pkg doesn't want the terminating newline (if any).
prompt => *ps.line_prefix,
screencol0 => screen_origin.col,
background => case (is_even screen_line) # Make background color of even-numbered screenlines white, but of odd-numbered ones just slightly bluish, to guide the eye across the screen.
TRUE => rgb::white ;
FALSE => rgb::rgb_mix01 (0.98, rgb::blue, rgb::white);
textpane_to_screenline.set_state_to linestate;
NULL => # Ignore this line because the relevant screenline.pkg instance has not yet registered with us (via millboss.pkg).
case (*prompting__global, ps.minimill_screenlines) # Update modeline display appropriately, unless the minimill is active (which preempts the modeline screenline to display itself) or unless we *are* minimill.
(NULL, THE (REF minimill_screenlines)) # *prompting__global==NULL so minimill is not active and we can go ahead and update the modeline, which displays on the same screenline as the minimill.
case (im::get (minimill_screenlines, 0)) # We expect a single screenline, stored under key 0 (albeit internally marked as paneline -1).
THE textpane_to_screenline
{ ps.textpane_to_textmill # Note that we're writing info *about* the main textpane *to* the modeline textpane.
tb.app_to_mill -> mt::APP_TO_MILL am;
ps.panemode -> mt::PANEMODE mm;
point => *ps.point,
mark => *ps.mark,
lastmark => *ps.lastmark,
dirty => *ps.dirty,
readonly => *ps.readonly,
pane_tag => *pane_tag__global,
name => am.get_name (),
panemode => mm.name,
message => *modeline_message__global
modeline_fn = *modeline_fn__global;
modeline_text = modeline_fn modeline_fn_arg;
{ cursor_at => p2l::NO_CURSOR,
selected => NULL,
text => modeline_text,
prompt => "",
screencol0 => 0,
background => rgb::white
textpane_to_screenline.set_state_to modeline_state;
NULL => (); # This case can happen if we haven't gotten our screenline notification yet.
_ => (); # Skip modeline update -- either the minimill is active or we *are* the minimill.
fun needs_redraw_gadget_request ()
case (*widget_to_guiboss__global)
THE { widget_to_guiboss, textpane_id } => widget_to_guiboss.g.needs_redraw_gadget_request(textpane_id);
NULL => ();
fun note_site
id: Id,
site: g2d::Box
{ ps = *mainmill__global;
if(*ps.last_known_site != THE site)
ps.last_known_site := THE site;
maybe_change_number_of_screenlines ps;
apply tell_watcher *ps.sitewatchers
fun tell_watcher sitewatcher
sitewatcher (THE (id,site));
fun default_redraw_fn (REDRAW_FN_ARG a)
{ font_size = NULL;
font_weight = (THE wt::BOLD_FONT: Null_Or(wt::Font_Weight));
fonts = [];
id = a.id;
palette = a.palette;
frame_indent_hint = a.frame_indent_hint;
site = a.site;
theme = a.theme;
have_keyboard_focus = a.have_keyboard_focus;
note_site (id, site);
fun get_fontnames ()
{ font_size_to_use
case font_size THE i => i;
NULL => *theme.default_font_size;
case font_weight THE wt::ROMAN_FONT => *theme.get_roman_fontname font_size_to_use;
THE wt::ITALIC_FONT => *theme.get_italic_fontname font_size_to_use;
THE wt::BOLD_FONT => *theme.get_bold_fontname font_size_to_use;
NULL => *theme.get_roman_fontname font_size_to_use;
fontnames = fonts @ [ fontname_to_use, "9x15" ];
{ g = wti::get__guiboss_to_hostwindow theme;
font = g.get_font (get_fontnames ());
THE (font.font_height.ascent + font.font_height.descent);
ps = *mainmill__global;
maybe_change_number_of_screenlines ps;
{ pixels_for_top_of_frame: Int, # Vertical pixels to allocate for top side of frame.
pixels_for_bottom_of_frame: Int, # Vertical pixels to allocate for bottom side of frame.
pixels_for_left_of_frame: Int, # Horizontal pixels to allocate for left side of frame.
pixels_for_right_of_frame: Int # Horizontal pixels to allocate for right side of frame.
if (pixels_for_top_of_frame == pixels_for_bottom_of_frame
and pixels_for_top_of_frame == pixels_for_left_of_frame
and pixels_for_top_of_frame == pixels_for_right_of_frame
and pixels_for_top_of_frame > 8)
# This branch of the 'if' is basically Compatibility Mode:
# it is what we used to do when frame.pkg was hardwired to
# always draw a frame 9 pixels thick on every side:
relief = wt::RIDGE;
thick = 5;
stipulate #
inset = 6;
fun frame_vertices ({ row, col, wide, high }: g2d::Box) #
= #
[ { col=> col + inset - 1, row=> row + inset }, # upper-left
{ col=> col + inset - 1, row=> row + high - (inset+1) }, # lower-left
{ col=> col + wide - (inset+1), row=> row + high - (inset+1) }, # lower-right
{ col=> col + wide - (inset+1), row=> row + inset } # upper-right
background_box = site;
foreground_indent = 9;
foreground_box = g2d::box::make_nested_box (background_box, foreground_indent); # This is the window area reserved for the widgets we're framing.
background_displaylist # The 'background' for the frame is the part not covered by the 3d polygon.
= # In particular, we do NOT want to draw over the inner rectangle reserved
[ gd::COLOR # for the widgets within the frame.
have_keyboard_focus ?? rgb::black # To make keyboard focus really clear, we draw the surround dead black when we have it.
:: palette.surround_color,
[ gd::FILLED_BOXES (g2d::box::subtract_box_b_from_box_a
a => background_box,
b => foreground_box
points = frame_vertices background_box;
if have_keyboard_focus
[]; # To make keyboard focus really clear, we draw the surround dead black when we have it, with no ridge/groove stuff.
(*theme.polygon3d palette
frame_outer_limit = g2d::box::make_nested_box (background_box, 3 );
frame_inner_limit = g2d::box::make_nested_box (background_box, 6 );
fun point_in_gadget (point: g2d::Point) # A fn which will return TRUE iff the point is on the 3d frame itself, not the surround -- much less the inner widgets.
if have_keyboard_focus
( (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, background_box))) and
(not (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, foreground_box)));
( (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, frame_outer_limit))) and
(not (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, frame_inner_limit)));
point_in_gadget = THE point_in_gadget;
displaylist = background_displaylist @ foreground_displaylist;
{ displaylist, point_in_gadget };
# This branch of the 'if' handles all the frame_indent_hint # XXX SUCKO FIXME we're not implementing the black-frame-when-keyboard-focus stuff here yet.
# cases that the original code really wasn't set up to handle:
if (pixels_for_top_of_frame == 0
and pixels_for_bottom_of_frame == 0
and pixels_for_left_of_frame == 0
and pixels_for_right_of_frame == 0)
fun point_in_gadget (point: g2d::Point) # A fn which will return TRUE iff the point is on the frame itself -- not on inner widgets.
point_in_gadget = THE point_in_gadget;
displaylist = [ gd::FILLED_BOXES [] ];
{ displaylist, point_in_gadget };
background_box = site;
foreground_box = gtj::make_nested_box (background_box, frame_indent_hint); # This is the window area reserved for the widgets we're framing.
background_displaylist # The 'background' for the frame is the part not covered by the 3d polygon.
= # In particular, we do NOT want to draw over the inner rectangle reserved
[ gd::COLOR # for the widgets within the frame.
[ gd::FILLED_BOXES (g2d::box::subtract_box_b_from_box_a
a => background_box,
b => foreground_box
[ gd::COLOR
[ gd::BOXES [ foreground_box, background_box ] ]
fun point_in_gadget (point: g2d::Point) # A fn which will return TRUE iff the point is on the frame itself -- not on inner widgets.
( (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, background_box))) and
(not (g2d::box::point_in_box (point, foreground_box)));
point_in_gadget = THE point_in_gadget;
displaylist = background_displaylist @ foreground_displaylist;
{ displaylist, point_in_gadget };
}; # fun default_redraw_fn
fun default_mouse_click_fn (MOUSE_CLICK_FN_ARG a) # Process a mouseclick on the frame we draw around the textpane. (Vs the screenline.pkg instances within the textpane -- these come via screenline__mouse_click_fn.)
fun merge_modifier_keys_info # Make ESC look like normal meta (mod1) modifier key. Ditto Windows/Command key as super (mod4) modifier key.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State,
meta_is_set: Bool,
super_is_set: Bool
} # Using a record rather than tuple reduces the risk of caller getting meta and super args interchanged.
: evt::Modifier_Keys_State
{ modifier_keys_state
{ shift_key_was_down: Bool,
shiftlock_key_was_down: Bool,
control_key_was_down: Bool,
mod1_key_was_down: Bool, # ALT, which emacs traditionally interprets as META modifier key.
mod2_key_was_down: Bool,
mod3_key_was_down: Bool,
mod4_key_was_down: Bool, # Windows/Command key, which emacs traditionally interprets as SUPER modifier key.
mod5_key_was_down: Bool
{ shift_key_was_down,
mod1_key_was_down => mod1_key_was_down or meta_is_set,
mod4_key_was_down => mod4_key_was_down or super_is_set,
Editfn_Out # mt::Editfn_Out in a more convenient form.
{ textlines_changed: Bool, textlines: mt::Textlines,
point_changed: Bool, point: g2d::Point,
mark_changed: Bool, mark: Null_Or(g2d::Point),
lastmark_changed: Bool, lastmark: Null_Or(g2d::Point),
screen_origin_changed: Bool, screen_origin: g2d::Point,
textmill_changed: Bool, textmill: Null_Or( mt::Textpane_To_Textmill ),
readonly_changed: Bool, readonly: Bool,
string_entry_complete: Bool, quit: Bool,
commence_kmacro: Bool,
conclude_kmacro: Bool,
activate_kmacro: Null_Or(Int), # Int is repeat_factor.
editfn_failed: Bool, save: Bool,
message: Null_Or(String),
quote_next: Null_Or( mt::Keymap_Node ),
editfn_to_invoke: Null_Or( mt::Keymap_Node ),
execute_command: Null_Or(String)
fun parse_editfn_out (editfn_out: mt::Editfn_Out)
{ ps = *mainmill__global;
r = { textlines_changed => FALSE, textlines => nl::empty,
point_changed => FALSE, point => *ps.point,
mark_changed => FALSE, mark => *ps.mark,
lastmark_changed => FALSE, lastmark => *ps.lastmark,
screen_origin_changed => FALSE, screen_origin => *ps.screen_origin,
textmill_changed => FALSE, textmill => NULL,
readonly_changed => FALSE, readonly => FALSE,
string_entry_complete => FALSE, quit => FALSE,
commence_kmacro => FALSE,
conclude_kmacro => FALSE,
activate_kmacro => NULL,
editfn_failed => TRUE, save => FALSE,
quote_next => NULL,
editfn_to_invoke => NULL,
execute_command => NULL,
message => case editfn_out WORK _ => NULL;
FAIL m => THE m;
case editfn_out
FAIL _ => r ;
WORK options => process_editfn_options (options, r);
fun process_editfn_options
options: List(mt::Editfn_Out_Option),
r: Editfn_Out
{ my_textlines = REF r.textlines;
my_textlines_changed = REF r.textlines_changed;
my_point = REF r.point;
my_point_changed = REF r.point_changed;
my_mark = REF r.mark;
my_mark_changed = REF r.mark_changed;
my_lastmark = REF r.lastmark;
my_lastmark_changed = REF r.lastmark_changed;
my_screen_origin = REF r.screen_origin;
my_screen_origin_changed = REF r.screen_origin_changed;
my_textmill = REF r.textmill;
my_textmill_changed = REF r.textmill_changed;
my_message = REF r.message;
my_readonly = REF r.readonly;
my_readonly_changed = REF r.readonly_changed;
my_quit = REF r.quit;
my_string_entry_complete = REF r.string_entry_complete;
my_save = REF r.save;
my_quote_next = REF r.quote_next;
my_editfn_to_invoke = REF r.editfn_to_invoke;
my_execute_command = REF r.execute_command;
my_commence_kmacro = REF r.commence_kmacro;
my_conclude_kmacro = REF r.conclude_kmacro;
my_activate_kmacro = REF r.activate_kmacro;
apply do_option options
fun do_option (mt::TEXTLINES textlines ) => { my_textlines := textlines; my_textlines_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::POINT point ) => { my_point := point; my_point_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::MARK mark ) => { my_mark := mark; my_mark_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::LASTMARK lastmark ) => { my_lastmark := lastmark; my_lastmark_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::SCREEN_ORIGIN so ) => { my_screen_origin := so; my_screen_origin_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::TEXTMILL tb ) => { my_textmill := THE tb; my_textmill_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::READONLY ro ) => { my_readonly := ro; my_readonly_changed := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::EDIT_HISTORY ro ) => { }; # This is handled entirely in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/textmill.pkg do_option (mt::MODELINE_MESSAGE m ) => { my_message := THE m; };
do_option (mt::EXECUTE_COMMAND command) => { my_execute_command := THE command; };
do_option (mt::QUOTE_NEXT editfn ) => { my_quote_next := THE editfn; };
do_option (mt::EDITFN_TO_INVOKE editfn ) => { my_editfn_to_invoke := THE editfn; };
do_option (mt::QUIT ) => { my_quit := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::STRING_ENTRY_COMPLETE ) => { my_string_entry_complete := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::SAVE ) => { my_save := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::COMMENCE_KMACRO ) => { my_commence_kmacro := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::CONCLUDE_KMACRO ) => { my_conclude_kmacro := TRUE; };
do_option (mt::ACTIVATE_KMACRO i) => { my_activate_kmacro := THE i; };
{ textlines => *my_textlines,
textlines_changed => *my_textlines_changed,
point => *my_point,
point_changed => *my_point_changed,
mark => *my_mark,
mark_changed => *my_mark_changed,
lastmark => *my_lastmark,
lastmark_changed => *my_lastmark_changed,
screen_origin => *my_screen_origin,
screen_origin_changed => *my_screen_origin_changed,
textmill => *my_textmill,
textmill_changed => *my_textmill_changed,
message => *my_message,
execute_command => *my_execute_command,
readonly => *my_readonly,
readonly_changed => *my_readonly_changed,
quit => *my_quit,
string_entry_complete => *my_string_entry_complete,
save => *my_save,
quote_next => *my_quote_next,
editfn_to_invoke => *my_editfn_to_invoke,
commence_kmacro => *my_commence_kmacro,
conclude_kmacro => *my_conclude_kmacro,
activate_kmacro => *my_activate_kmacro,
editfn_failed => FALSE
fun set_up_to_read_interactive_arg_from_modeline
editfn_node: mt::Editfn_Node, # This is the editfn for which we are interactively reading arguments from user.
this_arg: mt::Promptfor, # This is the editfn arg which we are interactively reading from user at the moment.
remaining_args: List( mt::Promptfor ), # These are the editfn args remaining to be interactively read from user.
read_so_far: List( mt::Prompted_Arg ), # These are the editfn args already interactively read from user.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss # This is our port to guiboss (and indirectly to millboss).
{ my { prompt, minimill_seed, incremental, valid_completions, default_choice } # Prompt to display (uneditable) and initial minimill contents (editable).
case this_arg
mt::STRING { prompt, doc }
{ prompt,
minimill_seed => "",
incremental => FALSE,
valid_completions => NULL,
default_choice => NULL
mt::COMMANDNAME { prompt, doc }
{ fun valid_completions (s: String): List(String) # 's' will contain a partial commandname being typed on the modeline. We want to return a sorted list of all commandnames starting with 's'.
{ all_known_editfns_by_name # Get the name->val map.
mt::get_all_known_editfns_by_name ();
all_commandnames # Get just the names.
sm::keys_list all_known_editfns_by_name;
relevant_commandnames # Get just the names starting with 's'.
(string::is_prefix s)
{ prompt,
minimill_seed => "",
incremental => FALSE,
valid_completions => THE valid_completions,
default_choice => NULL
mt::MILLNAME { prompt, doc }
fun valid_completions (millname: String): List(String) # 'millname' will contain a partial millname (emacs "buffername") being typed on the modeline. We want to return a sorted list of all millnames starting with 'millname'.
mill_to_millboss.get_mills_by_name ();
sm::keys_list all_mills_by_name;
relevant_millnames # Get just the millnames starting with 'millname'.
(string::is_prefix millname)
my (prompt, default_choice)
case (find_freshest_invisible_mill widget_to_guiboss)
THE mill_info
( sprintf "%s (default %s): " prompt mill_info.name,
THE mill_info.name
NULL => (prompt + ": ", NULL); # There must be no invisible mills.
{ prompt,
minimill_seed => "",
incremental => FALSE,
valid_completions => THE valid_completions,
mt::FILENAME { prompt, doc }
{ cwd = psx::current_directory (); # Returns something like "/mythryl7/mythryl7.110.58/mythryl7.110.58".
fun valid_completions (pathname: String): List(String) # 'pathname' will contain a partial pathname being typed on the modeline. We want to return a sorted list of all filepaths starting with 'pathname'.
{ dirname = sj::dirname pathname; # Directory part of path, with no trailing slash.
basename = sj::basename pathname; # Filename part of path, with no directory component.
filenames_in_dir = dir::file_names' dirname; # Get all filenames (including dotfiles but not directory names) in directory 'dirname'.
relevant_filenames_in_dir # Get just the filenames starting with 'basename'.
if (basename == "")
(string::is_prefix basename)
relevant_filepaths_in_dir # Expand the filenames into full filepaths by prepending 'dirname'.
map do_filename relevant_filenames_in_dir
fun do_filename (filename: String)
dirname + "/" + filename;
{ prompt,
minimill_seed => cwd + "/",
incremental => FALSE,
valid_completions => THE valid_completions,
default_choice => NULL
mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING { prompt, doc }
{ prompt,
minimill_seed => "",
incremental => TRUE,
valid_completions => NULL,
default_choice => NULL
mm = minimill__global;
mm.line_prefix := prompt;
mm.point # Set minimill cursor at end of text seeded into minimill.
{ row => 0,
col => string::length_in_chars minimill_seed
{ promptingfor => REF this_arg,
to_promptfor => REF remaining_args,
prompted_for => REF read_so_far,
stage => REF mt::INITIAL,
THE editfn_prompting_in_progress;
refresh_screenlines mm;
fun invoke_editfn # Now have editfn to execute for this keystroke. Go read any interactive args it needs from user and then call it.
editfn: mt::Keymap_Node, # Read any interactive args required by editfn, then execute it via do_edit
keystring: String, # User keystroke that invoked this editfn.
ps: Panestate,
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
note_textmill_statechange: (mt::Outport, mt::Textmill_Statechange) -> Void
: Void
case editfn
mt::EDITFN (editfn_node as mt::PLAIN_EDITFN node)
if (node.args == []) # No interactively-read args needed by this editfn so go ahead and call it.
if *keystroke_entry__global.done_cntrlu
THE *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix;
else NULL;
keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu := FALSE; # This should not be needed.
keystroke_entry__global.done_cntrlu := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 0;
else # This editfn wants some args entered interactively via modeline so set up to read them.
this_arg = head node.args;
remaining_args = tail node.args;
mt::EDITFN (mt::FANCY_EDITFN /* node */)
nb {. "mt::FANCY_EDITFN unsupported -- textpane.pkg"; };
mt::SUBKEYMAP subkeymap
subkeymap__global := THE subkeymap;
mt::UNDEFINED # This is used to undefine a keystroke sequence which is defined by an ancestor of the current keymap. Possibly we should beep or post a modeline message or such.
fun do_edit # Main fn to invoke an editfn in (e.g.) fundamental-mode.pkg once the keystrokes invoking it are processed and the corresponding editfn located and any required user arguments prompted for and entered interactively.
editfn_node: mt::Editfn_Node,
keystring: String, # User keystroke that invoked this editfn. To date we don't seem to need the full gt::Keystroke_Info record here, so we favor keeping life simple until forced to complicate.
ps: Panestate,
prompted_args: List( mt::Prompted_Arg ),
numeric_prefix: Null_Or(Int),
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
note_textmill_statechange: (mt::Outport, mt::Textmill_Statechange) -> Void
{ ps.textpane_to_textmill
point_and_mark = { point => *ps.point,
mark => *ps.mark
lastmark = *ps.lastmark;
log_undo_info = TRUE;
visible_lines = *ps.expected_screenlines;
screen_origin = *ps.screen_origin;
valid_completions = case *prompting__global
THE p => p.valid_completions;
edit_arg = { keystring,
pane_tag => *pane_tag__global,
pane_id => textpane_id,
mainmill_modestate => (*mainmill__global).panemode_state,
minimill_modestate => ( minimill__global).panemode_state,
textpane_to_textmill => ps.textpane_to_textmill,
mode_to_drawpane => *ps.mode_to_drawpane,
# Originally we had here
# tb.pass_edit_result edit_arg
# to
# {. (parse_editfn_out #editfn_out) ... }
# but it became obvious when running keystroke macros that
# this results in a bad race condition because we can fire
# off multiple editfn calls to textmill before processing the
# return values, meaning for example that 'point' would not
# get updated as expected between editfn calls. So we switched
# to using synchronous 'tb.get_edit_result' calls instead.
editfn_out = tb.get_edit_result edit_arg; # NB: Here we do the actual edit in the textmill microthread to guarantee proper mutual exclusion of concurrent edits on the textfuffer.
fun do_editfn_out # Main fn to invoke an editfn in (e.g.) fundamental-mode.pkg once the keystrokes invoking it are processed and the corresponding editfn located and any required user arguments prompted for and entered interactively.
editfn_out: mt::Editfn_Out,
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
ps: Panestate,
note_textmill_statechange: (mt::Outport, mt::Textmill_Statechange) -> Void ,
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
keystring: String, # User keystroke that invoked this editfn. To date we don't seem to need the full gt::Keystroke_Info record here, so we favor keeping life simple until forced to complicate.
numeric_prefix: Null_Or(Int)
(parse_editfn_out editfn_out)
{ textlines_changed, textlines,
point_changed, point,
mark_changed, mark,
lastmark_changed, lastmark,
screen_origin_changed, screen_origin,
textmill_changed, textmill,
readonly_changed, readonly,
string_entry_complete, quit,
editfn_failed, save,
if editfn_failed # Editfn was not able to run to completion.
modeline_message__global := message; # 'message' will contain the FAIL diagnostic sstring.
{ macro_state # Clear all ephemeral keystroke-macro state.
= # keystroke macros are global to all textpanes, hence use of global storage here.
{ default_macro => macro_state.default_macro, # Preserve existing default macro definition.
definition_in_progress => NULL, # Cancel any macro definition in progress.
execution_in_progress => NULL # Cancel any macro execution in progress.
refresh_screenlines ps; # Display the FAIL diagnostic on the modeline.
if commence_kmacro # Handle a COMMENCE_KMACRO request from editfn. ("C-x (".)
macro_state # Get current macro state.
macro_state # Update one field. Yes, functional record updates would be nice...
{ definition_in_progress => THE ([]: List( gt::Keystroke_Info )), # Mark a keystroke macro definition as being in progress.
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro,
execution_in_progress => macro_state.execution_in_progress
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
if conclude_kmacro # Handle a CONCLUDE_KMACRO request from editfn. ("C-x )".)
macro_state # Get current macro state.
case macro_state.definition_in_progress # If there's a kmacro definition in progress, mark it as complete and save it as new default kmacro.
THE keystrokes
{ macro_state
case keystrokes
(_ ! _ ! keystrokes) # This is pretty kludgey, but the terminating "C-x )" takes 2 keystrokes, so we drop them. Feel free to code up a better solution.
{ definition_in_progress => NULL, # We no longer have a macro definition in progress.
default_macro => THE (reverse keystrokes), # Remember new default macro definition. Reverse to restore original keystroke order. (We accumulate definition by prepending keystrokes to list.)
execution_in_progress # Leave this field unchanged.
_ =>
{ definition_in_progress => NULL, # We no longer have a macro definition in progress.
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro, # Something bogus happened. For now, punt by just ignoring it.
execution_in_progress # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
NULL => (); # No definition in progress so no way to conclude it -- ignore the CONCLUDE_KMACRO request from editfn.
case activate_kmacro # Handle an ACTIVATE_KMACRO request from editfn. ("C-x e".)
THE repeat_factor
case macro_state.definition_in_progress # If there's a kmacro definition in progress, mark it as complete and save it as new default kmacro. This is identical to above conclude_kmacro case.
THE keystrokes
{ macro_state
case keystrokes
(_ ! _ ! keystrokes) # This is pretty kludgey, but the terminating "C-x )" takes 2 keystrokes, so we drop them. Feel free to code up a better solution.
{ definition_in_progress => NULL, # We no longer have a macro definition in progress.
default_macro => THE (reverse keystrokes), # Remember new default macro definition. Reverse to restore original keystroke order. (We accumulate definition by prepending strings to list.)
execution_in_progress # Leave this field unchanged.
_ =>
{ definition_in_progress => NULL, # We no longer have a macro definition in progress.
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro, # Something bogus happened. For now, punt by just ignoring it.
execution_in_progress # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
NULL => macro_state; # No definition in progress.
case macro_state.default_macro # Start default kmacro definition executing.
THE keystrokes
{ macro_state # Update one field.
{ execution_in_progress => THE (list::repeat (keystrokes, repeat_factor)), # Remember we now have a keystroke macro in execution.
definition_in_progress => NULL, # Leave this field unchanged. (Known to be NULL from above.)
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
NULL => (); # No definition in progress so no way to conclude it -- ignore the CONCLUDE_KMACRO request from editfn.
NULL => ();
my (textlines_changed, textlines)
= # If we've been switched to display a different textmill/file, handle that. At the moment this happens only via fundamental_mode::find_file(),
case textmill # so we do not worry about incompatibility between mainpanemode and textmill. As the system evolves we might need to revisit this. --2015-08-20 CrT
NULL => (textlines_changed, textlines); # Editfn did NOT switch us to a different textmill/file, so nothing to do here.
THE textpane_to_textmill # Editfn did indeed switch us to a different textmill.
{ tb = *mainmill__global;
mainpanemode -> mt::PANEMODE mm;
panemode = mainpanemode;
panemode_state = { mode => panemode, data => sm::empty }; # Set up any required private state(s) for our textpane panemode. We deliberately do not even know the types (they are hidden in Crypts).
panemode -> mt::PANEMODE mm;
(mm.initialize_panemode_state (panemode, panemode_state, NULL, [])) # Let fundamental-mode.pkg or whatever set up its private state (if any) and possibly return to us a requested textmill extension.
(panemode_state, textmill_extension, panemode_initialization_options);
(process_panemode_initialization_options (panemode_initialization_options, { point => g2d::point::zero })) # This is a newly loaded file so set cursor to topleft origin unless panemode overrides.
{ point };
mainmill__global # Remember the new textmill we're now displaying.
{ textpane_to_textmill,
textpane_to_drawpane => tb.textpane_to_drawpane, # Don't know if this is right. -- 2015-08-30 CrT
mode_to_drawpane => tb.mode_to_drawpane, # Don't know if this is right. -- 2015-08-30 CrT
screenlines => tb.screenlines, # We still have the same screen real estate in which to display.
expected_screenlines => tb.expected_screenlines, # " ".
last_known_site => tb.last_known_site, # " ".
minimill_screenlines => tb.minimill_screenlines, # " ".
panemode => mainpanemode,
sitewatchers => tb.sitewatchers, # We still have the same set of clients watching us for state changes.
point => REF point, # Initial location of visible cursor.
mark => REF NULL, # No mark set in this new file.
lastmark => REF NULL, #
readonly => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are read-only. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
dirty => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are modified. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
name => REF "<unknown>", # Name of textmill. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
quote_next => REF NULL, # Support for C-q.
editfn_to_invoke => REF NULL, # Execute given editfn. Supports (e.g.) query_replace -- this lets it read input from modeline and then continue.
screen_origin => REF g2d::point::zero, # Origin of screen relative to textmill contents: (0,0) means we're showing top of buffer at top of textpane.
line_prefix => REF ""
watcher = { mill_id => textpane_id, inport_name => "" }: mt::Inport;
{ tb.textpane_to_textmill -> mt::TEXTPANE_TO_TEXTMILL t2t; t2t.drop__textmill_statechange__watcher watcher; }; # Unsubscribe to statechanges from our old textmill.
{ textpane_to_textmill -> mt::TEXTPANE_TO_TEXTMILL t2t; t2t.note__textmill_statechange__watcher (watcher, NULL, note_textmill_statechange); }; # Subscribe to statechanges from our new textmill.
# refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, which currently contains the minimill display used to read our string, and also the main textpane, to show the new file.
case *millboss_to_pane__global
THE millboss_to_pane
mill_to_millboss.note_pane # Update millboss as to which mill we're displaying.
{ millboss_to_pane,
mill_id => p2m.id
NULL => (); # Impossible.
(p2m.get_textstate ())
{ textlines, editcount };
(TRUE, textlines);
message != *modeline_message__global;
modeline_message__global := message;
case quote_next
THE editfn => ps.quote_next := quote_next;
NULL => ();
if readonly_changed
ps.readonly := readonly;
if screen_origin_changed
screen_origin -> { row, col }; # Do some input sanity checking.
row = max (0, row);
col = max (0, col);
screen_origin = { row, col };
ps.screen_origin := screen_origin;
if point_changed
point -> { row, col }; # First, normalize the editfn-generated 'point' value to be sane:
row = max (0, row); # Don't allow negative line numbers.
col = max (0, col); # Don't allow negative column numbers.
point = { row, col }; #
# Now, if 'point' has moved out of view, scroll textpane contents to make it visible again/
screen_row0 = (*ps.screen_origin).row; # What is the first file line visible in the textpane?
screenlines = *ps.expected_screenlines; # Number of lines displayable in textpane.
screenlines2 = screenlines / 2; # Useful for centering cursor line within textpane.
if (row < screen_row0 # If the cursor line is out of sight above textpane window or
or row >= screen_row0 + screenlines) # if the cursor line is out of sight below textpane window
# # then we need to change ps.screen_origin so cursor line is visible.
screen_row0' = row - screenlines2; # When possible we like to leave cursor line in middle of textpane.
screen_row0' = max (0, screen_row0'); # But do not let (*ps.screen_origin).row go negative.
ps.screen_origin := { row => screen_row0',
col => (*ps.screen_origin).col
ps.point := point;
if mark_changed
if (mark == NULL)
ps.lastmark := *ps.mark; # Save mark__global contents for possible use by exchange_point_and_mark() in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg fi;
ps.mark := mark;
if lastmark_changed
ps.lastmark := lastmark;
if quit # Implement keyboard_quit (usually bound to C-g) functionality. This basically means "cancel everything currently happening".
keystroke_entry__global.meta_is_set := FALSE; # Reset keystroke entry. (Although they should all be reset already...)
keystroke_entry__global.super_is_set := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.done_cntrlu := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.sign := 1;
keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 0;
ps = *mainmill__global; # Return attention to mainmill if it was on minimill.
ps.mark := NULL; # Clear region if a selection is in progress. We leave *ps.lastmark unchanged on the grounds that 'quit' should change as little state as reasonable.
prompting__global := NULL; # If we're reading stuff from the minimill, cancel that.
{ macro_state # Clear all ephemeral keystroke-macro state.
= # keystroke macros are global to all textpanes, hence use of global storage here.
{ default_macro => macro_state.default_macro, # Preserve existing default macro definition.
definition_in_progress => NULL, # Cancel any macro definition in progress.
execution_in_progress => NULL # Cancel any macro execution in progress.
}; # NB: Emacs supports named keystroke macros these days, possibly we should too.
refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, clearing any minimill entry which was in progress.
if string_entry_complete # Done reading a string from modeline (e.g., filename for find_file).
minimill__global.textpane_to_textmill # Extract textmill port from its wrapper.
string_arg # Extract filepath from minimill.
case (tb.get_line 0)
THE filepath => filepath;
NULL => "foo"; # Shouldn't happen.
case *prompting__global # Prompt for next arg, if any, else invoke editfn with accumulated args.
THE p =>
{ string_arg # Handle defaulting on string_arg.
case (string_arg, p.default_choice)
("", THE default_choice) => default_choice; # User entered an empty string and we have a default, so use it.
_ => string_arg; # Stick with whatever user entered on the modeline.
prompt = mt::promptfor_prompt *p.promptingfor;
doc = mt::promptfor_doc *p.promptingfor;
p.prompted_for # Salt away arg just read via modeline.
{ prompt, # This helps editfns remember what 'arg' was for if they are prompting for multiple args.
doc, # Why not.
arg => string_arg
case *p.to_promptfor
[] => # No more args to prompt for -- time to pass accumulated prompted args to the editfn.
{ prompting__global := NULL; # Clear interactive-prompt state, returning us to normal text-edit mode in main textpane (vs minimill).
refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, which currently contains the minimill display used to read our string.
prompted_args = reverse *p.prompted_for;
do_edit ( p.editfn_node,
this_arg ! remaining_args # At least one more arg to read -- set up to read it interactively from user.
NULL => (); # We're not expecting this to happen -- 'done' should only be set if we're reading prompted args from user by setting *prompting__global non-NULL.
refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, which currently contains the minimill display used to read our string.
if (mark_changed # NB: Changing lastmark will have no visible effect on screenline display.
or point_changed
or textlines_changed
or textmill_changed
or screen_origin_changed
or readonly_changed
or message_changed)
refresh_screenlines ps;
fi; # editfn_failed 'else' clause.
if (ps.minimill_screenlines != NULL) # If we're not in the minimill... [ Yes, we should have a cleaner way of expressing this test. ]
# # Update our hint in the textmill.
{ point => *ps.point,
mark => *ps.mark,
lastmark => *ps.lastmark,
panemode => ps.panemode
tph::encrypt__textpane_hint textpane_hint;
ps.textpane_to_textmill -> mt::TEXTPANE_TO_TEXTMILL tb;
tb.app_to_mill -> mt::APP_TO_MILL am;
tb.set_textpane_hint textpane_hint;
if save # Maybe save buffer contents to disk.
am.save_to_file ();
else # We ARE in the minimill
if textlines_changed # If the contents of the minimill changed
# # ...
case *prompting__global # AND
# # ...
THE (p as { promptingfor => REF (mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING x), ... }) # if we're reading a mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING
=> # THEN
{ # we need to call the editfn (typically isearch_forward) even though we're not done reading in the argument.
minimill__global.textpane_to_textmill # Extract textmill port from its wrapper.
string_arg # Extract incremental string from minimill.
case (tb.get_line 0)
THE string
prompt => x.prompt,
doc => x.doc,
arg => string,
stage => *p.stage
NULL => # Shouldn't happen. Should probably throw a fatal error here, really. XXX SUCKO FIXME.
prompt => x.prompt,
doc => x.doc,
arg => "",
stage => *p.stage
p.stage := mt::MEDIAL;
prompted_args # The code duplication through here is pretty awful. It would be nice to find a cleaner way of factoring this code. The mainmill/minimill parallelism isn't working out very well. :-/ XXX SUCKO FIXME.
reverse (string_arg ! *p.prompted_for);
ps = *mainmill__global;
point_and_mark = { point => *ps.point,
mark => *ps.mark
lastmark = *ps.lastmark;
log_undo_info = TRUE;
visible_lines = *ps.expected_screenlines;
screen_origin = *ps.screen_origin;
ps.textpane_to_textmill # Extract mainmill's textmill port from its wrapper.
edit_arg = { editfn_node => p.editfn_node,
pane_tag => *pane_tag__global,
pane_id => textpane_id,
keystring => "",
numeric_prefix => NULL,
mainmill_modestate => (*mainmill__global).panemode_state,
minimill_modestate => ( minimill__global).panemode_state,
textpane_to_textmill => ps.textpane_to_textmill,
mode_to_drawpane => *ps.mode_to_drawpane,
valid_completions => p.valid_completions
editfn_out = tb.get_edit_result edit_arg;
(parse_editfn_out editfn_out)
{ textlines_changed, textlines,
point_changed, point,
mark_changed, mark,
lastmark_changed, lastmark,
textmill_changed, textmill,
screen_origin_changed, screen_origin,
readonly_changed, readonly, # At the moment at least we ignore this.
message, # This too.
execute_command, # This too.
string_entry_complete, quit,
editfn_failed, save,
case quote_next
THE editfn => ps.quote_next := quote_next;
NULL => ();
if point_changed # At the moment this mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING stuff is dedicated support for isearch_forward(), which is only going to change 'point',
# # so I'm not going to duplicate here the above code for other possible return flags.
ps.point := point;
refresh_screenlines ps; #
if mark_changed
if (mark == NULL)
ps.lastmark := *ps.mark; # Save mark__global contents for possible use by exchange_point_and_mark() in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg fi;
ps.mark := mark;
refresh_screenlines ps; #
if lastmark_changed
ps.lastmark := lastmark;
# XXX SUCKO FIXME The entire following section is duplicated from above -- should we convert it into a fn?
if string_entry_complete # Done reading a string from modeline (e.g., filename for find_file).
minimill__global.textpane_to_textmill # Extract textmill port from its wrapper.
string_arg # Extract filepath from minimill.
case (tb.get_line 0)
THE filepath => filepath;
NULL => "foo"; # Shouldn't happen.
case *prompting__global # Prompt for next arg, if any, else invoke editfn with accumulated args.
THE p =>
{ string_arg # Handle defaulting on string_arg.
case (string_arg, p.default_choice)
("", THE default_choice) => default_choice; # User entered an empty string and we have a default, so use it.
_ => string_arg; # Stick with whatever user entered on the modeline.
prompt = mt::promptfor_prompt *p.promptingfor;
doc = mt::promptfor_doc *p.promptingfor;
p.prompted_for # Salt away arg just read via modeline.
{ prompt, # This helps editfns remember what 'arg' was for if they are prompting for multiple args.
doc, # Why not.
arg => string_arg
case *p.to_promptfor
[] => # No more args to prompt for -- time to pass accumulated prompted args to the editfn.
{ prompting__global := NULL; # Clear interactive-prompt state, returning us to normal text-edit mode in main textpane (vs minimill).
refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, which currently contains the minimill display used to read our string.
prompted_args = reverse *p.prompted_for;
do_edit ( p.editfn_node,
this_arg ! remaining_args # At least one more arg to read -- set up to read it interactively from user.
NULL => (); # We're not expecting this to happen -- 'done' should only be set if we're reading prompted args from user by setting *prompting__global non-NULL.
refresh_screenlines *mainmill__global; # Refresh main textpane -- this will redraw the modeline screenline, which currently contains the minimill display used to read our string.
_ => (); # We're not reading an mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING so we can skip all this fuss.
fi; # mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING handling.
fi; # mainmill-vs-minimill wrapup stuff -- optional buffer-save, mt::INCREMENTAL_STRING handling etc.
case editfn_to_invoke # Editfn_Out from last editfn requested that we invoke this editfn, so do it.
# # This is used by (e.g.) query_request to interactively read in user input via modeline and then continue:
THE editfn_node # The mt::Plain_Eeditfn.args gives the args to read interactively and
=> # the mt::Plain_Editfn.editfn gives the ediitfn that will process them.
case editfn_node
nb {. sprintf "editfn_to_invoke/THE(mt::EDITFN (mt::PLAIN_EDITFN { name=>\"%s\", doc=>\"%s\" args=>(%d items) })): --textpane.pkg" r.name r.doc (list::length r.args); };
_ => nb {. sprintf "editfn_to_invoke/THE(?): --textpane.pkg"; };
invoke_editfn #
NULL => ();
case execute_command # This is structurally similar to above except we must look up the commandname to get the actual editfn.
# # This is dedicated support for M-x commandname.
THE commandname
{ all_known_editfns_by_name # Get the name->val map.
mt::get_all_known_editfns_by_name ();
case (sm::get (all_known_editfns_by_name, commandname))
THE editfn_node # There *is* a command by that name!
invoke_editfn # We now have the editfn to execute for this keystroke. Go read any interactive args it needs from user and then call it.
mt::EDITFN editfn_node,
NULL => (); # No command by that name. Just ignore for now. Should probably post a message.
NULL => ();
}; # fun do_editfn_out
fun note_textmill_statechange'
outport: mt::Outport,
change: mt::Textmill_Statechange
minimill__global.textpane_to_textmill # First job is to figure out which panestate is being updated -- minimill or mainmill.
-> #
ps = if (same_id (outport.mill_id, t2t.id)) minimill__global; #
else *mainmill__global; #
fi; #
ps.textpane_to_textmill # Don't leave stale value of 't2t' in-scope.
case change #
mt::TEXTSTATE_CHANGED { was, now } => { refresh_screenlines ps; };
mt::UNDO { was, now } => { refresh_screenlines ps; };
mt::FILEPATH_CHANGED { was, now } => { refresh_screenlines ps; };
mt::NAME_CHANGED { was, now } => { ps.name := now; refresh_screenlines ps; };
mt::READONLY_CHANGED { was, now } => { ps.readonly := now; refresh_screenlines ps; };
mt::DIRTY_CHANGED { was, now } => { ps.dirty := now; refresh_screenlines ps; };
fun default_key_event_fn (KEY_EVENT_FN_ARG a) # Process a user keystroke sent to us via guiboss-imp.pkg -> guiboss-event-dispatch.pkg -> widget-imp.pkg.
= # We also process keystrokes played back via the keystroke-macro (kmacro) mechanism.
a -> { id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
key_event: gt::Key_Event, # KEY_PRESS or KEY_RELEASE
keycode: evt::Keycode, # Keycode of the depressed key.
keysym: evt::Keysym, # Keysym of the depressed key. See Note[1] in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.api keystring: String, # Ascii for the depressed key. See Note[1] in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.api keychar: Char, # First char of 'keystring' ('\0' if string-length != 1).
modifier_keys_state:evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: evt::Mousebuttons_State # State of mouse buttons as a bool record.
}: gt::Keystroke_Info,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
guiboss_to_widget: gt::Guiboss_To_Widget, # Used by textpane.pkg keystroke-macro stuff to synthesize fake keystroke events to widget.
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
default_key_event_fn => _: Key_Event_Fn, # We don't use this field, but we need it not to shadow the function itself for recursive calls.
needs_redraw_gadget_request: Void -> Void # Notify guiboss-imp that this button needs to be redrawn (i.e., sent a redraw_gadget_request()).
# keycode -> evt::KEYCODE kc;
# nb {. sprintf "default_key_event_fn/AAA: keycode=%d key_event=%s keystring='%s' modkeys=%s -- textpane.pkg" kc case key_event gt::KEY_PRESS=>"KEY_PRESS"; _ => "KEY_RELEASE"; esac keystring (evt::modifier_keys_state__to__string modifier_keys_state); };
fun note_textmill_statechange arg
do {. # The 'do' switches us from executing in microthread of textmill caller to our own textpane microthread -- ensuring proper mutual exclusion while updating our state.
note_textmill_statechange' arg;
case key_event
if (keystring == "<cmd>") # This is the Windows/Command key, which following emacs we use as the 'super' key.
keystroke_entry__global.super_is_set := FALSE;
macro_state # Get current keystroke-macros global state.
case macro_state.definition_in_progress # If there's a kmacro definition in progress, add current keystring to it.
THE keystrokes
case keystring
"<leftShift>" => (); # We ignore these because the information they carry is already present
"<rightShift>" => (); # in our modifier_keys_state, and because we want the final "C-x )"
"<leftCtrl>" => (); # sequence in our macro definitions to be easy to remove.
"<rightCtrl>" => (); #
"<capsLock>" => (); #
"<leftMeta>" => (); #
"<rightMeta>" => (); #
"<leftAlt>" => (); #
"<rightAlt>" => (); #
"<numLock>" => (); #
_ => { macro_state # Update one field.
{ definition_in_progress => THE (keystroke ! keystrokes), #
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro, # Leave this field unchanged.
execution_in_progress => macro_state.execution_in_progress # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
NULL => (); # No definition in progress.
keystring # Some keystrings we process pre-emptively without invoking editfns, mainly the numeric prefix keys and ESC-as-meta key.
= # In those cases we'll return keystring "" here to signal that no further processing is needed.
if (keystring == "\^[")
keystroke_entry__global.meta_is_set := TRUE;
""; # No further processing needed.
elif (keystring == "<cmd>") # This is the Windows/Command key, which following emacs we use as the 'super' key.
keystroke_entry__global.super_is_set := TRUE;
""; # No further processing needed.
elif (keystring == "<leftShift>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<rightShift>") ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<leftMeta>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<rightMeta>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<leftCtrl>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<rightCtrl>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<leftAlt>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<rightAlt>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<capsLock>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "<numLock>" ) ""; # Don't do normal processing on this keystroke because it would clear our numeric-prefix state (and also meta_is_set/super_is_set).
elif (keystring == "\^U")
if (not *keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu)
keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu := TRUE;
keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 4;
elif (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit)
keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 4;
keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 4;
""; # No further processing needed.
elif (*keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu)
case keystring
"-" => { keystroke_entry__global.sign := *keystroke_entry__global.sign * -1; ""; }; # No further processing needed.
"0" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 0; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 0; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"1" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 1; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 1; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"2" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 2; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 2; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"3" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 3; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 3; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"4" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 4; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 4; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"5" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 5; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 5; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"6" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 6; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 6; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"7" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 7; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 7; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"8" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 8; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 8; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
"9" => if (*keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit) keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * 10 + 9; ""; # No further processing needed.
else keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := 9; keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := TRUE; ""; # No further processing needed.
_ => { keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix := *keystroke_entry__global.numeric_prefix * *keystroke_entry__global.sign;
keystroke_entry__global.sign := 1;
keystroke_entry__global.doing_cntrlu := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.seen_digit := FALSE;
keystroke_entry__global.done_cntrlu := TRUE;
keystring; # Do normal processing on keystring.
keystring; # Do normal processing on keystring.
if (keystring != "")
# Start by making local copies of the global modifier-key and
# numeric-prefix stuff and then clearing global state so it
# will be ready to process next keystroke:
super_is_set = *keystroke_entry__global.super_is_set; keystroke_entry__global.super_is_set := FALSE;
meta_is_set = *keystroke_entry__global.meta_is_set; keystroke_entry__global.meta_is_set := FALSE;
ps = case *prompting__global # Which textmill is keystroke addressed to?
NULL => *mainmill__global; # Normal input case -- keystrokes are editing the main textmill in the main textpane.
_ => minimill__global; # Prompted input case -- keystrokes are editing the minimill in the modeline screenline.
modifier_keys_state # Make ESC look like normal meta (mod1) modifier key. Ditto Windows/Command key as super (mod4) modifier key.
merge_modifier_keys_info { modifier_keys_state, meta_is_set, super_is_set };
canonical_keystring # Expand one-byte "^G" into "C-g", " " into "SPC" etc.
mt::keystring_to_modemap_key (keystring, modifier_keys_state);
editfn = case *ps.quote_next # Support for C-q.
THE editfn
{ ps.quote_next := NULL;
THE editfn;
case *subkeymap__global
THE keymap
{ subkeymap__global := NULL; # We're partway through a multi-key sequence, so continue down it.
sm::get (keymap, canonical_keystring);
find_keymap ps.panemode # Check keymap in current panemode, then (if necessary) search up its parent-panemode chain.
fun find_keymap panemode
{ panemode -> mt::PANEMODE { keymap, parent, ... };
case (sm::get (*keymap, canonical_keystring))
THE editfn => THE editfn; # Found a binding for the keystroke in current keymap -- return it.
NULL => case parent # No binding for keystroke in this keymap -- search parent keymaps.
THE panemode # We do have a current keymap, so ...
find_keymap panemode; # ... go search it.
NULL => NULL; # No parent keymap so give up -- this keystroke does nothing.
case editfn
THE editfn => invoke_editfn # Found editfn to execute for this keystroke. Go read any interactive args it needs from user and then call it.
NULL => (); # This keystroke unimplemented in keymap. Should probably beep here or something. Don't know how to beep yet. Maybe a MESSAGE.
esac; # invoke_editfn
fi; # keystring != ""
}; # gt::KEY_PRESS
esac; # case key_event
macro_state # Get current keystroke-macros global state.
# XXX BUGGO FIXME: There's currently a problem with this mechanism in that
# if the keystroke sequence originally recorded involved switching keyboard
# focus between panes, this mechanism won't catch that, and will instead
# send all keystrokes to our current textpane.
# I very rarely want such functionality, so for now I'm ignoring that.
# It may be that we can insert hacks driven by hooks keying on
# change-of-keyboard-focus that will solve this problem.
case macro_state.execution_in_progress # If there's a kmacro execution in progress, execute next keystring in it.
THE [] # No more keystrings to execute -- we're done.
{ macro_state # Update one field.
{ execution_in_progress => NULL, # Remember no execution in progress.
definition_in_progress => macro_state.definition_in_progress, # Leave this field unchanged.
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
THE (keystroke ! rest) # At least one more keystring left to execute.
{ macro_state # Update one field.
{ execution_in_progress => THE rest, # Remove 'keystring' from list of keystrings left to be executed.
definition_in_progress => macro_state.definition_in_progress, # Leave this field unchanged.
default_macro => macro_state.default_macro # Leave this field unchanged.
kmj::update__global_keystroke_macro_state # Save state back. Technically there's a race condition here with other microtheads; I'm not going to worry about it.
( # For an example of one way to eliminate this race condition see Gadget_To_Guiboss.get_guipiths + Gadget_To_Guiboss.install_updated_guipiths.
guiboss_to_widget.g.note_key_event note_key_event_arg # Execute next keystroke in keystroke macro (kmacro).
where # NB: The point of doing this via
note_key_event_arg # guiboss_to_widget.g.note_key_event
= # (vs, say, just a recursive call to default_key_event_fn)
{ keystroke, # is that going through note_key_event lets an interactive C-g
site, # (i.e., keyboard_quit) get through to manually abort a long macro.
theme # This still won't help us if a single editfn takes too long; to
}: gt::Note_Key_Event_Arg; # handle that we likely need to do something like run the computation
end; # in a separate microthread that C-g can kill via microthread::kill_thread. # microthread is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread.pkg }; # I'm inclined to wait until that becomes an actual problem before coding that up.
NULL => (); # No execution in progress.
}; # fun default_key_event_fn
{ widget_id => THE textpane_id,
widget_doc => "<textpane>",
frame_indent_hint => NULL,
redraw_fn => default_redraw_fn,
mouse_click_fn => default_mouse_click_fn,
key_event_fn => default_key_event_fn,
mouse_drag_fn => NULL,
mouse_transit_fn => NULL,
modeline_fn => *modeline_fn__global,
widget_options => [],
portwatchers => [],
sitewatchers => []
) )
{ # These values are globally visible to the subsequent fns, which can lock them in as needed.
modeline_fn__global := modeline_fn;
# Top of port section
# Here we implement our App_To_Textpane port:
# End of port section
# Top of widget hook fn section
# These fns get called by widget_imp logic, ultimately # widget_imp is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.pkg # in response to user mouseclicks and keypresses etc:
fun startup_fn
id: Id, # Unique Id for widget.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to execute code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue
{ widget_to_guiboss__global
/* */ THE { widget_to_guiboss, textpane_id => id };
/* */ { id
: App_To_Textpane
{ textpane_to_textmill,
textpane_to_drawpane => REF (NULL: Null_Or(p2d::Textpane_To_Drawpane )),
mode_to_drawpane => REF (NULL: Null_Or(m2d::Mode_To_Drawpane )),
screenlines => REF (im::empty: im::Map(p2l::Textpane_To_Screenline)),
expected_screenlines => REF 1,
panemode => mainpanemode,
sitewatchers => REF sitewatchers,
last_known_site => REF NULL,
point => REF point, # Location of visible cursor in textmill. Upperleft origin is { row => 0, col => 0 } (but is displayed to user as L1C1 to conform with standard text-editor practice). This is in buffer (file) coordinates, not screen coordinates.
mark => REF (NULL: Null_Or(g2d::Point)), # Location of the emacs-traditional buffer 'mark'. If this is non-NULL, the 'mark' and 'point' delimit the current text selection in the buffer.
lastmark => REF (NULL: Null_Or(g2d::Point)), # When we set mark__global to NULL we save its previous value in lastmark__global. This gets used by exchange_point_and_mark in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/edit/fundamental-mode.pkg #
readonly => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are read-only. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
dirty => REF FALSE, # TRUE iff textmill contents are modified. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
name => REF "<unknown>", # Name of textmill. This is a local cache of the master textmill value.
quote_next => REF NULL, # Support for C-q.
editfn_to_invoke => REF NULL, # Execute given editfn. Supports (e.g.) query_replace -- this lets it read input from modeline and then continue.
screen_origin => REF g2d::point::zero, # Origin of screen relative to textmill contents: (0,0) means we're showing top of buffer at top of textpane.
line_prefix => REF "",
minimill_screenlines => THE minimill__global.screenlines # Note that we're sharing the minimill__global.screenlines refcell here.
panemode = mainpanemode;
panemode_state = { mode => panemode, data => sm::empty }; # Set up any required private state(s) for our textpane panemode. We deliberately do not even know the types (they are hidden in Crypts).
panemode -> mt::PANEMODE mm;
(mm.initialize_panemode_state (panemode, panemode_state, NULL, [])) # Let fundamental-mode.pkg or whatever set up its private state (if any) and possibly return to us a requested textmill extension.
(panemode_state, textmill_extension, panemode_initialization_options);
(process_panemode_initialization_options (panemode_initialization_options, { point => g2d::point::zero }))
{ point };
case textmill_spec
mt::NEW_TEXTMILL textmill_arg # Have the textpane Display a newly made textmill, created via mt::Mill_To_Millboss.make_textmill.
{ textmill_arg -> { name, textmill_options };
case textmill_extension
THE textmill_extension
textmill_options @ [ mt::TEXTMILL_EXTENSION textmill_extension ]; # Set up to create a textmill extended per request of mainpanemode. Putting it last ensures it will override any previous textmill extension in textmill_options.
NULL => textmill_options; # mainpanemode did not request a textmill extension.
textmill_arg = { name, textmill_options };
mill_to_millboss.make_textmill textmill_arg; #
mt::OLD_TEXTMILL_BY_NAME name # Have the textpane display pre-existing textmill with this name, fetched via mt::Mill_To_Millboss.get_textmill
mill_to_millboss.get_or_make_textmill # If we do not have text supplied, we're ok with just finding a pre-existing textmill.
{ name,
textmill_options => [ ]
mt::OLD_TEXTMILL_BY_PORT textpane_to_textmill # Display a pre-existing textmill, specified by given port to it.
{ ps = *mainmill__global; # Subscribe to mainmill textmill updates, so this textpane can update correctly when changes are made via another textpane.
fun note_textmill_statechange arg
do {. # The 'do' switches us from executing in microthread of textmill caller to our own textpane microthread -- ensuring proper mutual exclusion while updating our state.
note_textmill_statechange' arg;
watcher = { mill_id => textpane_id, inport_name => "" }: mt::Inport;
t2t.note__textmill_statechange__watcher (watcher, NULL, note_textmill_statechange);
maybe_change_number_of_screenlines *mainmill__global;
fun note_crypt (crypt: Crypt) # note_crypt() is a mechanism for gadgets to send us messages by our textpane_id via millboss-imp.pkg without (for improved modularity) the latter having to know all the types involved.
= #
do {. # The 'do' switches us from executing in microthread of screenline caller to our own textpane microthread -- ensuring proper mutual exclusion while updating our state.
case crypt.data
mt::TEXTPANE_TO_SCREENLINE__CRYPT textpane_to_screenline # A screenline.pkg instance registering with us via millboss-imp.pkg.
fun screenline__mouse_click_fn # Process a user mouseclick forwarded to us by one of our screenline.pkg instances (including the modeline one).
a: tpt::Mouse_Click_Fn_Arg
do {. # The 'do' switches us from executing in microthread of screenline caller to our own textpane microthread.
a -> {
id => _: Id, # Unique Id for widget. (screenline.pkg widget.) We avoid shadowing our own 'id'.
doc: String, # Human-readable description of this widget, for debug and inspection.
event: gt::Mousebutton_Event, # MOUSEBUTTON_PRESS or MOUSEBUTTON_RELEASE.
button: evt::Mousebutton,
point: g2d::Point,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
modifier_keys_state:evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: e